Redpill me on Heave's Gate
Redpill me on Heave's Gate
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Jesus came back on the tail end of Hale Bop and took everyone to the fucking space ship which justified them cutting their testicles off.
Whats there to fucking red pill?
They liked the same kind of tennis shoe.
Unlike most left wing 'activists' they Just Did It.
Benis Gate :DDDDD
Fug xDDD
There website is still up. Go read some of it if youre truly curious.
Are they coming back around already?
>bald guy
>no girl allowed
>drink irn bru
>wear nikes
Not bad
Fresh to death
They're in heaven and you're not.
I wear this shoe specifically because I think it's hilarious
Tanked Cimino's career.
sage this blatant rule violation
This is/was their space ship :)
i dont know what this is
but i'm trying to remember where my experience with the reference "heaven's gate" is
some animu/mango/vidya but my mind is memorywholed
forgot pic
You will never be higher than human level. Heaven's Gate is for those awake enough to leave the garden of souls. You are not worthy.
The video were he presents all the crew shows that it was all nerds and wierdoes even by Sup Forums standards. Also i read somewere that some the men including marshall got castrated in mexico.
GATE: Gifted And Talented Education
benis inspegtion day :DDDDD
Without getting into too much detail, they believed there was a space ship that was following the Hale-Bopp comet, but like real close so you couldn't see it with a telescope. Obviously. To get aboard they had to kill themselves at a specific time.
The ship has left the solar system, dude.
june was a cutie
Do was a hardcore jesusfag with guilt from having homosexual feelings. went full retard when his "partner" died.
required all members to relinquish their pronouns.
simply a man ahead of his time
Cut your balls off and drink this or we miss the fucking comet.
redpill me on dying, is it redpilled?
>death in a MAGA hat