My Ancestor :)
Post your ancestors :)
Other urls found in this thread:
We Wuz Aztec Empire Nigga!
>being proud of being aztec
its best to stay out of the sun and larp as a spaniard, at least then youd be human, pedro.
That dude that got his sword stuck in the legionnaire's shield is fucked.
my ancestor :DD
Also this.
My Ancestor :)
Make the Levant Phoenicia Again
We wuz builders n shiet
>pyramids... daz all WE
Bow down, peasants
What exactly are Phoenicians?
>ywn be a shareholder of VoC
>you will never start a colonial empire
Life in the western world has lost all meaning.
Stop it, only white people can be proud of their ancestors on Sup Forums, get ready for all the bantz hombre
>tfw too mixed to post in this thread
Conan the Barbarian was a Celti-Iberian warrior
Literally my ancestor :)
Homo tyronus
Sikh here
But Arnold is AUSTRIAN
I got both spanish and flip blood
Post face
Hey! My dad has a tintype of Gen. Grant and my ancestor (this guy) on top of lookout point in Tennessee, around the time of the Battle of Chattanooga.
What feature is the nose I see on Spaniards?
>Half Spaniard (also half Swede)
>None of my Spanish relatives have a nose like this.
Silly Turk, That's not a roach!
Somone get a Macedonian in here to correct him and claim that HE wuz Alexander in sheitt.
I doubt he was a roach.
>Cromwell's troops were ordered to show no quarter to any man bearing arms;[5] in Cromwell's words, in the heat of the action, "I forbade them to spare any that were in arms in the town...", and many of the defenders were killed by the victorious Parliamentarian soldiers. Aston and other English Royalists retreated to the defensible Millmount Fort. They eventually agreed to surrender after a parley on the bridge, but were massacred after they laid down their arms. It is widely believed that the Parliamentarian soldiers killed Aston by dashing his brains out with his own wooden leg, which they believed to conceal gold coins.
>dashing his brains out with his own wooden leg
>Be me
>Tracing ansestory
>Trace back to Appalachia pioneers in the 1700's
>Oh, must be Scottish.
>Go back further.
>Find the last name Murphy.
>mfw I am descended from Potatoes
>tfw mestizo
>tfw have a nose like that but like brown
>tfw black haired but beard has patches red and blonde hair in it
Sometimes I wish I was just 100% Indio or 100% Spaniard, life would be simpler
Lemme fix that for you.
how bout you suck a dick
A people that don't really exist anymore. They were like semi-White people who got ARAB'd into a uniform brown sludge in the past 1600 years
His face looks like he knows it.
Story :
>Old white man wants to kill himself.
>Wants to suicide intellectually
>So in bathtub and slit wrists
>Think lasts euphoric thoughts of philosophy
>Won't bleed
>Too thin and old to bleed to death
>drinks Hemlock to be like Socrates
>wont die from poison because no blood flow
>Guards try to smother him with a pillow
That's the story of Nero's tutor who brainwashed him into hating Christians.
>Tfw half germanic half hispanic
>Tfw hairy spanish man ape AND gross blobby mannish Germanic skeleton
life isn't fair
The Phoenicians made it to Australia
Is it just me or did the Spanish put their dick into the people they conquered. Whereas the British and French not so much
How about you fix the prognathism and make a bigger forehead?
Seneca gets killed on Nero's orders. He didn't want to kill himself. He was rumoured to have taken part in the Pisonian conspiracy.
Nero's failed suicide and then murder by his trap is far superior story.
I had a based granpa.
Raise the cranium entirely.
Are those his children?
Donmeh kike?
The brits did it often.
They were even known to have gang raped the abos.
The difference is the Brits and French did it with more different people. The Spaniards fucked eurasians and the brits and french were fucking blacks and abos so the impact isn't as apparent.
No, nothing that important. They are just arm*nians.
Well they had no choice in the case of Mexico. Settlers were mostly men who had to take native wives. The English imported both men and women and shoah'd natives and rarely intermarried with natives except in canada with some métis Scotsmen. Same with French Quebec with some métis.
Your ancestors were larpers?
Most men are led by their dicks and want sex all the time. Northern Europeans however had some sort of mutation that changed that. They still di care about sex, but not nearly to the extent that other races are and is happy to be with his ugly wife. His main focus, what's constantly on his mind, is bloodlust. Killing and war are what the white man lives for, which is why they weren't really able to get into civilization until they killed the romans and took it.
Roach gtho
>Killing and war are what the white man lives for
>whites fuck so many indians whose culture involved human and child sacrifice, an entirely new group of people arise
>result is everything south of the border
wew lad, human history is a fucking doozy sometimes, makes me wonder what will happen next that could irrevocably change the course of history centuries down the road
Ike Clanton O.K. Corrral
Too bad that the European influence died when Porfirio Diaz left Mexico
This it's mine on the left.
Spoiler, Pedro de Valdivia didn't survived this chess match.
by white people I mean specifically northern/northwestern europeans. Mediterraneans are normal.
From Dads Side were Prussians and 2 were even in Teutonic Order
>mexico is a rapebaby nation
My ancestors trigger Sup Forums because of how alpha we were (and still are). We raped sweet spanish and balkan pussy
Here OP
>Triggered Noise
Sicilian Archer's though muh dude are radical
arabs were never in the balkan though
Imam Harambe. Marry a kid and win a heaven with 72 bananas.
Probably something like this, i was born in north Ukraine.
Blonde hair blue eyes slav
Nero still liked him though, he only killed men in more embarrasing ways if he didn't like him.