Is there a way to make the world a better place that doesn't involve mass killings?

Is there a way to make the world a better place that doesn't involve mass killings?

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kill the jews

Mass internment

Slowly kill all the problems.

forced evolution

Space colonization

Bring back public shaming. Tarring and feathering. Jim Crow style laws.

Slowly kill the Jews by launching them into space.

purging with my kin

spread atheism and nihilism. once you are a nihilist you see that petty conflicts are meaningless. you just go about your day and coast through life until you die.

Mass suicidings

Mass deportations. Send sons of bitches to desert by foot.

redpill the people

Mass sterilization and patience.

And why such a brilliant idea hasnt even tried yet?

Not much
hell yes, THIS


>Thinking that this is a good idea.
How retarded are you?

Trouble lies in the definition of "better" varying between person to person.

Do the financial math on getting the mass of just 10,000 humans into space. Spacex's cost per pound is what?

damn space jews and their catchy songs

World peace and sustainability.

No shit!

Mass sterilization done covertly.

If you had really really deep pockets (a benevolent Soros or something), you would set up a sham welfare organization. Part of applying for the gibs would involve shepherding them into a room to "fill out paperwork".

Design the paperwork in such a way that they would need to sit at the desk long enough for the directed radiation to destroy their testicles/ovaries. The Nazis did some research on this as part of their own efforts at ethnic cleansing.

Done right, the targeted subspecies doesn't leave the building with any recognition that they will never have children from that point forward.

To maximize efficiency, you pay relatively quickly for the first few hundred that come in, cash maybe. They tell others, and you introduce a rapidly growing delay to "process applications" before actually giving them anything. They'll still come in to fill out the paperwork, even if they find out the waiting period is X weeks/months. Only end up needing to pay a percentage of the people that went through the process.

Double bonus round- Say you are at risk of going out of business, and try to convince social justice warriors to funnel money into your organization.

Someone will probably find out eventually though, you're going to eventually get someone questioning why a demographic known for having 4-5 children per woman is suddenly down to fractional numbers per woman. Tests will be done, and it will be traced back to your organization, you'll almost certainly be killed for genocide or some other silly charge.

Sometimes you must cut the weeds so flowers can grow young Kiwi

Nuke mecca?

America kinda did this with native Americans. Look up "Trail of Tears".

~2000 a pound I think is the commerical price currently. So you're looking at like 400K per ticket. Not too unreasonable that you could find 10000 wealthy whites that are okay with putting down 500-1000K if it meant going to an all white colony on Mars, or some long term space habitat.

>Is there a way to make the world a better place that doesn't involve mass killings?

Mass sterilizations.

Nah, We need to eradicate Niggers, Jews, Fags, and Women, who have been the root of all hinderances to the White Man's domination of the world and galaxy.

>being so insecure you need the power fantasy of mass killings to feel tough as if you wouldn't piss your pants if you were so much as in a street fight

We cannot have female genocide until we perfect the artificial womb.

That's not at all what I said, you limey twat. Would you understand better if I wrote it in Arabic?

send all jews and niggers to the moon

>World peace
You can't have that as long as you have population pressure.

>and sustainability.
Nothing is sustainable. Space isn't a ticket to unlimited resources. It's a ticket to resources at 100x their terrestrial cost (at best). So you'd have to find some magic way of making the economy 100x more productive without any space resources before we can afford to start utilizing the resources in extremely energy-intensive orbits. It doesn't matter how you bring it down, you must pay the same energy cost per kg.

Space elevator now!

put small amounts of psilocybin into everything

You are undoubtedly a weed.

Nigga, your country cant be topped on desert death marches.

>Not too unreasonable that you could find 10000 wealthy whites that are okay with putting down 500-1000K
Bullshit those people only got that much money because that's what they care about most.

But skipping ahead a step, What are they going to do in space to earn money? If it cost 400k just to get their sorry ass into orbit, how much is it going to cost to get their living space and other accommodations into orbit? How much will that all cost? How does the person living in space pay his rent? What does he do that covers his living expenses? I can barely do it here on earth and i don't have to buy my own fucking oxygen!

Is it really about being insecure though?

It's not that hard to recognize the less than ideal path that our world is on right now. We're on track to have billions of "minorities" that have historically been unable to support themselves without enormous subsidies from productive races.

Those subsidies encourage unchecked breeding, which require even MORE subsidies. This wouldn't be an issue of course, if we had left them in their natural habitat. At some point, even the most die hard progressive would recognize their own needs should come first, and insist that they stop being taxes into poverty to pay for 50 other subhumans.

The west has made the critical mistake of importing this incompetent underclass to their own environment however. When the gibs run out, do you really think that Jamal and his 50 children are going to just politely starve? They're going to rampage until they get more gibs, if they haven't already outright bred their benefactor's race into oblivion.

I like this idea, but make it large amounts.

Sounds like somebody works for the company


Are you female? Because you talk like a bitch.

A space elevator must have its anchor point no lower than the geostationary orbit altitude of 35,786 kilometers. Got that? Can't be any less.

The force of that long of a rope being held to a spinning earth (think of doing this on a merry go-round) is 62 gigapascals.

Pefect carbon nanotube molecules have a max tolerance of 100 gigapascals. BUT, they MUST be 100% perfect molecules.

So to make a space elevator, all you have to do is magic up a way of making several million individual molecules each of them only slightly shorter than the circumference of the earth, and then you have to somehow string them up directly into the exact spot above the earth you want them, which would require an unfathomably powerful rocket just to get to that altitude before the earth rotates too much beneath you, all while dragging this giant long fucking rope behind you and not burning it to a crisp by the magic rocket from god.

I ask you, does that seem reasonable?

we could cut all of their limbs/ break their spines

they would still be alive atleast

Young kiwi, cousin your thinking of the wrong realitive haha

>jews, protecting the hebrew race

How telling

Not the human race, oh no, but specifically the hebrew race.

In every white sci-fi I have ever seen, everyone is treated as a whole of humanity. You might be black or chink or whatever, but you're still human.
But here we see jewish sci-fi and the first thing out of their mouths is how they look out for jews. Not humanity, not the human race. Jews. Only jews.

the people you turkroaches sent to the desert didnt belong there
you do

The obscenely expensive route would require far more than that obviously.

In order of least difficult to more difficult(but arguably more beneficial long term)-

Make self-contained habitats in orbit, or on the moon/Mars(Delta V from moon to Mars is trivial compared to what it took to reach that far. Supplies for the trip is where Mars becomes problematic).

Pseudo-Terraform Mars (Any terraforming is going to be temporary on a geologic time scale, since Mars doesn't have enough gravity to hold onto most constituents of an atmosphere)

Terraform Venus (This would be an obscenely huge undertaking, requiring an existing space infrastructure so far beyond what we currently have, I doubt it will even start before another hundred years have passed. Yet, Venus is remarkably similar to earth in size, and with a lot of work, could easily be a second home.)

Any of the above would need to include enough "colonists" to be self-sufficient for it to be viable. These theoretical rich people would need to work for their new life, if the goal is a white's only club in space. If they literally just want to be in space, but be decadent fucks like the rich people on earth, they'll just subsidize their underclass to come with them, and set up fiefdoms outside the reach of any earth government.


This is a great idea. They will just slowly disappear, and no one will know what happened to them. Once in space we should direct them towards the sun though

Space fascism will solve this. Bet money.

Self deportation.

Space elevators are meme for Earth. It could /maybe/ work on Mars.

Launch loop is where it's at. Shame all the ideal locations for a launch loop basically fall in sub-saharan Africa, south america, or the ocean.

It's more likely it would be lowered towards earth from an orbital manufactory where the geostationary point is


Bla bla bla, all my problems are solved when I can see them.

I wish. Wait, there's a company?

If there is, I don't want to hear about it.

That's energy intensive, it actually costs less energy to fling them out of the solar system than it does to fling them into the sun

yeah it's called weyland yutani

You just aren't trying hard enough.

There's a reason the bible tells women to stay silent.

Kido, its already been taken care of

Space Travel. Every race/creed/family/person gets their own planet.

None of those things will see a significant return in the lifetime of the investors, and no nation can afford to do it.

You'd get maybe a few dozen crazy rich people who don't have any fear of the certain death they'd be going into. You're not going to see a shitload of normal risk-averse folk venturing out into space to do nothing but stare out the windows and be bored.

You'd need decades of demonstrating it first. Poor desperate fucks settled the frontier, bankers, shopkeepers, and other Rich people came once there was a market because rich people don't get rich by being all "wooo space pretty!" they focus on making fucking money.

Stand in their shoes and look at space. There is nothing there for them. There is nothing there for anyone.

And they grow magic mushrooms?

All that will be left is a bunch of nuggets

Well they're a pharmaceutical corporation so it makes sense

>Is there a way to make the world a better place that doesn't involve mass killings?
not now that there our virus is approaching 8 billion, there isn't

>lower it from orbit
That would require an even larger rocket system because it won't just fall to earth from there. It's still in orbit.

The same fundamental problems of stringing the thing up apply and there's nothing on mars worth the time or hassle.

Everyone has been trying for the last century and nerds don't waste their time getting laid you know. They spend their whole fucking lives at this and millions haven't been able to find shit. How long do you look for money you lose?

>In the 1970 book The Dialectic of Sex, feminist Shulamith Firestone wrote that differences in biological reproductive roles are a source of gender inequality. Firestone singled out pregnancy and childbirth, making the argument that an artificial womb would free "women from the tyranny of their reproductive biology.

but they cant say we are genocidal maniacs then, because we didnt kill anybody

And what are these exceedingly wealthy people going to do on Mars? Their practical skills on Earth would be negligible, on Mars they'd be 80kg of liability and dead weight. The ones to colonise Mars will be humans with the necessary skills to survive in hostile environments and who can create a habitable zone on the planet. Scientists, medical staff and engineers yes. Mining magnates, actors and fucking trust-fund babbies, no.

Mass segregation.

space elevator

Mass sterilization. A bit slower though

Mass castration and concentration camps.
Total ban of islamic, communistic and anarchic ideologies.

yes its easy hardcore eugenics
children must be earned

the artificial womb will save the world

No one with a brain has ever suggested building the rope on the ground and dragging it into orbit behind a rocket.

The correct way to build it is to set the factory up in geosynchronous orbit above the target site, and lower the rope from orbit while growing the ribbon from the root. For balance, extend a second rope from the far side of the factory. The second rope can be much smaller if a counterweight is used instead of just letting the end flap.

If there was a chemical that has abortifacient/teratogenic activity or causes permanent sterility after prolonged (2-3 day) exposure, can be aerosolized, and will naturally degrade but maintain an effective half-life for at least the minimum effective exposure period, then yeah, there's a way.

Planned Parenthood

If you want to make the world a better place for yourself, you only have to kill one person

Force the jews to take "refugees"

>Is there a way to make the world a better place that doesn't involve mass killings?
Just let the niggers starve to death, and stop listening to what the kikes say.

Confirmed for not having a sense of humour.
Lighten up chuckle butt.

>men in tights with different words

Mel Brooks was cheap

Just kill anyone who even vaguely resembles a communist. In the end you wouldn't have killed any actual people.

short answer no
long answer 14/88 day of the rope gas the kikes race war now

there's a way to make the world worse that doesn't involve mass killings

mass starvation

>Is there a way to make the world a better place that doesn't involve mass killings?
Of course, mass sterilization also works, simply prevent more children from being born and the problem is solved in a few decades.

slow laser from one edge of planet to other

>Is there a way to make the world a better place that doesn't involve human extinction?

plug unnecessary degenerates into a VR fantasy land
will reduce the need for land, food, and energy resources

No. We're too far gone. The only way to fully fix the world now will be lots of nationalist propaganda for the youth and the mass killings of degenerates and their (((masters))). Sadly, this won't happen but it really is the only way.

Forced sterilization of all niggers, muslims, and Australians would be a good start.