>be low level employee at DNC >leak some things, all around okay guy >get murdered for an attempted robbery where nothing was stolen >FBI spends more time going through your laptop than investingating the dindus who *obviously* did this >I repeat >random civilian is murdered for robbery, FBI confiscates THE VICTIM'S laptop
Why did none of you autists consider this. That's not...a thing. You don't just do that.
>btw nothing comes up when I search Seth's job title, even looking up "DNC staffer" only results in shills pedaling that you're all a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists >if you want to get triggered, look at the Wikipedia page and then sources for "Murder of Seth Rich"
Yep. "the night of" they took his laptop and I thought that was weird.
Christian Harris
Also, every single search engine result for "Seth Rich" makes me feel sick to my stomach.
Brandon Robinson
I just think this is a big deal, it's a detail I don't think should die
Elijah King
There are plenty of pages listing his job title.
Justin Walker
I don't know, guys, we've been at this thing for a while and I'm not sure it is going anywhere. Maybe it's time to get some shut eye, so we won't feel so sleepy tomorrow
Jackson James
do we know the FBI took his laptop? i'm just trying to trace it's whereabouts, but i'm finding nothing until recently with Wheeler's claims that he saw the laptop
Juan Lee
we already went through all of this when it happened. anything you come up with has already been said here.
Liam Bell
He was chief data director, I think. My info collection is unorganized.
He also worked with Pioneer energy and some Kleeb.
Samuel Cook
I think this is normal. You can pull a lot of information from a murder victim's laptop, might help you find out who murdered him.
I know from watching murder-file type tv shows they look through victim's phone records to see piece things together.