Who was in the wrong?
Who was in the wrong?
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Both of them. But mostly The Golden One. They're both larping faggots, but Europe is for the Europeans, and Christianity was made by the Jews.
Varg, as usual
Varg is always right
Oh, btw, GOLDEN ONE (if that isn't the most narcissistic name ever) dances in gay pride parades.
I don't know but 10$ says Varg stabs him.
golden one would be ok if he didnt follow the oldest jew trick ever, christianity.
who? are they father and son?
what's his opinion on Neanderthals again?
What were once the best of friends
Are now the worst of enemys
He is a pagan who recognizes the good christianity has done. If Christianity was as bad as Varg makes it, Europe would have become muslim long ago.
Deconstructing the christians faith and trying to demoralize them is something varg and jews have in common. Christianity has won against islam and jews before. Paganism lost.
Varg never confronts a biblical argument. Just asserts it is not european.
Belief is not a sports team.
It's fallacious to declare the quality of the Bible to be beneath Europe and Europeans. It's so intelligent, I'd wager the Tribe who wrote it was European.
Varg probably refuses to even consider the possibility. It is a Jewish trick to him. There is no subtlety.
Varg jumps from well read guy to utter moron in a matter of seconds. His video on autism was very good, but he thinks people with brown eyes have nigger genes (despite the fact that blue eyed blondes may be born of brown eyed brown haired parents if the parents are European), and that civilization is a Middle Eastern construct.
What whites need now is something between Christian universalism and pagan tribalism. Chrustianity as it is would unite us with black and brown converts, while pagan tribalism would divide as even as whites, because at the end of the day, eg. the French are a different tribe than the Hungarians. What we need is something inbetween the two.
What is Kek?
Marcoose did nothing wrong.
What was this about again? Some shit about how all nords had blue eyes because it was in some book, I men the guy who wrote that book hardly saw every single Nord, so it was bollocks.
Varg is literally upset Goldenone shills for Christ.
Yeah, good luck with that.
There are people on Sup Forums who hasn't taken the Gaahl pill.
Varg was right about that part. Tacitus calls the Germans blonde. It's clear. Sweden is also called tye womb of civilization.
But shit changes man. Germans probably picked up brown hair traits from Meds.
And Varg misquoted the book. The word used for the hair of the germans was 'ruticulus'. It means reddish haired. Not only that but it was only one tribe of Germans that was observed.
Varg is an idealist who dosen't live in the current years. What happened 1500 years ago is not the priority. Also he wanted to turn Goldy into his drone by pushing his views on his channel.
That being said, he's also right that christianity is a foreign element that should be purged, but we all know that it won't happen.
Just telling you it already exists. Kek's origins are proto Christ in the fist place. Biblical frogs. It's clear.
actual faggot
Not really. While the percentage of blondes increases the closer to Norway you are, red and dark haired Germanics are too a natural occurrence. The Nordic sagas, which stem from oral traditions from before Christ describe red and dark haired characters.
Both have good intentions. Varg is correct, but didn't handle himself very well.
Europeans MUST overcome Christianity before we ever get back on course as a race. Christianity is indeed a desert slave morality devoid of Promethean spirit. Every great period in European history (ancient Greece, pre-Christian Rome, the Renaissance, Nazi germany etc.) was elevated by Pagan/occult mysticism.
I don't agree, however, with the conclusion that we need to LARP in the woods, we need to do the opposite - uncuck our civilization and head for the stars. That is and always was our Wyrd.
say it to his face-
new cross thread.
Why varg is a fuck retard.
(You) (Cross-thread)
Truth in those threes and complements on your good taste in books.
hah, point taken. Didn't he beat up and torture some dude a few years ago and drink his blood? I think he's legitimately insane.
yes. i think he did it because the guy talked shit about his faggotness.
Low tier bait thread. Loterally worse than buzzfeed. Off yourself.
>Paganism lost.
Not without bringing serious change upon Christianity. Otherwise it may look a lot like Islam today.
How can modern Pagans dismiss the scholastic and scientific accomplishments of the European Christian monastic tradition?
Varg is a fucking monster. When he escaped from prison with help from neo-nazi. Varg broke inside a home of a mother and daughter. He held them at gun point, raped them, tortured them and later defecated on them.
You must be correct. Tacitus work is so short after all. Perhaps we lost more work.
It would look like Islam with less testosterone poisoning.
> accomplishments of the European Christian monastic tradition
Such as?
Show me a prominent Medieval/Renaissance "Christian" and I'll show you a closet occultist.
>uses neo nazi as an insult on Sup Forums
Go away, r*ddit. Your kind is not wanted here.
You actually believe that Jew nonsense?
Who has the time to do all that raping, gunpointing, and shitting when you're on the run?
Nords are a joke
The Golden One looks like modular IKEA furniture and Varg is no better than a pajeet shitting in the woods
Nords have create nothing and suck
Gregor Mendel. Christianity and Christians do have some credit, but the spirit of Europe is pagan
I'll never understand why Pagans are anti-christian.
Clearly a short-sighted and ignorant lot...Especially when considering the JQ. Christians, especially non-zionist (non-prodestant) denominations have been the only ones to combat "cultural Marxism" on an institutional level.
Catholic schools are far less cucked than public schools, for example.
Pagan morality is also very underdeveloped in comparison and would likely just lead to what we have now: individualistic morality -- not good for any group that wishes to be cohesive.
I seriously hope none of you take Varg seriously. He is no better than those black twitter people and their WE WUZ memes
t. Faggot
Those accomplishments were made possible by science and philosophy, not by worshipping God. A pagan Europe would still have made such accomplishments. The only positive thing that christianity did to Europe was to unite it against foreign influences.
You're right, but christianity would have us unite with niggers provided that they are Christian.
>I'll never understand why Pagans are anti-christian.
Maybe because they've been tortured, exiled, and burned at the stake by Christians for thousands of years? Your Judaized education is showing.
>Clearly a short-sighted and ignorant lot...Especially when considering the JQ. Christians, especially non-zionist (non-prodestant) denominations have been the only ones to combat "cultural Marxism" on an institutional level.
See: Nazi Germany
>Pagan morality is also very underdeveloped
Nigger, morality is Abrahamic. Paganism is an amoral understanding of the universe.
>I seriously hope none of you take Varg seriously. He is no better than those black twitter people and their WE WUZ memes
End on an ad hominem non-argument - how very Christian of you.
Yeah, I've seen that. 3spooky5me
I'm one of those "newf4gs"... can someone explain this to me please? Don't get this reference.
>Christianity has won against islam and jews before.
Christianity is gay and irrational. White people should worship Aristotle and study Reason, not false garbage made by cavemen.
That's a problem of the local church.
I caught you in that one.
all of you fucks are PATHETIC
>If [universalist desert cult] was as bad as Varg makes it, Europe would have become [another universalist desert cult] long ago
Why are Europeans so quick to adopt foreign shit? Universalist religions are clearly incompatible with nationalism.
Varg makes a good point when he says Christians were cucked the moment they traded Europe for Jerusalem as their 'Holy Land.'
You too provide no argument. What you provide is a poor understanding of history. Pagans had morals. You could not go around in a pagan society doing whatever you want.
But tribal religions would divide whites. So why not something inbetween?
Cool go convert Poland, who are one of the few
countries to stand up to muslims, to odinism. That
is a great plan. Then we can go after the christians in the US, who are the only whites having kids. Let's start attacking their faith too.
They will embrace Thor overnight I'm sure. Let's
just demoralize the only white people with faith because varg says so.
>I'll never understand why Pagans are anti-christian.
Probably has something to do with Christians outright genociding and reducing their once all encompassing religious order to laughable self-parody that is widely mocked if not outright disregarded in 95% of western society?
Imagine asking yourself in, 1500 years time if Islam completely decimated and scattered christianity to the wind, and painted anyone who legitimately adopted it as some fat wiccan-tier LARPer "Why do Christians hate Islam?"
>long and dramatic pause for 10 seconds whilst stroking the neck of a wine glass
>drips from wine glass
>readjusts his fedora
Tribes don't cease to exist just because they had a foreign religion imposed on them, those tribal religions are an expression of their ethnic identities, which can't be reduced to an generic notion of whiteness.
Moreover, whites have always been divided, perhaps even more under Christianity. And maybe that's how it's supposed to be, so that European peoples can preserve their individual cultures and not get cucked all at once like it's happening right now.
Pagan societies were coherent because they had racial/tribal awareness and understood might is right, not because of moral law.
IWO, unlike Semitic man-made dogmas, these are immutable laws of nature...NOT morals.
>you know Varg I agree with most of what you say but christianity(Catholicism) has left a significant and beautiful mark of European with its contributions in architecture.
>Cool go convert Poland, who are one of the few
countries to stand up to muslims, to odinism.
Do you really think Poland is the way it is because of Catholicism, or because of having lived through communism? They're literally doing the exact opposite of what the pope is advocating for.
>Let's just demoralize the only white people with faith because varg says so.
Paganisn/occultism is empowering and fuels our Promethean spirit. Christianity is a weak, pathetic slave morality, unfit to lead the European spirit into the future. Truth doesn't care if it offends the weak.
If online banter "demoralizes" you, what does that say about the fortitude of your spirit?