Is there anything more sad than an old egotistical fool who has not outgrown his edgy 20 year old phase.
Look at the fucking butthurt, acting like a little child and telling people to unsub from the golden one just because of small disagreements in ideology.
What a complete joke he is.
Is there anything more sad than an old egotistical fool who has not outgrown his edgy 20 year old phase
Other urls found in this thread:
>taking a living meme seriously
>Thinks pic related is future of europe.
He does realize that 99% of modern pagans use paganism to do shrooms and have gay orgies does he not?
Varg please touch me
Larping is degenerate. He has no respect for the old ways.
He's right though. Arabs stole all their stuff from European philosophers who moved to the Persian Zoroastrian courts in order to escape Christians Dues Valt because Christians were essentially Communists.
As opposed to WHAT, exactly?
Guy was in jail for nearly 20years, give him a break.
This is now a rare Varg thread. Post your rarest Varg memes.
I agree with Varg on some things but he's such a short sighted idiot, he is trying to tear down Christianity and all sense of European unity at the moment which is probably the most idiotic thing you could do when we are all facing the mortal threat of Islam.
The last thing we need is to sew division and create fractures.
Christianity is our best chance at defeating Islam. Trying to take a shit on Christianity, which has been assimilated as the official religion of Europe for 1500 years, is so fucking moronic, especially during times like these. We really can't afford infighting right now.
Paganism is largely dead. And there are no Pagan communities or established pagan organizations. It's an impotent religion and not nearly well-defined or strong enough to take on an invading force like Islam.
This is one of my favorites
nah dude, dude nah
Roll for 4 since im already on nofap
Wow, he's gotten more extreme
stop rolling
Varg wants to get run over by muslims, he's banking everything he's got on a societal collapse and another Ice Age cause then we will be KANGZ once more
Heh okay
Congrats, you did it
Also, good job. I don't have the willpower for it, I want to though.
>he WANTS to claim neo-platonism as his own but not Christianity
Does he play music still?
Lol but i dont play them and havent played them for a year. Fuck you Varg
Varg is an alternative history pusher.
He wants you to believe vikings were forced into royalty.
Not exactly a Varg, but an anti-Varg
Yeah apparently he doesn't realize that a neighboring tribe would just come and rape his wife and his children. I guess in his mind when the collapse comes, he hasn't considered it would probably be an Islamic tribe.
What are the odds he doesn't get caught having a secret bomb making set up in his attic?
You're all too stupid to see that he's right. Fuck, I sometimes sympathize with the Soviets for killing millions of "innocent" Christians. I understand why they did it.
>Jewish Communism
Varg is fucking retarded, he has NEVER sourced or provided citation for a single claim in his ENTIRE LIFE, he just says shit and expects you to believe him with no proof.
He also blocks everyone who calls him out in the comments. He is such a fucking faggot, he has no understanding of genetics and says everyone with brown eyes is African, every single civilization was ran by nordics, etc.
And you're not being a fucking realist. You think you and your handful of internet pagan LARP friends are going to take on 2 billion Muslims? Get a fucking grip.
Also, in regards to your Soviet Christian comment, you would be happy to know the Soviets also pushed nigger-loving race-mixing like we see today.
Pagans enslaved and sold other europeans to muslims while christians fought against them.
BBBbut muh evil christians n sheeeeit.
I wonder how he rationalizes this.
Yeah, but the Christcucks had it coming.
He debated me once lol
Not only European, but he believes they were all nordic. Even Europeans like Greeks and Italians never had their own empire, it was nordics running them. He also claims that everyone who isn't blonde haired blue eyed is not white.
You're a retard who twists everything he says. Varg has provided many sources, Tacitus being one of them.
White people=chinamen?
(((-berg))) is a very common suffix in Swedish last names
You subhuman mud hut dwelling savage niggers had it coming when Christians slaughtered you, raped you, and made you submit ot them. Now the subuman cucks left in your frozen shithole will again be slaves this time to niggers.
I don't drink much, re-roll
You don't have any actual feasible solutions, you're just like an angry rebellious teenager that mommy and daddy made go to church.
Stop being such an angsty faggot and offer up some real, feasible solutions then. You don't have any. You don't have any weekly meetings with each other. You don't have any organizations. You don't have any defined groups or defined doctrines. You don't have any comradery or agreed upon moral template.
You don't have any REALISTIC solutions.
Time to log out of Sup Forums
Kek, he definitely browses this place no fucking doubt about it.
Just gonna shill my poll real quick
I'm a NatSoc, National Socialism is my solution. And no, I'm not a pagan. I'm not religious in any way what so ever.
You think (((Christianity))) is the solution to our problems? Fucking kill yourself, donkey brain.
He's kinda shit at bantz desu senpai
It's going to be 5
go fuck yourself christcuck
No esoteric Kekism or rare Pepes for a week
Calling Swedes subhuman is just projection from you, Canada, and you know it.
you need to get your head out of your ass
He lives in a fantasy world that takes place 2000 years ago and thinks we can all just revert back to the historical tribes we once were and go back to playing with swords and shields. I admire his ambitions but we have real mortal threats facing the West right now and we need real solutions.
There are 20 churches in my immediate area. That's a lot of people who attend those every week that aren't going to want to convert to Islam. That's power against the greatest threat we are facing right now.
You were wrong. No anime.
No pepes
He opposes civilisation on the grounds of it being non-white, yet claims whites invented civilisation?
Oh no not again last time I had to leave pol for a week!
It's pretty sad. He never once deals with the arguments laid out in the bible because devil's advocate has been so strongly played in the past and vargs arguments just aren't good.
He repeats "it's jewish" and "it's not european" over and over, saying nothing.
Truly an intellectually dishonest facade. Not unlike a jew, actually.
Its ok, you just have to be Pagan or something for a day
>There are 20 churches in my immediate area. That's a lot of people who attend those every week that aren't going to want to convert to Islam.
No, that's a lot of mindless sheep who would have as easily believed in Islam if that was the dominant religion where they live. Atheists are much less likely to convert to Islam than Christians are, dumbfuck. Christians and Muslims both build their religion on Judaism.
Pagans also willingly converted to Islam while Christians fought against them.
>But all the Christians are so cucked that they would sooner convert to Islam then die!
When reality shows the opposite, and that pagans in both Russia and North Africa (much of which had been colonized by whites for a thousand years by AD 600) willingly converted to Islam rather than fight them.
Let's see here
When was the last time atheists went to war with anyone? Islam, Judaism, or otherwise?
Most atheists are narcissists who are too worried about themselves rather than dying, killing, or fighting for any greater cause. I mean just look at you:
>a lot of mindless sheep
That's what you call people who would sacrifice themselves for a greater idea, probably because you would not do the same, since you are not a "sheep" afterall. You are an individual, isn't that right? You probably place your personal needs above those of anyone else.
why do people still take this nigger seriously?
Don't understand why Burzum boy is highly thought of. Church burning murdering cunt.
I agree with you more with every video he makes.
I wish he would stick to explaining pagan religion. At least that's interesting and encouraging.
no anime
no waifu
I already finished JoJo's last week, and it's the only anime I've ever watched.
Not planning on watching more anyway...
Vargposts are always kind to me.
no internet
>When was the last time atheists went to war with anyone? Islam, Judaism, or otherwise?
Ideals and the love I have for my people are enough for me to want to fight. You don't need a made up sky pixie to fight for what you believe in.
Honestly it's like a teenage girl's insecurities.
Varg is a farb
please I just want to stop vidya forever
And yes, the absolute majority of Soviet communists were atheist. They zerg rushed Germany and eventually won.
Oh you mean Bolshevism aka Judaism which even back in the Soviet times, they were shilling black and white race-mixing propaganda? Yeah, le based communists.
Maybe you are competent enough to think for yourself, but 99% of the population is not and they need ideas to guide them. Pay your lip service instead of trying to fracture us from within.
Multiple anons in this thread have already pointed out the historic collusion of Pagans with Muslims, btw.
>chimps out and burns down buildings because 'MUH HERITAGE'
>chimps out and kills a rival in a nigger-tier display of dick-measuring
>"It was self defence, I dindu nuffin!"
>lives on welfare in a foreign country
This man is the archetypal nigger. Anyone who looks up to him as some sort of shining example of whiteness is kidding themselves.
0000 get
>end my life
probably the only good video
No, I mean communism is atheistic. No Gods, no Masters.