'There Will Be Consequences': Debbie Wasserman Schultz Threatens Capitol Police Chief


DWS going to Supermax for treason. Is there a Seth Rich connection to this Congressional data theft she orchestrated?

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love it when public sector slaves think they can overpower legal process

The sad thing is she could get away with this under a Democrat administration. There needs to be an immediate ethics hearing in the House concerning this. Anyone know who's in charge of that?

Bump for Seth.

>Awan brothers are named: Imran, Jamal and Abid. (A 4th brother and two wives of the Awan's are also believed to be involved).
>Originally installed in congressional positions by Greg Meeks who is widely regarded as the most corrupt member of congress.
>Jackie Speier and Debbie Wasserman Schultz also requested top secret clearance for the Awan brothers.
>The Awans are Pakistani Nationals not US citizens.
>Awans worked for 31 different congressional democrats and notably 21 burglaries of these congressional offices hare alleged to have occurred.
>Awans worked under congressional members who work for top secret level congressional committees (DHS, Foreign affairs, Select intelligence committee).
>The 4 Awan brothers are rarely seen at congressional staff meetings.
>Awans are paid 2X the median salary of congressional staffers in similar positions
>Total pay to family 4-5mil
>Awans operated an external server, which is against all protocols concerning secured government information
>Awans had special access to the White House for Visas
>It is believed that the Awan server houses Hillary’s Enemies list in association with tracking information
>At least 1 of the Awan brothers operated a Fake Car dealership which shows signs of money laundering
>Since the 21 congressional burglaries, the Awans have fled to Pakistan
>Awans held their step mother prisoner in a Springfield, Virginia home, also hacked and monitored her phone
>It is believed that the Awans are part of a network feeding a global information grid in association with overseas rat-lines
>Rat-lines are routes for weapons smuggling, drug smuggling, human trafficking, organ harvesting, and sensitive information
>Awans have links to drug lines from Pakistan to Turkey, connected to Hezbolla figure, Al-Attar, and exiled Turkish national Gulen.
>Gulen operates Madrassas all over the World and is believed to have been involved in the recent assassination attempt on Erdogan, the president of Turkey

Hannity needs to pick up this legit story and not the Seth false flag

Let this sink in: DWS is attempting to obstruct a criminal investigation into her former IT Admins

-who had root access to everything she and dozens of Congressmen did on their computers... for years

-who has known ties to Hezbollah

-who is allegedly blackmailing aforementioned congressman

-who has threatening to kidnap their own stepmother


>B-but, his name was Seth Rich, tho.
Right, it's all loosely related, but since Rich is debunked™ in the #currentyear, ignore that, it'll be tied together in the weeks/months ahead. Awan Brothers should be your only focus, anything else is a slide thread.

>Paki ITs bros working for Debbie Wasserman Schultz/DNC/Dem Congressman caught stealing tons of data
>Awan Brothers blackmailing
>Capitol Police open investigation
>Awan Brothers flee to Pakistan, seriously
>Meanwhile, DWS inexplicabley claims "they wuz gud boys, hindu nuffin!"
>DWS threatens Police Chief for collecting evidence against her Paki Bros, demanding Capitol Police return "a particular laptop". Sauce: youtu.be/Cfby0FYLBkM?t=1h24m24s
"Though on the surface Wasserman Schultz would have been a victim of Awan’s scam, she has inexplicably protected him, circumventing the network ban by re-titling him as an “adviser” instead of technology administrator."

"According to court documents, former congressional information technology (IT) aide allegedly threatened to have his stepmother’s Pakistani relatives kidnapped if she talked to U.S. law enforcement authorities."

"Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz threatened the chief of the U.S. Capitol Police with “consequences” for holding equipment that she says belongs to her in order to build a criminal case against a Pakistani staffer suspected of massive cybersecurity breaches involving funneling sensitive congressional data offsite.

Oh, by the way, Awan Brothers were paid over $4 million.

>Pic related are just some of the 80+ congress(wo)men who've had their networks breached by Awan Brothers.

>It's just a coincidence™ that many of these names are pushing RussiaHackedTheElection™ the hardest.

Likely yes.
> DWS was in charge of the rigging of the debates and voting system to Pro-HRC
> Seth was in charge of setting up the voting back end, so he would have ultimately been a DWS project
> When HRC won, DWS was appointed chair of the HRC election team
> Seth was moved from DNC and appointed as lead technology developer for the Hillary HQ
> If DWS did not know Seth's reputation given how fast Seth was ascending inside the party then someone close to her must have recommended Seth for such a core position to a digitally driven AstroTurf campaign.