An honest argument against the 2nd amendment

I hate seeing very poor arguments posted by other anons about why the 2nd amendment must be voided, so I would like to present a very strong argument.

As most people know, the 2nd am. was written in 1791. It had two intended purposes. #1 With an armed populace, people would be ready to fight should America be threatened by a foreign power. #2 Should the American government ever step out of line, the people would be able to take it down. Okay so now that we understand why the 2nd amendment was written, I am going to explain why it is no longer relevant in the current year lol.

America has the 2nd most powerful military in the world (after the glorious Russian Federation_) There is no reason to have an armed populace when you have hundreds to thousands of semi-trained soldiers ready to fight with the mediocre equipment. Also, if the American government ever did step out of line, the general populace no longer has the will to resist. The cuckholdry factor is too high, so why bother with troublesome weapons that kill?

What can a few million blue-pilled cuckolds do against a modern military? Zipo, they are too addicted to adderall, football and hugging their waifu pillows to defeat a government with tanks, fighter jets, attack helicopters, battleships, aircraft carriers, overweight soldiers and a nuclear arsenal with enough firepower to destroy our planet several times.

So basically, the populace does not need to be armed because they are too blue-pilled and mentally comatose anyway. Why bother? Turn in your weapons goys. Only the chosen people should be armed, you don't want to be anti-semitic do you?

Not this thread again pls.

Yea, this thread already happened.
Fuck off.
BTW the second amendment won.

Jesus, I love Natalie Portman. She's the most low key jewish beauty ever. I would love to fuck her. anyone has her phone? Where is she? i love her.

Sure thing, just go ahead and swing on by my place on your way home and try and take them. That should go well.

Jesus Christ. This war was over before you chimps were born.

Why do you keep trying?

Didn't read any of that gau shit you wrote, but if you are seriously making an honest argument then do this:

>make it publicly
>slap the democrat party label on it
>lose elections
>rinse & repeat


t. nra

>America has the 2nd most powerful military in the world

Stopped reading here
You jumped the shark OP
gotta be a little more subtle with you b8

>the people would be able to take it down.
No -- the people would be able to defend themselves.

>but the army is too great, you can't win
Tell that to Afghanistan

This is a cliche and poor argument OP. It's been debunked several million times over. Sorry.

>I would like to present a very strong argument.
you failed.

This exact thread from this exact poster. Mods?



Has there ever been a more beautiful woman than Natalie Portman? I dont think so

can it be considered spam? can it earn you a ban? I fucking hope so

"What can a modern citizen do against the military"
You're retarded
But I'll explain

Unless the people serving in the US military wants to carpet bomb 80% of its own people in their homes, there wouldn't be full scale total war.
Use your fucking head

um, why are her nipples erect?

Great. Good argument. It didn't affect my RIGHTS at all. Have a nice night.
>tldr, don't care. sage. hidden.


I don't give a Fuck what You do but I
Will never disarm myself.




I wasn't interested in her sexually after Leon.

Excellent bait, like the best 10/10

She went braless to win favors from notorious pussy-muncher Hillary Clinton



You've obviously never been in the south where there is tens, sometimes hundreds of miles in between relatively small towns the entire population of which is loaded to the fucking gills with guns and ammo. Besides being morally abhorrent it would be completely impractical to use large scale military action against these people and would turn into Afghanistan 2.0 with little or no victory capable

Don't want to fight the government.
Just want to keep niggers from breaking into my house and killing my family.
Guns are nigger and jew control.

Good enough reason as any


It's a pre-existing right, they were just giving one possible reason why you'd want to own a gun.

Also a government can't control people if they have weapons. And there's no point in killing the people you want to subjugate.

Your pissweak argument has been shot to shit a trillion times. An armed populace is impossible to defeat with an organized army. Please see vietnam, afghanistan, etc.

PS fuck you

PPS get shot to death, fag

2.) Molon labe.
3.) Yes, I recognize this is a shitpost. I have a hard time joking about this.

You are wrong that a popular uprising would be unsuccessful. You haven't put much thought into the idea. Try not committing straw man.

You can argue against the second amendment.

You have a harder time arguing against the natural right to self defense and the natural right to own property.

What I mean to say is...

Nice straw man.

> americans killing americans at 5-10 times the European rate

what's the problem?

yea i thought the nips were shooped in this photo, but nope

He just copied that faggot Canadians last thread

Hell if I know, but it's been the case for hundreds of years.

The second amendment both causes the civil war and justifies it.

It's also why Confederate monuments should stay up. Those were Americans expressing their right under a bully government

>I am going to explain why it is no longer relevant in the current year lol.
>in the current year lol
God damn it user, I was really looking forward to an interesting argument, you blew the ruse too fast!

An honest argument for me putting a bullet through your skull.
>it'd be cool
>target practice

>waste a bullet
>going to have to clean my rifle later

Sounds like a good idea

>Not realizing this is a pro-gun thread.
>Not reading a single word of the OP.

Oh lawdy.....

>I hate seeing very poor arguments posted by other anons about why the 2nd amendment must be voided

And you did just that. After that first sentence I had hoped you would actually give a sound argument not some overused talking point.

It's not the exact thread you colossal derpus, it's a counter-argument, counter-troll thread, DEFENDING FUCKING GUN RIGHTS!!

oh Lawdy I know you didn't read a single word of the brilliantly written OP did you?

>Making a pro-gun 'RESPONSE' thread
>To another fucking leaf gun-control agenda thread

Whose side are you on Cuckholdickt Arnold?

>americans killing americans at 5-10 times the European rate


You never see herschlag in movies anymore

Because Hillary was nibbling on them for the three hours previous to that photo, but isn't that almost TMI comrade?

Natalie Portslag though Queen Hil was going to win the presidency, and she was standing in line behind Huma to be her Yiddishe handler/spymaster.

Only takes one bullet.

i dont feel safe


>current year
>implying most of the military would just decide to fight for the tyrannical government in a civil war
1/10 have your (you)

>the general populace no longer has the will to resist
Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But these things go in cycles and there will be a time when people would be willing to fight.


the "america has the most powerful military your ar-15 rifle can't take them down" shit again?

why can't they defeat ISIS? why did they lose in 'nam? their enemies were just people with guns.. no navy, no air force, none of that..

guerilla warfare is incredibly effective and it'd be pretty easy to overthrow the government if there was a significant guerilla force.

Do you seriously not understand that this is a response troll thread? I am PRETENDING TO BE RETARDED. AKA 'reducto ad absurdum' on this leaf's unironically retarded gun-control thread---


This is a pro-gun thread, meant to laugh at cucks (gun-grabbers) and celebrate our gun-freedoms in the good old USA. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED COMRADES.

Whatever your argument is it's shit and you're wrong. The only thing gun control has EVER done is make victims out of law abiding citizens, case in point Chicago. "An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life." Robert A. Heinlein

>I'm tires of all the poor excuses to ban guns
>Gives even worse reason

Looks like it's time to hang yourself

>He doesn't realize this is a pro-gun thread meant to deliberately laugh and mock at retarded leftist arguments.


Once again, above is the original, unironically retarded gun-control supporting propaganda thread, by a leaf naturally.

Why do niggers walk around with their pants around their ankles?
It reminds me of my 2 year old niece when she just pooped and comes out of the bathroom for me to pull her pants up.

In prison culture, it is one of two things---

A showing solidarity with prisoners, whom the man has taken their belts away, hence the falling panties oops pants.

B Showing solidarity with prisoners, where showing your butt off all day to your buddies is advertising what they can have for gay sex.

Interesting and informative. Truly these men have a unique and vibrant culture.



There are no arguments against 2A. But sure would like to my port in her man