Clanton arrested
hahah yes
Nicely done, anons.
I'm sure his bunkmate Tyrone will be thrilled to see his long hair
What took them so long?
Christian Bale?
It's a miracle they did it at all. The cucks probably had his arrest warrant sitting on a desk gathering dust all this time.
It was an unrelated case. They totally ignored the attempted murder of him bashing that guy in the head with a bike lock for being a Trump supporter.
This article is light on details but I'm guessing he assaulted a member of a protected class, likely a Jew he thought was white, so the cops payed attention.
wonder what took so long
Hopefully this is his third strike in california
The power of weaponized autism. Good job, guys
I hope every single one of these commie fucks gets executed.
Legal execution.
The power of weaponized autism never ceases to amaze me
Time for lessons in race realism - hard mode.
Yeah, he was arrested for use of a firearm during a felony. WTF is going on?
> He was arrested on suspicion of use of a firearm during a felony with an enhancement clause and assault with a non-firearm deadly weapon.
firearm?? when?
yea i saw the part about also assault with non-firearm deadly weapon.
Unrelated charge. Our efforts still done fuck all
> He was arrested on suspicion of use of a firearm during a felony with an enhancement clause and assault with a non-firearm deadly weapon.
> and assault with a non-firearm deadly weapon.
Wyatt Herp in Tombstone
2 charges against him, one for firearm during another felony and...
assault with deadly weapon not firearm.
So unless he bikelocks everyone everywhere... There's still a good chance the weaponized autism did him in.
It's the US. You can murder someone and walk for months until trial lol
he looks fucking old for a 28 years old
Zero evidence.
Zero fucking evidence.
So much for due process in the United States. Just arresting people on trumped up charges because they dissent.
Or, someone at the riot used a firearm on the ANTIFA side.
The police were filming the whole thing from overwatch, so they saw and got a lot more video than people on the ground did.
Bullshit. Sup Forums spent a week gathering evidence
I wonder how much money an investigation this level would cost Soros.
We may not have the deep pockets the billionaire globalists have, but our autism is incredibly potent and, now we know, effective.
Police will have footage.
They were filming the whole thing from the roofs.
They no doubt got him taking his clothes off in-between assaulting people.
reminder pol mods tried to prevent justice
Dumbass, you don't even criminal justice.
Cops get to arrest you. Everywhere. Without evidence. Period. They get 72 hours.
Then there's an "arraignment" where the evidence is presented. That's friday.
Save me from the dumb fucking leafs that don't understand english fucking common law, the basis for law in BOTH our nations AND England.
Fucking faggot. I WISH you were an autist because then you'd already know this.
all the weed and hemp soap
No. He got arrested for something completely unrelated, police haven't confirmed if the second charge has anything to do with the bike lock incident
Nice fantasy.
You kids over here shouldn't throw stones if you live in a glass house. You rip a strip off of antifa for doxxing alt righters, but when you slander and destroy the lives of an antifa member, it's totally justified.
Fuck you guys.
I guess I'll be the cynic and say nothing is going to happen and they just arrested him to keep up the illusion of police that aren't in the pockets of commies. They stand down and don't do shit, then eventually they make a single arrest and let the criminal go after people lose interest.
I understand the deadly weapon part but anyone got any info on the firearm charge or the 'enhancement clause'
>suspicion of use of a firearm during a felony with an enhancement clause and assault with a non-firearm deadly weapon
if you don't want to get arrested and your bail pegged at $200,000, don't hit people on the head with an improvised hammer
He was arrested for another crime AND THEN the bike-lock incident seems to have added onto it.
Never SAID they confirmed anything.
We know nothing til arraignment.
What we do know is there's a charge that would be the exact charge you'd be looking at for bikelocking someone in the head against him.
Someone else suggested the "firearm" charge could be related to m80s, or particular fireworks in his possession during the bikelocking.
>zero evidence
Nice try boy-molesting ANTIFA pozzie. If drawn witness portraits have been good enough for arrests for decades, the tons of photo and video evidence Sup Forums dug out should be even better.
I platonically love you faggots.
Shame that's not what he was arrested for. Read the article
Interesting question user, I'm guessing hundreds of thousands.
Imagine a leaf Jew who converted to Islam.
Once again, zero evidence.
I'm not antifa. I'm a neoconservative who only visits here once in a while to chuckle at the deluded lunacy that pervades this entire cesspool of a website.
Literally go kill yourself.
Now, off to get more drunk.
Shout out to all the weaponized autists who made this possible. You're my acne riddled heroes, you beautiful bastards.
you don't get arrested on evidence but on reasonable suspicion. isn't that amazing?
our boy eric got arrested on suspicion he committed a felony, with smashing someone's skull with a 2kg piece of metal being a second crime
Err. There's pics of him with the same jeans, glasses, boots, backpack and the pen in his back pocket. Same eyes and face hair ect. I know you're just trolling though
imagine a limey who propagates memes from a zionist psyop; good work Cuthbert
> held on $200,000 bail
>No date was immediately listed for upcoming arraignment
HAHAHAAHAHAHAAAHAHAAHAHAAHAAH the cunt is stuck in jail with niggers for a month probably. This just made my night
> suspicion of use of a firearm during a felony
>assault with a non-firearm deadly weapon
firearm? can anyone explain this?
If the roles were reversed right about now you'd be screeching.
Even if he did assault them, I do think he was justified in doing it; and I'm not even a liberal for Pete's sake!
Holy shit, it finally happened. This thread needs more attention.
get raked leaf cunt
How do you know what evidence his arrest was based on? Give a source.
we make innocuous comments about muslims and get fired or jailed. you attack people with bike locks because they dare notice who commits terror attacks
you can bet your ass we're going to dox you for physically assaulting us with weapons. dumb fuck. not even comparable.
article didnt even mention that we identified him. fucking police robs us off our glory.
>Even if he did assault them, I do think he was justified in doing it
He attacked people that weren't doing anything, with a deadly weapon.
>yfw Sup Forums janitors get arrested for obstruction of justice
My niggas.
You fucking did it.
I love you Sup Forums. Never fucking change.
He'll be sucking nigger sick to survive within a week
Just kill yourself you worthless retard
Yeah, I got a ban for a 'doxx' thread about Clanton. Three days, if I recall correctly. What a joke. It was one of the best things Sup Forums has done in recent memory, and a ton of us got banned for it.
california law says that a firearm enhancement can be given for just being peripherally involved
for example providing or furnishing a firearm to someone else, or having it nearby or facilitating the comission of another criminal act
it sounds like he was investigated for the bike lock attack and then they found him additionally responsible for involvement with someone elses firearm charge
I would not be surprised at all if they took him in for questioning and with just a little bit of pressure he fucked up and revealed everything
In california flareguns count as firearms and this flarefun looks suspiciously like some of the explosions that happened at the event
>for Pete's sake!
Justified in smashing someone in the head who was trying to keep the peace?
Yeah you're trolling. Last (you) from me
Same thing happend with early gamergate (burgers and fries!). even the word gamergate was banned on Sup Forums for like a year lmao
What memes have I posted bro? I'm so busy with schlomo I can't remember. Herschel insists on getting his shekel's worth!
Mask slipped. Agreed, you're not a liberal. Liberals believe in freedom and individual rights. You believe in faggotry.
>I do think he was justified in doing it
He thinks this was justified:
He's totally not a troll.
People were prevented from bringing drinks cans in, I think either the police or the weaponised autists here would have spotted that fucking hand cannon
>for being a trump supporter
For being an abhorrent manchild
>gas the kikes hitler did nothing wrong deport all Muslims
Quite innocuous indeed!
Cry more pedoterrorist
But we know there were explosions there so the only other thing i can think of for the firearms charge that wasn't an actual firearm is something that meets this definition
>For the purposes of sections 12025 and 12031, the term firearm also includes any rocket, rocket propelled projectile launcher, or similar device containing any explosive or incendiary material whether or not the device is designed for emergency or distress signaling purposes. (Penal Code § 12001.
These people were armed protesters who were calling for the genocide of multiple groups. Anyone with a well tuned moral compass would've done the same. Such morality is hard to come by on this deep recess of the Internet.
>not even a liberal
Who do you think you're fooling, leaf?
>enhancement clause'
I'm pretty sure that means if you commit a crime if certain variables are present it adds additional time to the charge, despite the act being the same.
I am a neoconservative.
Police probably got someone in ANTIFA carrying a firearm on tape; they were filming from rooftops during the riot, and would have got a lot of good footage
Which means he gets bonus time with his deadly weapon attack crimes
Oh like selling drugs near a school or something, makes sense.
Christian Fail.
You're right, that does seem quite similar to the 'fireworks' that were being thrown at Berkeley. As a matter of fact, that looks much more like what I saw than any other 'firework' that people have mentioned.
I wouldn't be surprised if that's what they used. It wouldn't be hard to conceal that thing in a bag, and to shoot it from beneath a poncho or something. My only concern though, is that I don't recall there being an initial bang or report, when the flare would have been fired from the flare gun.
Does anyone remember hearing two bangs?
>These people were armed protesters who were calling for the genocide of multiple groups.
Zero evidence.
>People were prevented from bringing drinks cans in
ANTIFA had M80s, booze bottles (throwing them), and blunt objects like the bike locks.
The police obviously didn't confiscate everything.
In california the term firearm includes :
>For the purposes of sections 12025 and 12031, the term firearm also includes any rocket, rocket propelled projectile launcher, or similar device containing any explosive or incendiary material whether or not the device is designed for emergency or distress signaling purposes. (Penal Code § 12001.
My favorite part of Sup Forums always beating Antifaggots is that they always come here and sook afterwards. Your salt is just making this that much more satisfying, terrorist.
There's your firearm charge
ANTIFA were shown to have M80s.
They're a big no no in Cali.
Same shit, neocons are basically leftist kike shills whose social agenda is practically identical to that of SJWs.
>trumped up charges
>trumped up
he came through boys
Commies from l*ftypol are quick to point out that they're not liberals.
M80s are banned in Cali; ANTIFA had them during the riot
>'deep recess of the internet'
Nigger, you're on the single most influential political board in the USA. Sup Forums gets shit tons of traffic, and even our enemies come here all the time to see what we're up to.