
Statement from Rob Quist:

"I may be Gianforte's opponent in this congressional race, but I ask all my fellow Montanans not to rush to judgment. Gianforte was surprised by a lone, thin reporter. It is unfair to expect any person, let alone a congressional candidate to please everyone with their response to such a threatening situation. I believe that Gianforte did the best that he could to respond appropriately, and I trust that, should he win the race, he would continue doing his best to represent Montana in Washington where there are many more reporters and many more questions."

What did he mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:

>when idiots try to be subtle and backhanded

check out this mad faggot

Gonna need a quick rundown

Audio surfaced of Gianforte body slamming a reporter

>a lone, thin reporter

Trump says things we all want to say.
Gianforte does things we all want to do.


Does this passive aggressive faggotry actually appeal to Montanans?

>pussy wants to punch reporters

give it a shot tough guy

Thin reporter pls go

So he'll beat up more reporters? Shit, I'd run out and vote for the guy right now. Just sit him down in the middle of the press room. They'll behave.

No. Montana is basically Texas of the North.

I really don't think that's the right strategy in this America. Reporters are supposed to be your friends. For example, Bush could have never gotten so much support for the Iraq war had the media not been on his side and campaigned for it 24/7.

Taking the Trumpian approach to reporters and our media leads to the witch hunt and Russia shitfest that we have today.

That's called cucking, son, and it gives them ever greater power over you.

yea until i see with my eyeballs that are inside my brain i dont think ill be believing your spliced audio clips.

Can I get a source for this?
Quist has been trying to slander Gianforte this whole race, with his campaign going as far as to outright lie, so I have a hard time believing this would be his response

If I am not hearing leftists cry about Montana electing a guy that assaults reporters in the near future, I will be slightly upset.


the journalists dont decide who's side they're on.

and you can't make friends with them. they do what they are told, from you know who

Yo Montanabros. Do you think people will vote Gianforte anyway? I live in Missoula so no one around me would vote for him anyway.

T R U M P F A G S can't handle the banter

Possibly but you never know with Missoula and Helena being liberal.
Pic related. Missouri river lights in Great falls.

Strategically, this is a very weak statement - intended to be funny, but imho does not help this douche to better take advantage of the situation.


Read the last line, this is an insult

True. And I believe it is the most Red state, in terms of voting demo trends since 1980.

Fuck that fake cowboy asshole and fuck journalists, nobody cares Shareblue, if anything this is going to make his ratings go up because people fucking hate you.

Shit, I forgot how2readingcomprehension for a minute there


Nah man, people love "snark," that's why Hillary did so well.

No, Wyoming is still far more red than any other state.

>his best to represent Montana in Washington where there are many more reporters and many more questions."
lol it's a jab. Nicely played.

Is Montana the last bastion of the white race?

Replied to the wrong post, sorry
Also, we literally have a Democrat governor and Senator

I would guess Idaho and the dakotas as well

It's british humor, so probably.


Fuck - I think you are right. Montana / Wyoming are the same in my mind - never been, but would like to.

Damn homies playing dirty.

Yes - I mixed up Wyoming with Montana.

Pretty funny statement if true.

No, Wyoming is overwhelmingly Red every election. Like, they hit 65% Red at their lowest

No I just mean compared to Montana. This race would be a non story in those states

>should he win the race, he would continue doing his best to represent Montana in Washington where there are many more reporters and many more questions."

How do I move to Montanna and vote for this man immediately?

They probably won't let you in.

I only vote for people WHO body slam journalists.
Look at the smooth talkers we had who fucked us in the asses without lube.

Quote from fox news reporter, who was in the room.

>During that conversation, another man — who we now know is Ben Jacobs of The Guardian — walked into the room with a voice recorder, put it up to Gianforte's face and began asking if he had a response to the newly released Congressional Budget Office report on the American Health Care Act. Gianforte told him he would get to him later. Jacobs persisted with his question. Gianforte told him to talk to his press guy, Shane Scanlon.

>At that point, Gianforte grabbed Jacobs by the neck with both hands and slammed him into the ground behind him. Faith, Keith and I watched in disbelief as Gianforte then began punching the reporter. As Gianforte moved on top of Jacobs, he began yelling something to the effect of, "I'm sick and tired of this!"

There's only one state in the Union that where every county went for Trump. That would be Oklahoma.

>Sup Forumsyps can't handle sarcasm

Is anyone shocked?

Totally false. It's a red state but more competitive than its neighbors. It has a Democratic governor, a Democrat in the Senate, and nearly voted for Obama in 2008.

Montana's pretty cucked for where it is and how little populated it is.

Sounds like he knows he's going to lose.

Who gives a shit if he punched a reporter or not? The mainstream media are the living claws of the jew.

Quist is a gun grabbing banjo pussy, he does not represent Montana.

It was a Guardian reporter, no less. Literal scum of the Earth


Conservatism in the west can have a little more of a libertarian lean, and its difficult to convince us that some slimy asshat bathed in costal funding can really represent our needs. The dems do it far more frequently (cough shillary cough) but i'm not sure if partisanship can carry the GOP here.

Also- montana democrats are either pro, or dont talk, about guns. That could be huge.

>Quist is a gun grabbing banjo pussy
He won't be elected if true. Democrats from Montana are blue dog. They would be considered Nazis if they were from Illinois.

>t. thin reporter with broken glasses

>Give them what they want or they'll attack you

Hmmm, where have I heard this argument before?

>I trust that, should he win the race, he would continue doing his best to represent Montana in Washington where there are many more reporters and many more questions."

Rob W Twist is definotaly /ourgoy/

>Roomfull of reporters
>Not one single video

Yeah no this is fake news again....

Nah, I've chokeslammed motherfuckers before.

It's a good way to throw out your back. Shoulder throws are much easier on the spine.

Just read it, whole thing sounds sketchy asf, not to mention "Buzzfeed" apparently made a comment about it that they were there in another room when it happened, all sounds very fishy.

State level elections are pretty boring to normies

This is also montana. There are 5 film crews and 4 of them are busy making tourism ads.

Gianforte is a crazy religious fundamentalist.

Although you guys call the evidence "fishy" which i agree with, I've meet this guy and he's pretty unstable

t.lone thin (((reporter)))

In what context did you allegedly meet Gianforte Germ-user. I can't exactly take you at your word for it.

Student Exchange to Montana State University Bozeman. It's where Gianforte lives and he's was constantly there campaigning, going to american football games ect.

Sounds interesting. Thanks for the input.

>not cucking
>no apology
Wow, amazing. I wish I could vote for him


who cares

>inside my brain
>American Education

my 3rd eye. duh!

you buy journalists, you dont make friends with them

youre the guy who goes to a brothel and starts falling in love with the whores, arent you?

i for one am surprised, not only would it give them salt, but a reason to hit their opposition group back!

You should be able to see it already then. Use your Astral protection, and project yourself in the time/space this event happened

can you teach me?

i can lucid dream but not astral project, i kinda think it's a meme

This isn't the movie, 'Inglorious Bastards.'

You'll get fucked up IRL, Shlomo.

>and I trust that, should he win the race, he would continue doing his best to represent Montana in Washington where there are many more reporters and many more questions."

I think hes subtly suggesting that (((reporter))) bodyslams are gonna become a common occurance.

He's saying that he's decided to vote for his opponent. Pretty bold move.

I have tried and i feel I got really close one time while attempting on shrooms. Basically you have to lay on your bed, on the most comfortable position. Start meditating, control your breathing, relax muscles, etc. Then imagine you're in an infinitely dark room and there is a rope falling from the "sky". Grab it and climb the rope higher and hire, climb for as long as you can without sleeping, continue to relax and control your breathing but don't stop climbing. Eventually the dark room will start becoming lighter in the smallest gradient possible. At this point I freaked myself out thinking I'm doing it. I'll try it tonight.

Shhhhh.... Montanons are sleeping

Trips say yes

Montanafag here. I see Quist signs everywhere. Liberals have been swarming to the state, it's becoming Colorado 2.0.

fucking Fox News are saying this happened, the audio is credible, Gianfortes telling of the incident does include phsyical contact between them, ie, he doesn't deny the whole thing. Literally every one else in the room agrees Gianforte assaulted the reporter, and that is as reporterted by GOP lapdog Fox News.

GOP faggots and shtiposters in this thread employing the diamond technique, showing different individuals doubting the credibility of something creating a sense of that being a possible majority opinion. Do not let them win you over.