well done autists!!
Hurr Enjoy your petty victory while it lasts. This is a war of attrition. And you are scientifically on the wrong side of history.
Look at us.
We're the police now.
-10/10 see me after class.
antifa btfo
About fucking time.
can't help but wonder why incident he was arrested for... anyone know?
Which one of you faggots is David Bronstein?
Praise Kek. I was worried all my hard work was gonna be ignored.
Leftists are anti-science so no.
>implying your early 2000s feminist/tranny cultist bullshit will still be valid 30 years from now
>He was arrested on suspicion of use of a firearm during a felony with an enhancement clause
did we know about this one?
Mao the whole world gangraped Germany 70 years ago. Now the great grandsons of those brave men turn to very ideology they caught so hard to destroy. As thier countries and people are being destroyed by the rats they tried to save.
>He was arrested on suspicion of use of a firearm during a felony with an enhancement clause and assault with a non-firearm deadly weapon
>Berkeley police were not immediately available to confirm any connection between Clanton’s arrest and social-media-fueled accusations within the last month about attacks during at least one of a series of protests earlier this year.
no doubt this was the same fucking person. violent piece of shit. well on his way on killing some alt-righters.
>Vast majority of scientists are leftists
>Leftists are anti-science
Whats the deal with Trump's gag orders on EPA?
Nothing personnel, kiddo
If someone has the time, post screen shots of all the denials we faced when we pushed this story at the time.
Maybe it will motivate someone to keep pushing on Seth Rich.
Your boy's going to prison for attempted murder bruh.
Hahahah every time
Those were previous accusation he already had.
>Calling others ninja larpers
This is amazing
>Whats the deal with Trump's gag orders on EPA?
Do you realize Trump is mostly a moderate leftist?
get fucked commie. day of the rope is nigh.
What was that?
You're so hard to hear inside that gas chamber
well done anons
>David Bronstein?
What did he mean by this?
>felony ADW
>enjoy prison, asshole
RICO charges when?
Why doesn't Sup Forums stack all police departments with based Sup Forumslacks
You can't be a leftist and a capitalist at the same time.
what did he mean by this?
He couldn't keep getting away with it
Do tell. Historically, those resorting to violence to enact their politics have lost, and been on the wrong side of history.
I made a cum
Victory is sweet. Now how do we get Ben Jacobs arrested for assaulting the Butcher of Billings?
Yeah. Right. Tell me again how communism has been working out, comrade.
Something something sexjunk.
>bike lock barbarian
Didn't even know Bermuda is a country.
what level of autism do you have to be to not be able to pick up sarcasm through text?
>ftw nigger dick rammed up in his boipussy when he drops the soap in the shower
You think police officers don't browse Sup Forums? kek
Global warming denialists are the saddest people
>arrested for felony use of a firearm during a robbery along with the bikelock attack we fingered him for
Funny how leftists of today agree and shill for the social policies of the richest ((((capitalists)))) like Mark Zuckerberg, Sergey Brin, Sheldon Adelson, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Larry Page, Paul Allen...
for free. You fucking (((WALL STREET))) controlled opposition shills.
Woop-woop! That's the sound of da Sup Forumsice Woop-woop! That's the sound of da beast
>Police officer detected
>Guys, guys, please! Why are you doing this?! I have lots of black friends!!
Social liberalism isn't leftist.
You're making it really hard not to fap to this
American education system
Thanks OP! Thank you Autist Army!
you got me
Doesn't matter, had vengeance.
Can you get spoofed access to crime databases, Officer Friendly?
I believe the earth is warming.
Its something called the Holocene.
Look it up on Chinese google leaf.
Unless you really believe that sabertooth tigers and their SUVs and woolly mammoths and their coal power plants brought about an end to the the Ice Age...
Ching chong wing bong bac do bakka bakka ooga booga
>scientifically on the wrong side of history
>implying we're on the right side spiritually
I'll take those odds.
Holy shit Paco bringing the heat.
Didn't know denialism was a thing. Do you mean deniers ?
Start up the rotors, one or two thousand more antifa to go....
Nope. Try again. Idiot.
He better not drop the soap.
Better give Tyrone what he wants.
All good commies take the black cock.
>"I wanna be your cellmate."
Think of it as a way to recruit the oppressed to the revolution, comrade.
>Hope he gets AIDS and dies in prison
^-- Anyone else freaked out because this guy is from the future?
Justice, bigly.
>Eric Clanton, 28, was being held on $200,000 bail
People are fucking lemmings. Even IF global warming was not accurate it should still be taken as a serious possibility lest we end like Venus. Ironically is the constant leftist (((celebrity))) shilling and virtue signalling of it what turns many lemming normies into climate change denialists just to be contrarians.
no, everything has to be an ism.
just started reading this thread, I'm so happy, Fuck Yes!
pic related just to refresh memories
Oh, snap, nigga! Now you in da bing with real nazis. Not doughy old Libertarians and college Republicans. Diesel ass, cornfed, state raised Aryans. You wanted to fight the nazis, well your fight has finally begun!
It's the best country!
What's sad is the evironazis believing they have it all figured out when they keep getting proven wrong over and over again. (No offense to actual Nazi's)
>community college
I get the gut feeling the bar wasn't that high to begin with.
You mean it isn't a fake Disqus profile?
this, need info
It's not necessarily man made, but this isn't a natural warming cycle. The evidence is pretty overwhelming.
We're already too late, the earth is fucked if we can't technology our way out of it at this point. It's sad that we can't all agree on at least keeping our living spaces in good condition.
He's probably out.
You can get a bond for 10%.
>Seth Rich
> slush fund paid off by business interests and lobbyists to enact "policy"
really activated my almonds
Top fugging kek
>serious possibility lest we end like Venus
that's not even remotely possible. worse case scenario is the planet warms up to same point during the dinosaurs, but who gives a fuck. humans will be gone, but the planet and life won't be
Truly the Rarest nation
This is guy is in for the worst kind of "cultural enrichment", if you know what I mean.
Score one for diversity boys.
that would require being outside the basement and human interaction
>community college communist "professor"
>having $20 grand on hand for bail
l o l
Thank you, Berkeley PD. Based.
Nothing is natural in nature.
If it were then earthquakes would have a set schedule like the tides.
My problem with the whole "muh global warming" crowd is that they feel that legislating the MPG on my car will somehow reduce emissions, and they wanna do that by having conferences in BFE while taking private planes and 14 car convoys (and like Leo Defagio flying in their hairdresser) to talk about global warming.
Dont even get me started on Al Gore and his 12.000$$$ a month electric bill while he preaches saving the earth..
What have they been proven wrong on? The global temperature is going up indisputably.
Like Soros isn't going to bail him out