Right wing militias recruit on Sup Forums

Quit shitting up MY board with your redneck confederate sympathizing, nazi, bigot drumpvestite recruiting practices.

Other urls found in this thread:


>that guys hand signal
Four fingers, four chan.

i just use SPLC to find local groups


>people masturbating to anime and traps are forming right wing militias

wtf i post here all the time why hasn't anyone recruited me yet?

i could use the paycheck.

if that's true, why haven't any of you fags offered to take me to the range? I wanna learn about funs

Sup Forums is a cesspool of retardation sprinkled with a few diamonds.


The most powerful force on the internet
What a remarkable experience this is

Oh my g-d goys! evil right wing death squads are recruiting on Sup Forums! This is a left wing board!