I am a high school senior, graduating in about a month...

I am a high school senior, graduating in about a month. My friend since 6th grade has worked really hard to get passing grades, and would occasionally smoke weed, do xanax, and did acid twice. Early today, he was arrested. He can't finish high school. Nobody will want to employ him. He's the nicest person I've ever fucking met. He has never hurt anyone.
Why are soft-core drugs illegal?
>inb4 "muh fee fees meme xddd"
>inb4 "shut up libertarian !"
>inb4 "hes a criminal!!!"

Don't do acid.

Drugs should never be illegal, as a matter of fact we should be taxing them. But fuck it, ((they)) make too much money off of drug sale and penilization.

I wasn't planning on it.


your friend should be executed.

Why? Even if you buy the degeneracy meme, why should his life be ruined for it?

All your friend had to do was not do drugs.

That's all.

He couldn't even do that.

Good, be happy he wasnt stoop against a wall and shot like he deserves

because it cant be taxed you fuck

I get that, but still. His life is over for having a little bit of weed with him. Why not just give him a little fine?

If you honestly believe that unironically, you're a traitor to your country lol

lmaoo was algebra -3 too hard for him

he was too weak willed for life

natural selection

Great. This isn't your blog.
>why does gravity hurt if I fall out of a tree?
Fall out of more trees, you'll end up in jail or dead. Then you'll understand gravity.

He was retarded enough to do drugs.
What's the point of this thread?

go to bed, you have high school in the morning

Tough shit. You and your faggot friends broke the law, and while doing so inherited the risk of being caught and the consequences. Also using inb4 strawmans don't constitute arguments.

Because it makes boredom tolerable and it's when you're bored that you develop skills.


There is more money in prohibition, not to mention using suspected possession of drugs used to curb other rights.


Your arbitrary definitions mean fucking nothing. Your friend committed a crime and will now suffer the consequences.

I'm glad he's in jail. Gateway drugs kids.

Smoking weed before your brain matures produces PERMANENT change in your brain.

Sorry you and your burnout buddy are retards but it's your own fault, scum.

If you honestly dont believe that unironically, you're a traitor to your country lol

He'll be alright senpai
He'll just get a slap on the wrist
What state?

It more profitable illegal. If you can catch someone enough, you can send them to jail it is also profitable.
Also it systematically suppresses the lower class.

But I really wouldn't worry about it, usually it is just a slap on the wrist, pay a couple hundred bucks. I think the only way a school can expell you is if he was caught with it at school. And in all my life my possesion charge has never actually came up or held me back with a job.