Why is the left's meme game so weak?
Why is the left's meme game so weak?
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Because they redistribute good memes to the less capable, like typical commies.
because of pic related
It lacks the truth.
The truth starts as a joke to other people.
Then once people start to realize that the truth is in their eyes all along, they've been red-pilled.
Once you're red-pilled, you can't go back.
We have egyptian / jew magic on our side.
also Hitler literally did nothing wrong
Memes are a right wing invention, we can't play your game as well as you. The left wins with articles and talking about how worried we are about what we read in those articles.
Because the left is an inauthentic, artificial, and supremacist culture
I really don't know, you'd think all the liberals who were here in the Internet's earlier days would still be here.
because they don't have the zest for life. They just float. Their existence is a mere sequence of waiting for what to be told to think or complain about next. They are empty vessels.
not enough autism amongst them
we have so much autism that we have weaponized it
you mean headlines and how worried you are about the headline of the article you didn't read
Theyre normies
they are fucking normmies
They're more mentally ill than this board and /r9k/ combined
Leftypol memes are funny, that's because they share a similar sense of humour to us.
But most normie memes are unfunny, and most normies are lefty, thus most lefties are unfunny.
They lack a level of irony
The cringe that is vice.
We satirize because we love humanity, the left satirizes because it hates humanity.
We joke to bring laughter, the left jokes to be derisive and smug.
We appreciate being told the truth, the left appreciates being lied to.
We explore the avenues of thought we fear the most, the left explores the avenues of thought that comfort them.
Quite simply because it's not organic or authentic. There ARE no left memelords. Just paid shills who think they know what they are doing and probably don't give two shits as long as they get their two shills.
unironically this.
My friend unironically follows that shit fb page, sassy socialist memes or whatever it's called.
Please post a funny lefty/pol/ meme
They don't actually have a sense of humor.
Seinfeld is the best thing they ever came up with and it's not that funny.
I think deep down even they know that they went too far with the SJW bullshit.
This would a pretty spicy meme, if it weren't written in complete seriousness.
Did you forget that a left winger was the creator of your meme frog?
they are acting in real life, instead of internet
ya nailed it
What you posted is true for classical right, but the alt-right behaves exactly like the left.
>muh frog cartoons
you kissless virgins are a fucking riot
They have a stick so far up their ass, they forgot how to have fun because literally everything is problematic. Tragedy and comedy are closely connected. And when everything is a tragedy and nothing can be mocked for the sake of feels, nothing is funny.
Quads confirm. /thread
Name calling really isn't the argument winner you think it is.
>trump casinos
>trump russia
>trump is a failed businessman
>trump $1M loan
>trump rapist
>trump sexist
>trump xenophobic
>trump [insert DNC talking point here]
>trump [insert DNC talking point here]
>trump [insert DNC talking point here]
how is that fucking relevant. He made a drawing that WE took and created a whole different frog
>kissless virgins
This is a well ripe and rank 2005 era meme and why you cucks suck at it. Literally kissed a girl when i was 10, fucked at 15 and am now 27 with a 10 year long relationship with a real woman with ovaries.
was that meant to be funny
i think you're looking for
Because leftists are not original, intelligent, clever, or resourceful. They are herd think peons, and this is the extent of their capability.
If society said we should all be devout Christians with high morals and a clean life they'd do it. Just because it was trendy. Since the opposite is true, they do it, just because it's trendy. They have no deeper thought, they have no original thoughts, they have no lone wolf capability what so ever. Every single one of them is a Beta or worse. The women as well.
>liberal institutions cease to be liberal as soon as the gain power
Because the way the left gained power was cultural subversion they where the ones fighting the big meanie conservatives now they are the dominant culture. They cant meme any more because true culture is organic and a dominant culture will always culturally react it can never truly produce anything truly organic.
Weak? Some ass-clown just took down Hannity on Twitter after doxxing someone today and not being suspended.
Seems like their 'meme game' has been fruitful.
>what are memes
The left is already a meme by itself. It's a parody of what happens when too many people grow up with affluence and never touch reality.
Honestly Stirner memes are pretty hilarious but those are subversive neutral ie can be used on the left and right but i dont see cultural egoism gaining footing anytime waaaay to esoteric
every single leftist is a normalfag
if anyone identifies themselves as a member of the "alt-right", they are simply retarded.
>can't even into memes
kys faggot
Who cares? Just kill commies
Memeys aren't going to save them when the day of the helicopter comes
>Why is the left's meme game so weak?
Probably because they go outside
they force memes hoping they are spicy. the right uses natural selection and thus powerful memes rise to the top. also the left cant use humor due to offending others...they are not funny anymore crippled by their own ideology. finally the left are just generally angry people, always outraged, you dont make hilarious memes in that mental state.
Memes, like genes, are conceived and spread by evolutionary fitness. Lefty memes lack a core of truth and value therefore lack evolutionary fitness. Everyone is basically a failed test tube mutant, while pol memes are the fittest that have survived 1000s of generations and environments.
If you follow Lefty ideology, 24/25 times you're an NPC for this reality.
this, how can they make their own memes when they are too busy making ours
I can't tell what's satire and what isn't anymore
Sup Forumsmemes/ often represents fact and true human emotion or real, tangible expressions of of primal emotions. These memes can be actually "felt" more than "appreciated"
The left's attempts at memes does not work because they have aligned themselves with complex emotions that cannot be directly felt.
Have any of you truly felt "empathy" or "compassion" in it's raw form? No. Because it does not exist. Those two emotions only describe more base emotions being felt.
As such, their memes are about, "Yeah. I can relate to that!"
Sup Forumsmemes/ are, "I am that." or "I've felt this way before."
In simple terms: One is "Rembrandt" they other is "Jackson Pollock." Jackson Pollock's art is pretentious as fuck. It expresses nothing more than what a the mind of the person viewing it thinks.
Our memes are Based.
Wew this thread...feels...like...euphoria
Sorta, but not really. We do feel. They exonerate. They sexually induce. We become. That baseness is the foundation. You can know what it feels like to be a cup or a table. It's metaphysically conceptually attainable AND your unconscious mind was made to be BE EVERYTHING.
Because the "left" is mostly composed of women and effeminate beta cucks. And we all know women aren't funny.
That is the strategy. See, you can say the most outrageous stuff against the norm if no one knows if you are kidding or not.
It is ironic that those who fight for a norm they feel comfortable with are so willing to destroy all norms in their pursuit.
I take everyone at their word...
A lot of humor touches on taboo subjects or is used to ridicule ideas or people. Lefties don't take risks and are to scare to 'offend' any one so their meme game is weak
>Why is the left's meme game so weak?
It's not that right-wingers are better at memes. It's that the people who are good at making memes are currently right-wing.
The same people today are the ones who years ago supported Ron Paul and did all that embarrassing anonymous shit.
This makes no sense. If the glass is already full, then any more you put in is going to overflow, regardless of how much or how little.
...and of course "desperately unfunny" is a current meme by itself on the left
>Samantha Bee
>that woman with the glasses
>whoever that guy is
>fuck i cant be bothered
they have to constantly walk on egg shells to keep from butt blasting each other's feelings. It's hard to get a gold for humor when competing in the oppression Olympics.
It's a shitty meme but what it's trying to say is that the size of their coin purses get bigger so they can hold more coins instead of the coins falling out
Because the target audience of their memes are not conservatives. You don't find them funny because they are not meant to be funny to you.
Why don't normies shitpost frogs on anonymous internet forums all day long? Because they think right wing memes are shit.
Trickle down economics is a liberal strawman
No one on the right is saying that wealth is going to ''trickle down''. They're saying that rich people employ others, they create jobs and pay those people.
This is why their ''memes'' fucking suck, because these idiots don't even know what is real. People who don't even know what gender they are do not have enough of a grip over reality to make jokes about anything.
>bends over and sprays diarrhea on the first three rows
>amirite ladies?
The culture has shifted as well though. I was a leftist 10 years ago but I didn't defend insane shit I just had a myopic young persons view of the world, if you told me there were 72 genders I would of laughed in your face or thought you were shittily misquoting slaughterhouse 5
Objectively false.
Normies do shitpost frogs, and pretty much every Sup Forums meme, they just don't do it anonymously.
Does it really count as "being in a fight" if all you did was get your ass kicked?
> isis is 20-50k men
> 10's of millions of fighting age male refugees must flee from them to safety of Europe.
Remember, no jokes
Where do they talk? Leftists almost never have comments sections
Because they don't have a sense of humor. If you can't fucking laugh, how the fug can you joke?
When leftists attack it isn't comedic, it's spiteful and nasty. That's why it doesn't resonate outside of their echo-chambers, because other groups do not share their emotional unraveling and uptight manias. It's like telling a joke in Japanese to a bunch of Germans, they don't speak the same language, of course they won't get the punchline. Leftists don't speak the language of memes, because at their heart, memes are self-reflective and often self-deprecating, and that is a place that leftists are unwilling to go.
Reddit. R/@, socialism, full communism, complete anarchy, chapo trap house. Leftypol, democratic underground
All of them will be extremely heavily policed
I was banned from /r/anarchism for asking what stops giant corporations from taking over once the state is removed.
The irony of being banned from an anarchist subreddit by a very small hierarchy of moderators is stunning.
>Why is the left's meme game so weak?
...because they already own mainstream comedy leaving a vacuum for a right wing memes on Sup Forums?
Anyway, I'm a centrist who's sick of being told to choose a side. Fuck that I post all memes no matter who it offends.
Shit like this mostly.
fell for the part and parcel meme
>fucking the same girl for 10 years
>Blocks your path
I don't see where you contradict me, but "being angry as a cup" has no tangible emotion that can be felt. Or phrased differently; the anger that we feel thinking of being angry like a cup is not derivative of the actual feelings or way it would be to feel angry from the literal perspective of a cup.
But a meme with a broken cup handle and the cup is 5 nano seconds from smashing into the floor...this convery true emotion. Not, "Thats true hehe" or "I can relate!" but "Oh shit".
There is no "I' in Sup Forumsmemes/ and as such pol memes cannot be marketed.
lefty memes are always, "My face when ". True, there are some mfw Sup Forumsmemes/ but they are usually responses to being in an unlikely situation. If memes were insurance, /[chan]/memes/ would be like life insurance: Everybody is going to die some day so everybody gets to "cash in".
left memes would be like other types of commodity insurance (House, Car, Etc). Not everybody is going to need the things that those insurances offer and as such not everybody can relate to most left memes.
most of their idols are mass murderers
Because they're naturally unfunny.
The pinnacle of their humor is some chiding black woman going UH RAYCIS AND SEXIST MUCH while pulling an expression of exaggerated disbelief. They're every single female comedian who thinks talking about their periods is great comedy, not realizing it's about as lowbrow as a man talking about his farts. They're just not funny.
And at the end of the day, the biggest reason they're not funny is because they're the people who try to say that there are acceptable and unacceptable targets for mockery. That sort of dictatorial rule making is the antithesis of comedy. With that as the lens they view humour through, it's no wonder they fail at being funny to anyone but themselves.
>I was banned from /r/anarchism for asking what stops giant corporations from taking over once the state is removed.
I think that Democracy is pretty much contained anarchy. Every so many years you overthrow the current government and vote in a new one. It's designed to prevent large uprisings that topple governments through use of force.
>National capitalism
Nice splitting of the votes, fag. It's the pretty much the same thing.
they only make memes with other peoples money
Because it's core tenants are based on lies. Lies are weak, but have some power in great numbers. So, their strategy is to flood the world with shit memes, in an attempt to prevent the memes of truth from taking root, or to quickly snuff them out.
The memes of truth are fewer in number, but have great power. Once established, they cut through the lies, like candlelight cuts through darkness.
The only way leftists can make memes "decent" (in a generous Sense of the word) is by marketing them to a Facebook audience. And we all know that faceberg users are suckers for synthetic memes like dat boi or pic related
Now this is a quality insult, I've never heard this from leftists before.