Marrying Your Best Friend

As a straight person, would you date your best friend as the same sex ? If so, message this person on Instagram. Read her caption.

what the fuck does this have to do with Hitler (may peace be upon him)

Fuck you

You mad bro ?


Hitler would disapprove the relationship

>have some gay feelings for a friend that I suppressed over time
>he comes out as transgender to me
>mfw waiting to see if he passes before chasing that feminine benis

My girlfriend is my best friend. That's the way it should be.

wow that might be the gayest situation in the entire world

I have deep platonic love for my best friend, we're physically pretty touchy and huggy and have shared a bed before
If he wanted to do gay shit I'd go along with it, but I'd never initiate it myself
He has a gf so it's not like it'd ever happen

But if he thinks he's a woman and I think of him as a woman it isn't as gay as two normal faggots fucking and having a relationship.
Not as gay as a faggot orgy either.
Definitely not as gay as bugchasers.

I'm my own best friend

I would date myself

If I could reproduce with myself and male 4 identical 'me's I'd be happy

>If I could reproduce with myself
We have artificial womb technology, give it time and I'm sure they'll be able to turn any stem cell into eggs and sperm so you can create the most pure bloodline ever conceived.

>>best friend

stfu, faggot.

>gayness is a spectrum

The other user clearly said
>that might be the gayest situation
which implied that gayness was a spectrum in the context of our conversation. I leave whether or not it actually is a spectrum up to other people to worry about.

If this innocent tweet made your mind jump to the thought of a man on man relationship... You're a fucking degenerate and a good Goy. Step away from the computer for a few days and start hitting the gym

Youre gay dude

I didn't even mention that I've been having lots of thoughts about being a woman. I think I'm beyond gay at this point. As long as I'm not a flaming faggot you won't gas me right?

>sorry user, I don't date necklets


is it not weird for your best friend to be opposite sex?

You're definitely a faggot

I never said I wasn't.


How can you be best friends with a girl?

If your sex partner is your bestfriend your doing it wrong

millennials confirmed garbage-tier

Ya it's "NOT" as gay as two guys fucking even though thats exactly what it is you colossal faggot

My girlfriend is my wife, my whore, my cook, my maid, and my only light in this endless dark.

if one somewhat looks feminine then it isn't as gay as two masculine hairy guys fucking

> date your best friend
"date" or... "have sex with because you are not straight"


>I'm my own best friend
That's kind of sad leaf, I hope you find a friend who cares about you.

You can date your best friend, it's probably better if your wife is your bestfriend honestly, but a woman you're not dating can never be your best friend

this is not politics

>not as gay
It's way fucking gayer


le ebin trull xd