Official site:
Media coverage:
Official site:
Media coverage:
>EU gibs welcome
>refugees are Greece's problem
fuck off, Polack
>Posting with Hungary flag
>not liking Poland
why so tsundere, Hun?
Well that escalated quickly.
Shut up
Don't mind him. You can find faggots everywhere.
Yeah, I thought so
President Duda pushes for new constitutional referendum to take power back to the people, I very much enjoy it
How's life in Hungary? Is weather as hot as here?
It's pretty good I think, right now I don't have any problems and the way the country goes is not that bad. Yeah it's starting to get hot, but we have some rain two days ago so it's still not unbearable.
How are you do these days when the EU wants to fuck us in the ass?
Ah the good ol' V4 - the only decent place on the whole goddamned continent! God bless you prideful sons a bitches.
Soo, when we are leaving EU?
I feel calm
While Total Opposition (guys who lost elections and relevance) are bent on taking refugees and EU cock, PiS and Kukiz '15 are hell bent on not taking them, and just because of that, about 75% of Poles support them. They won, they will win again, and no sanctions will make us take refugees, and if gibs end, we quit and just flood west with Chinese stuff from New Silk Road
either when gibs stop and EU start bullshitting too hard, or in 2025, when Euro is forced upon us, according to leaks
maybe sooner, all depends
Into the oven
Beware kike propaganda influencing your women. Seen it happen many times in the UK!
More like : when are we turning EU into a NatSoc superpower like Adolf wanted to?
>Hungaryball upside down
works here too
many young Polish girls have exotic fewer, but nationalistic media shows that when Polish girl went to egypt, she died horribly
also there were nigger spreading AIDS in the past
racemixing is frowned, and being not white too
>that Georgia
>Greece doesn't enact proper border control
>>refugees are Greece's problem
Yes, yes they are. If they don't want them, they can very well kick them out. Are you implying that Poland forces Greece to deal with them in one way or another?
>I lit my house on fire, are you saying that it is MY problem now? Do you want my house to BURN DOWN?
Fuck off, imbecile.
saved for future use
Imo - after 2020, since this is the last year of the current EU budget and then we will become net contributors (actually some countries in our region may be even today, eg. Croatia, but I would have to check data), basically after 2020 there shouldn't be any rational reason to stay in the EU, but - of course - something may change in the meantime.
Is it easy to get Polish nationality?
I have 1/4 Polish blood, would it help?
Id like to come and lurk in these threads but you always end up reverting to some garbled heathen lingo.
>tfw Hungarian stranded in Leaf country
Help me bros. I can't start a family here, it just can't happen. What should I study in college that I can take back to Hon-land?
athough 25% Polish may not be enough to keep you alive
IT, you can take it everywhere! Stay strong Hungarian! It will get better!
>leaving EU
Why would we leave the EU? We have veto power, if the Germans want to destroy Europe, we can just grind the whole thing down, destroy the beast from the inside.
LIBERUM VETO bitches, if the westerners think they own the EU, they are very wrong, they would have to quit their own fucking creation and re-enter into the shameful club of cowards and failures just to have their racial replacement reformed Kalergi-plan enacted.
If the EU turns on its eastern members, it is DONE. It'll be the new Rzeczpospolita, Deluge of the Muslims, Partitioned between Free Intermarum, Anglo Rim and Eurabia.
>>Greece doesn't enact proper border control
their border is the sea you fucking imbecile
there are thousands of greek islands
>they can very well kick them out
to a war zone?
you're another example of how our governments are not giving us all the information and use the refugee crisis for politics
Dobre rano kamarati.
woah!, kek so you no like the UK then?
We have a lot of lefty faggots like that. They would sell their country for power. They don't give a fuck about Hungary even go againts their home in the EU parliament. But luckily they are destroying themself so I don't afraid they will win in the close future.
What do you define as IT? Specifically? Elaborate moj brat.
Engineering or IT and youll be fine.
Yea i met some redpilled women here
T. Slav looking dutch whitey
You should study some kind of engineering, and you will find a job anywhere. As a mechanical engineer I don't have problem with finding a good job.
>you can't safeguard a sea border
Are you actually this retarded or just a low-energy shitposter?
>to a war zone?
No, not the war zone. The maritime hinterlands of the war-torn country that needs the deserters in their ranks properly punished for desertion and treason.
Why wouldn't I like the UK?
>hey don't give a fuck about Hungary even go againts their home in the EU parliament
same old story, same old song and dance
our main faggot cheated on his wife with young girl from his party and got reduced to jester tier because of his retardation
Programmimg, some serious computer science, stuff Sup Forums is all about
ask there for work advice
Poland upside down...
Im not smart enough for that. I have very high verbal IQ though. Can I teach english or some shit?
What aspect of IT szpeszifikusan?
>teach english
tolmácsot kérek
Well, they don't want to go to Eastern Europe, where they can't get money.
Poland is always upside down
they are more numerous everyday
Engineering doesn't require that high of an IQ.
105-110 can be enough with a bit of work, specially around Burgerland
I have to have 130 IQ just to survive in Eastern Europe. OY fucking Vey bro I'm fuckidy fucked. I guess Ill get a sex change then and just become a good leaf
>>you can't safeguard a sea border
how do you "safeguard" all the shores of thousands of islands?
> The maritime hinterlands of the war-torn country that needs the deserters in their ranks properly punished for desertion and treason.
it's not a country, it's a war zone with war criminals
Why would you do it? Like, in the worst scenario there is always rural France and wages and all that stuff will be still higher in France for several decades, at least. There are some French people who move here, I remember reading some interview with a restaurant owner who was scared to stay in France due to some reasons and he decided to move and then invite your adult children, but a group like that would consist of several thousand people tops. Also - there is still some unstable situation in the East, like this Summer Russia and Belarus will simulate a nuclear strike on Warsaw during Zapad 2017 (they do the same thing every 4 years) and any dissolution of Russia rather wont happen until 2020-something (in 2023 they won't be able to sustain the same level of oil production and since it's basicaly the only thing they sell, aside from weapon, but this is less relevant economicaly - ergo between 2018 and 2023 they will try to stir some shit to preserve their position, and even later everything may happen. Plus there may be some conflict with the west, although this is much, much less probable. Tl;dr - staying in France will be a much better option for - at least - half of the next century.
Angol tanítás is jó. Mert az első számú idegen nyelv a német amit tanítanak.
nah mate, if everything else fails, you can become blue collar and work with your hands for your money
and there is nothing bad in that too
>invite your
his*, excuse-moi
Fixed again
Do you think (((they))) don't know this?
Now they want us to be the next Turkey and pay for us keeping them here. Modern liberalism has an elitist, racist strain in it that encourages rich, spoiled white people to think they are better than everyone else, and while their leaders want to bleed them of their money, they do understand their fears and want to cook the frog slowly, so it won't jump out of the pot.
Poland and other eastern countries straight up refusing the migrants poses a great threat to them, because it shows that you don't actually NEED to deal with these people, European people don't have some messianic mission in the world to solve the problems of other continents.
how new are you?
don't fix it. Poland is supposed to be that way
Question are Bosnians bad ?
Ran into one the other day in Sydney. Nice guy but had some weird view on communism and how great it was.
Am I the only one that thinks the V4 should be acquiring nuclear weapons asap.
Jews want all whites dead. They wont hesitate to nuke you.
>Zapad 2017
Well, I didn't mean to settle to Poland right now. I'm still in uni. But the situation in France will get worse and worse at increased speed, and I guess in about 15 years this shithole known as Paris will be like U.S Chicago. Then it will be time to found a family, and I prefer to give my children a normal future where they can go to study and work in city without risking to be gangraped by niggers.
>how do you "safeguard" all the shores of thousands of islands?
With boats. You don't have to safeguard the islands you retard, you only have to patrol and monitor the actual sea border.
>it's not a country, it's a war zone with war criminals
No, it is a functioning country. Their country.
Syria isn't under foreign occupation like we were 1945-1991. If they have a problem with how it functions, they bloody well start fixing it themselves.
Why supposed to be that way?
add the new french minister...
Am I going to have to come defend my mother's homeland?
>V4 should be acquiring nuclear weapons asap.
it would serve as deterrent for both german and russian imperialism
please sell us some, we are trustworthy enough to not use it, and we cannot give them to mudslimes because there are no mudslimes around
internet meme tradition
Old meme from Sup Forums
I'm a pure white 14/88 college educated engineer, will I find non-blacked prague girl to make a family?
>internet meme tradition
go back to 9fag
piss off frogger
you elected macaroon
Also, the actual seaside is completely safe, The frontline is in the mountains.
Also please note that I'm not saying Greece should do this. They can support the regime change, they can house the "refugees" as POLITICAL refugees, who aren't fleeing from a military crises, but a political crises, and don't want to return to a regime they don't like.
They can do that, this is their decision. I don't give a shit about the Syrian regime however, and I don't support my country meddling in the affairs of the Syrian people. I don't worship Assad, but I don't feel it is our responsibility to support a regime change or to house the emigration.
It's not my problem, it can be the Greeks' problem, but my only problem if the Greeks' want it to be my problem.
I see. I've just recently started lurking Sup Forums.
> With boats.
what with boats? the mediterranean is very big, you will always have refugees appearing on the shores
> No, it is a functioning country.
okay, you must be a fucking stupid child
fyi, Assad is a war criminal that runs death camps, if you give him people you are also responsible for war crimes
france you have no right to insult anyone while macaroon is in power. Where is that famous french resistance.
Holy shit...I was gonna make this joke but someone did for me, and SERIOUSLY.
9fag didn't invent Polandball, Jacques. Neither did Pl*bbit.
I always think polanball is a Voltorb
cringe very cringe.
>but my only problem if the Greeks' want it to be my problem.
not it's not the Greeks, the entire EU is invested hugely in the Greek economy and the refugee crisis is killing them again
this is why Germany is trying to relive them, they bet everything on saving Greece as a Euro state
Best keep that to yourself, Laszlo.
enjoy the ride
>can't possibly secure a maritime border
okay, now I know you're just playing the retard and shilling for the sake of shitposting
>Assad is a war criminal
how can you be a war criminal without a war? Also I don't give a fuck about them. The rebels are just as bad, and you can't really rely on the one sided media coverage.
Syria wasn't a bloodbath before the
started, maybe they should have stayed in the Assad regime. Or see the regime change through. If Assad were a mindless dictator, if the actual people would be really behind the regime change he wouldn't stand a chance.
There is an ongoing civil war, because the Syrian society is deeply divided, it'd be unethical to support only one side and turn a blind eye to the suffering of the other. It'd be unethical to let people stay out of trouble, while others fight for their country.
The whole civil war is a completely internal affair to Syria.
The truth about syria is that it is a mini version of a world war. You got FSA rebels backed by the USA, same with kurds, then you got ISIS backed by jews, up north you got turkey and finally russia is backing up assad, who is really a good leader and people are behind him.
You can thank israel for the war in syria, because syria is allied and has strong ties with iran which is on the USA hit list. Once they eliminate syrian threat or divide the contry, they will attack iran. We must stop the jew.
sorry, can't build a fence in the sea
> If Assad were a mindless dictator, if the actual people would be really behind the regime change he wouldn't stand a chance.
it's sectarian you idiot. a minority will remain with Assad because he's their tribal leader so he filled the important army posts with them
>The whole civil war is a completely internal affair to Syria.
nobody cares what you think about it, the refugee flow will not stop soon
Sadly our minister of defence is a fucking actor.
don't miss the more important point why France and Germany will fuck everybody that sabotages their rescue plan for Greece and so for entire Eurozone it's important to understand this before you trust populist politicians
Ishmael get out of Europe.
but is he for increased army power?
That are some nice looking fella's.
After years of incompetent spending for meme weaponry (At that time we dedicated 2% of our GDP to army but it was wated on overpriced bullshit) Czech rep finally has a "plan" to increase millitary spending in somehow competent way. We will see. The plan is to steadily increase it and spend the money wisely. But who know who will be DefM after the election in fall.
Also I think there is some program to bring people back to HUngary. If you return to your country you will get gibs and benefits for studying I heard.
>election in fall.
please don't elect some EU cocksuckers
and don't buy french helicopters, they are shitty and overpriced
0.2% of world population.
Control all.
Must be very busy race.
>tfw I'm just wasting another day at home, browsing Sup Forums
whis is this thread so dead?
i get it, not many happenings in our countries, but you fucks could at least post some memes
memes are shit, life is shit
>tfw have almost no czech or v4 memes saved
Just end my life, senpai
may it be because it is 11:45 in our time zone and it is middle of the day and people do stuff?
San Marino is cute :3
i kno dat feel
Now it seems that Babiš will win. And he is basically agro-oligarch so his bussines is heavily subsidised from the EU.
He is the current prime minister and is populist trough and trough. At the beggining of the refugee crisis he hesitantly said that we might welcome some but then when the polls showed most people dont want them here he backtracked and said there will be no refugees coming here.
Another two parties are KSČM which is basically leftover commies and ČSSD who are social democrates with internal strife between Pro and anti-EU wings. The current PM Sobotka is pro EU but I think he just maintains us in the EU. no real plan to push for further integration.
The only extremely pro EU are the Greens and TOP09. Liberal rightwinders that are trying to look conservative but compared to rest of the parties they are pretty libtardish.
Most of the czech parties are opposing Euro cause "the eurozone needs to sort its shit out first". As I mentioned in previous V4 thread. We are not really rushing to integrate further but we are not autistically screaming against it every time we get a chance. So we dont get much attention.
cikani BTFO
not V4 but is my favourite