He can't get much more blunt and straight to the point than that. Can you bongs give us a quick rundown on this guy?
He can't get much more blunt and straight to the point than that. Can you bongs give us a quick rundown on this guy?
that was based as fuck
Holy shit, bump. These fucks do deserve "Nuremburg" Trials.
How much attention did this receive?
He led the BNP (British Nationalist Party) which won a couple of elections back in the early 2000s until it was slandered by (((them))) when it gained mainstream publicity. Nick Griffin is pretty hated now and the BNP is gone as far as I'm aware, they were taken over by UKIP.
bump of 'watch later'
Our guy
Ever notice it's always the most disgusting and inbred looking white "people" that ramble on about "muh white genocide"?
>they were taken over by UKIP.
Nope, UKIP has fuckall to do with BNP policies aside from anti-EU sentiments, but for different reasons.
tfw 'YOU' are /yourguy/
forgot about that old cunt
feels like 2009 again when I was a proper racist
Nigel Farage pretty much admits it was UKIP that overthrew the BNP.
We need more men like him for sure. That stupid cunt's useless emotionally biased response is exactly why women belong as far away from politics as possible.
If the first words out of your mouth are trash like racist, xenophobic and hateful then you obviously have nothing to say that's worthwhile.
What are the difference between the two?
inb4 ded
Get a load of this party leaflet. Don't they know that Churchill was a Rothschilds bank Zionist cuck?
That sure as hell was a lot of redpills! I love the frame: indigenous europeans.
>Nigel Farage pretty much admits it was UKIP that overthrew the BNP
They're all fucking Zionist pigs under maximum cuckage. They do nothing for the indigenous among them when they are Zio-First
UKIP is civic nationalist to the core.
>video not available in your country
Ever notice it's the Aussies always shitposting?
Anything that projects the EU in a bad light is censored.
It's over in about a minute and he's ball tingly blunt
I love this guy. Can we make him World Emperor ?
mmm the women who retorted was such a beautiful specimen
>name-drops Coudenhove Kalergi
>calls a fucking spade a spade and describes the EU's policy toward "migrants" out for what it is
>says they all belong in the dock at nuremberg for genocide
>some Spanish cunt calls him racist
>no fucks given.jpg
Wow OP. We are getting so close to a new reich it's incredible. Next Hitler is coming.
> This video is not available in your country.
>Guys who sit in their rooms all day and complain about women posting MGTOW memes complaining about white genocide
the leaf................
try this one
BNP is shamelessly racist/race conscious while UKIP is more than anything about leaving the EU.
>"I am very offended by these xenophobic and racist words..."
Every fucking time. Want to shut up a white male? A screechy female voice says she's offended.
UKIP is just the first step.
>this video is not available in your country
The sweet smell of German censorship in the morning
The sweet smell of trips in the arvo
>Your founder wanted to genocide Europeans and the policies you continue to support will achieve this. You are criminals.
I can't see how diplomacy will resolve this. These people deserve to die.
This is an old video. 2014
That lady is from my country's Socialist Party. I'm sorry.
You can always get around the censor you know Germanbro/
2 alt links for you people living in 1984
But why genocide whites who does it help
Is he /ourguy/?
if you fags haven't already seen this speech you need to watch more propaganda
Dr. William L. Pierce - The Jewish House of Cards
Dr. William L. Pierce - The Downfall of the White Race
and it's not like we weren't warned.
In Mein Kampf, Hitler described children resulting from any kind of relationship to African occupation soldiers as a contamination of the white race "by Negro blood on the Rhine in the heart of Europe."[6] He thought that "Jews were responsible for bringing Negroes into the Rhineland, with the ultimate idea of bastardizing the white race which they hate and thus lowering its cultural and political level so that the Jew might dominate."
Dude the School of griffin just got an Endorsement from the Red Rose. What a good man.
old as fuck
but sheep never wake up
He names the Jew at the end
exactly. It made me wonder what parts were racist and what parts were xenophobic.
i didnt sense any language of "subhuman" or fear of foreigners in his speech
Can we switch time lines I want the one where white people arent targeted and everyone is happy all races
Not enough the Hanging Town will be delighted to hang more Witches and degenerates to society.
Having a cheap labor force helps corporations. Instead of outsourcing your manufacturing and services to 3rd world countries which can involve penalties. You bring the third world here. Increase the labor supply putting contol firmly in the hands of the employer.
In Toronto, my shithole home, a 40K posting job will get 100's of resumes with all level's of education.
You can literally higher a PHD for 40k. That's globalism
I miss that one. Honestly don't remember how I wound up here.
Pre 9 11 can we all agree
Jews would rather rule Hell than live as equals in Paradise.
Without Whites the Human Race is done. Just imagine that, no progress for mankind till the end of time.
Id rather cook an aussie nigger then a dog. I'd feed you to my dogs, peasants have breathed too much.
>not using a proxy
> His left eye can supposedly see Jews normally undetectable to the human eye.
> Decended from ancient Welsh Kings.
> His birth was foretold by Alistair Crowley.
> Subsists entirely on a diet of minorities souls (hence his fat body.)
> In direct contact with Bogdanoffs.
> n0 b14x p133z
> In the end days it is said he will stand by the right hand of Jesus Christ mounted atop a Griffin as Satan is defeated for all time.
Sadly the only Hope is the onslaught of a proper scythe.
>portraying Aleister Crowley in a good light
Fuck off kike
You want to get crazy. I'll cut your fucking liver out and feed it to you before you die.
have you killed her yet?
Yeah but the Jews get to be kangz!
>You can literally higher a PHD
fuck off chink.
you ever played grand strategies or Civ? you dont care about 'people' there, its just a number
you want more population, cheaper resource and more control
thats what elites play with people on Earth, they just want easily controlled masses
and labour becomes irrelevant with mass robotization, they dont need qualified workers anymore,
in fact they want dumber and less educated people now - they are easier to control
Saying a Jew foretold a birth doesn't mean he is putting the guy in a good light.
Fine but seriously fuck Crowley he was a pedophile rapist
That was great, and on the EU floor of all places.
I hope this message gets spread far and wide.
Wow, I made a grammar mistake. thanks teach.
Drown yourself in rat shit lit major.
why are there mexicans at the EU?
Holy fucking shit. Who is this guy? I've never heard of him before but he'd redpilled as fuck. Does he browse Sup Forums? So many questions, and all need to be answered right now.
Is he Arthur come to save the Britons?
>as Satan is defeated for all time.
It's going to take more than the British to defeat Hillary. You'd need some kind of trump card--
NEVER forget: Griffen slandered Jonathan Bowden into an early grave so he wouldnt be eclipsed by a moar charismatic BNP leader... The party imploded immediately thereafter.
The fuck is wrong with his face? Did he suffer a stroke? Is he a chimera and half of his face is from an absorbed twin?
Proper punctuation would have seen you capitalize "thanks" so you're still shit. Also you don't have to be a major in anything to fucking know words. Explain to me the difference between there, their and they're real quick. Or else why should I higher you?
Oh shut up you dire cunt, his message was crystal clear so why sidestep it for abysmally pedantic ranting?
Correcting a grammatical mistake on an anonymous forum ? You a fucking douche bag there is no other way to put it. As for the words, their use is dependent on how they're used in a sentence.
Does shit like that get your panties wet ?
This. Griffen is a fucking scumbag.
>You a fucking douche bag
You a douche bag too.
it's true, far right german politician talking about the israel connection
holy shit
Clever retort. I guess when you lack wit grammar seems like a viable substitute. Protip: It's not.
jew. obvious jew disputing him.
Using wit on an anonymous forum? You a fucking douche bag.
Wow it's almost like you're rubber and I'm glue. Welcome to to grade 3 again Sup Forums now with even more grammatically correct douche bags.
remove tube and add pak, like this:
>correcting grammar
>on MY subreddit!?!?!?!?!?!?
Fuck off r/the_donald
Bowden would have saved the BNP. Griffin is a jealous fool who prefered to lead a zombie party instead of defending his country.
It's hilarious because you said reddit but this is Sup Forums