>y-you just body slammed me and broke my glasses
>dude sounded like he was about to cry
>y-you just body slammed me and broke my glasses
>dude sounded like he was about to cry
Other urls found in this thread:
Hahaha America's becoming a third world despotism! Take THAT, libbbrrruls! This will be great because it makes libbruls mad!
What a faggot.
>Unironically believes this
Kill Self Faggot
Yeah, man, when are politicians just going to start killing people who disagree with them in public?
It's sarcasm, you moron. But yes, trumpshills do believe this.
>Yeah, man, when are politicians just going to start killing people who disagree with them in public?
Hope so, and I hope you get gassed.
>gets body slammed by an old man
>b-b-but you broke muh glasses
>calls the police
>calls an ambulance
>asks for people's names
>leaves in an ambulance
So much for bashing the fash...
that's sad if you are upset by this.
>>when are politicians just going to start killing people who disagree with them in public?
When are journalists going to stop egging on BLM, assassin fantasies, terrorism, etc?
>>gets body slammed by an old man
>>b-b-but you broke muh glasses
hahaha. would you really hit a man with glasses?
Jacobs is the anthesis of everything Sup Forums dislikes.
its a damn shame there was no video.
What that faggot fails to understand is "disagreement" isn't the issue. It's attacking the very foundation of the country, and breaking it down. They are domestic enemies, not people who have policy disagreements.
Good, hang the press
Yes I also hope we come to live in such a glorious utopia where people are so thin-skinned that people calling them out fro their obvious and infantile lies causes them to spiral into a fit of rage that results in mass executions.
But commies are bad because they killed people. Or something.
You bwoke my glasses
He wasn't antifa, you fucking moron. He was just a reporter. They don't generally expect to be assaulted by politicians.
You are a domestic enemy, not someone who simply has a policy disagreement. You should be treated as such; same with this faggot "reporter".
Pussy libturds lol
>Yes I also hope we come to live in such a glorious utopia where people are so thin-skinned that people calling them out fro their obvious and infantile lies
You mean publishing libel and slander week after week using alleged anonymous sources as the thinnest veneer of plausible deniability.
>Hurr durr why can't we just destroy both the human world and the environment so the rich can have more money?
You are an enemy of life itself.
Ignorant faggit.
He is someone, like you, who is opposed to the foundation of the country. Opposed to the fundamental principles of this country. That is to say, opposed to this country. That means enemy. You and him are both domestic enemies and should be treated as such. You like to believe you have policy disagreements, but you simply are opposed to the country itself. Traitor. Gas yourself.
It's only libel or slander if it's not true, you moron. Here's a tip: if you're going to be a politician, stop lying to the public.
TFW an old man kicks your ass.
>the (((guardian)))
more politicians should start assaulting fake news
get slammed, faggot.
LoLoLoL le epic burn, duderino. You simply pwned him!!! Trolololol
Saying you have to pay for a space age luxury medical care is not "destroying the human world" and liberals don't care any more about the environment, as demonstrated by the parity of ecological preservation in red states and blue states. It's a fake mouthpiece issue they pay lip service too to stir up the pathos of stupid early 20s neohippy retards
After ALL THE SHIT that the press has been piling on us since November this was so satisfying to listen to. Hope a vid comes out soon.
muh glasses slipped off muh nose
Freedom of the press is a fundamental principle of this country you dumb fuck.
That really activates my trap cards
Since you're obviously brain damaged, allow me to explicitly state what I just said: The press is publishing LIES and FALSEHOODS constantly, using supposed sources which they admit they cannot 100% verify in order to cover their asses for posting literally invented nonsense as news.
>sinks political career to smack around numale reporter
Was it worth it?
When the press posts things which they know are not true, they are no longer the press, and no longer entitled to protection.
The nose knows
lol what a fag can't take a little bump
I'm not sorry that you broke your glasses, faggot. I hope next time your kike ass gets shot, by a pack of wild niggers.
>Freedom of the press is a fundamental principle of this country you dumb fuck.
Sedition is illegal. Just because one also reports traffic sometimes doesn't negate this.
i got a good laugh out of it
>Doing your job
>get attacked
the republicunt is basically a nigger
always good when these button-pushing pussies get put in their place. it's not like he killed him. he roughed him up a bit and broke his glasses. big fucking deal. shit happens, especially when you go trying to make it.
id vote for him
Fucking media scum think that they are above the law, then start crying when someone puts them on the ground.
probably some pussy liberal who tripped over his own guilt
Millenial gets his ass kicked by a dude twice his age.
Old man strength.
The reporter is a nigger who jumped all over an old man for being a FUCKING WHITE MALE. Reports are unclear who grabbed whom first, but it doesn't really matter, Greg was more than justified in kicking his ass either way.
If it was small time politics yes for sure, fuck these fucking faggots.
You mean like alex jones and steve bannon? Oh no wait, actual fake news belongs in the white house.
>Saying you have to pay for a space age luxury medical
You fucking sisterfuckers are such a joke. America has the most expensive healthcare by TWICE the next highest country of any nation on EARTH, yet doesn't even rank in the top 10 for medical care. Defend that. But oh yes I forgot "MUH LIBBBRRRULLLLS!" Get a new non-argument.
The """"constitutionalist"""" right only likes one amendment in the constitution. All the rest are "garbage".
>When the press posts things which they know are not true
You mean exposing weak republican lies?
sounded like he dropped his phone and then started cying about being body slammed cause he got yelled at
>The """"constitutionalist"""" right only likes one amendment in the constitution. All the rest are "garbage".
>doesn't understand that freedom of the press is meant to ensure the press can cover all events and not be hindered. It doesn't mean they can decide to make up a rumor and libel all politicians who agree with the foundation of the US in order to subvert the country.
You're a domestic enemy. You will be disposed of one day. Sooner the better.
>You fucking sisterfuckers are such a joke. America has the most expensive healthcare by TWICE the next highest country of any nation on EARTH, yet doesn't even rank in the top 10 for medical care. Defend that. But oh yes I forgot "MUH LIBBBRRRULLLLS!" Get a new non-argument.
The reason it's so high is because
1. Tort law is bonkers, so healthcare providers pay out the ass for liability insurance and prescribe way too many tests and scans, and pay way too much for over-designed and redundantly tested tools and supplies.
2. People in the US are extremely unhealthy in just about every way they can be
If you genuinely think that switching to single payer would magically make these problems go away, you're actually retarded.
I haven't seen any eyewitness report that says Jacobs grabbed Gianforte. Even the fox news eyewitness report says Gianforte grabbed Jacobs, and elaborates by saying he threw him on the ground and started punching him. Is it possible that maybe one member of the republican party did something wrong? Every eye witness confirms that Gianforte attacked Jacobs. Why would you believe otherwise?
Yes, we need more chaos and death being waged, whether it be from the left or the right. You don't seem to understand the part of the internet you are on.
>Oh no wait, actual fake news belongs in the white house.
yeah bitch, we won. history is written by the victor. get ready to get gassed. lmao
They didn't "expose" anything. They report alleged anonymous insider leaks of documents or statements which they cannot corroborate with actual proof, because the story is fake and none exists.
Is there a video? The only one I can find is him saying "fuck you."
They're claiming the reporter grabbing his throat was after he got slammed.
very punchable face
as lefties are always reminding us, free speech isn't free of consequences
Meh. If I get mad at Conservatives doing it, Liberals can't get away with it later. So basically, I want them to start publicly executing NBC hosts, so that when we win back the country in a few years, we can skip to genocide the Right Wing en masse like the band of rebels they are.
Fuck yeah it was. Guys a legend.
>jumped all over an old man for being a FUCKING WHITE MALE
you need to turn off the computer and get a life.
he was literally asking him about trump's healthcare plan.
>The stupid part
Yeah, I do actually.
Because something something Obama something Hillary's emails.
>Free speech isn't free of consequences
Nor is battery. Can't wait to see Gianforte go to jail. Lock him up!
If you think Fox is in the GOP's pocket you haven't actually read anything they've published in the last year. More importantly, the press will side with their own, every time, regardless of circumstance, just like cops. The official statement from Greg's press guy was that jacobs grabbed him. If this were not the case, they would have tried to spin it or weasel out of it, not post something that could possibly be proven wrong, as the optics for that would be MUCH worse.
I can hear his sniveling, whiney voice in my head "you broke my glasses".
boo hoo the rough republican pushed me down.
"The last guy did the same thing"
What did jew boy do?
He got up in his face despite repeatedly being told that he would not be answered at this time, and may or may not have grabbed greg. No, he was not simply "asking about the healthcare plan", he was being an annoying, disruptive shit, and possibly physically aggressive.
kicking ass of pussies is fundamental to america you fucking faggot. keep crying about it though, i don't think you realize how much sweeter this is to everyone hearing you fucking cry like a little girl about someone getting pushed or even bodyslammed.
>possibly physically aggressive
That's not really a problem, is it? I mean, Republicans' standard bearer is President Pussy Grabber.
I used to think people like you didn't believe this shit, but then I realized that trailer parks have wi-fi.
you're going to be waiting a long time you fucking homo. no one is going to jail over pushing someone in the middle of a conference hall.
hahah what a faggot
This is probably the only thing people are going to agree with you on in this thread. You're just wasting your time here, either that or you need to try a different lake to fish from.
choke on my cock you fucking bitch. you're on Sup Forums trying to lecture me on morality. for all i know you're a homosexual non christian. you can choke on a fat fucking donkey log of shit for all i care about you. Go ahead, i dare you to tell me how bad of a person i am or anyone who beats up asshole reporters.
The pussy grabbing quote was about women being enthusiastic about the proposition of sex with him, not about him committing sexual assault, despite the failed attempt to spin it that way by CNN.
You know, it's actually pretty funny, pussygate could have actually ended trump, if they focused on the true fact that he is or at least was a promiscuous manwhore who unabashedly bought the affection of women. But they just couldn't bring themselves to post anything that could even be construed as sex negative, so they went with the totally unsubstantiated cries of sexual assault. One more lie on the pile which has so sullied the reputation of the MSM.
>all these pussies itt
He deserves a lot worse than a body slam solely for being a smarmy numale kike reporter tbqh.
First Amendment freedoms aren't unlimited. They are frequently and reasonably limited. The press, by the way, have no special First Amendment privileges.
But besides your critical error on the law as it stands, the real answer is that the law as it stands is fucking stupid and the circling vultures of the lugenpresse should be corralled and shot.
Someone with twatter ask this faggot if he would like mommy to kiss his boo boo.
remember how Michelle Fields was thrown to the floor by Corey Lewandowski?
>If this were not the case, they would have tried to spin it or weasel out of it, not post something that could possibly be proven wrong.
But they ARE trying to weasel out of it, and the statement HAS been proven wrong. It says that Gianforte asked Jacobs to lower the recorder, but on the audio recording, it is clear that no such request is made.
Someone bodyslam this man next
wtf is going on here?
I'd like to add that the most amusing part of all of this for me is that Fox News of all groups of people confirmed Jacobs' story - that Gianforte grabbed him by the neck 'with both hands' and threw him to the ground, then proceeded to punch him while he was down.
It makes sense. Fox has been a willing liar for Trump and the GOP, but even they start sweating bullets when candidates assault reporters and expect the Press to back up their lies about the reporter "starting it". Fox knows better.
As I've said in this thread, Liberals can get away with anything that Conservatives can, and Fox doesn't want the day to come when Liberal political candidates start practicing violence (according to some in this thread, a liberal started it, so it's not out of the question to imagine liberals as violent, just for the sake of it) against reporters they don't like.
So bravo to Fox for this good deed, which is one, and only one, but a good one nonetheless.
>I-I'm gonna
>Call the police
This one too.
are you really spending this much time trying to figure out who bodyslammed who? get a life, please. go out, have sex, play video games, smoke weed. please anything. this is depressing. no one cares about this. he's going to win anyway.
Weaseling out of it would be some kind of "he was under a lot of stress" statement or something like that. Also, listen to the recording you fucking moron, he says clearly to fuck off before whatever physical thing happened.
You are anti-American. The freedom of the press is vital to our functioning as a free society. You are an enemy of our values, and everything the constitution stands for. Get the fuck out of my country, you cunt.
wtf is this shit?