As we all know, Sup Forums is absolute garbage, mostly due to the Trump craze of the last 2 years. Here in this thread we hate Sup Forums's Sup Forums for becoming it what it has, especially due to the MAGA shills and Trumpcucks.
Sup Forums hate thread
Other urls found in this thread:
At least you removed shareblue. Fuck you're shit. Kys
Kill yourself you little MAGA shill.
Yet this is the only place in the world that I can come, no matter how bad my life is going, and call someone else a nigger for being more pathetic than me. Long live old/pol/..... Niggers.
>muh [insert flavor of the month boogeyman]!
A large part of what made Sup Forums special was how hyper self aware it was. Not everybody that disagrees with you is being paid to do it -
there are legitimate reasons to hate the course of action Trump has been taking and there are legitimate reasons to hate low brow redditors polluting this board with worthless "dank" meme posts that are now 90% of content. Please stop posting till you are able to criticize your own views and think for yourself.
muh based black guys and muh civic nationalism
>you are able to criticize your own views and think for yourself
Sup Forums never has and never will be capable of such a thing.
This pic makes both Sup Forumss very upset. 8/pol/ even banned me for posting it, how pathetic.
Watch out - if you disagree with Sup Forums, not only will they call you a shill, but they'll also challenge you to a duel.
>tfw you see some profligate espousing civic nationalism and faggotry
>(((civic nationalism)))
Original text
You know where to go.
says the tard bumping his own thread, enjoy that last word.
Faggot. This thread isn't even bumping anymore, be right back I'm going to get more pics.
The mods aren't letting my thread bump, Sup Forums once again censoring the discourse, Sup Forums can enjoy their jew puppet and all the disappointment he brings to them.
Enjoy this last pic.