Sup Forums makes its own red-pilled vidya

This earlier thread got me thinking; Why hasn't Sup Forums made its own vidya game yet?
>Pleasing way to red-pill normies
>Group project
>Make this generations equivalent of Deus Ex
>inb4 Steam won't host political themed games
We can host it here - for free; which is also incidentally a good resource for independent developers

Thoughts Sup Forums? Let he brainstorming commence.

Other urls found in this thread:

I'll design the logo :^)

We need to develop a pipeline.
I guess the first thing we need to decide on is the means of producing it. Is there anyone else here familiar with Unity? I also have Unreal, but have zero experience with it, and admittedly suck writing in C++.
Yes! What other artistic skills do you have?

Though I am somewhat capable with C# in Unity. However if we can get some good coders on board who insist on unreal, then that is still a viable option. There are also other options if anyone feels they have the skillset to do so.

I only have autistic skills, but honestly, make the game about life today. Just be an average white normie going to work, encountering SJW co-workers and immigrant apologists then BAM

Explosions downtown and next 5 hours is gunning down muzzie terrorists.

>inb4 mods prune this for not being Sup Forums related
To keep this Sup Forums related we need to focus on what political red-pills need to be included, and suggestions on how to subtly implement them would be greatly appreciated.


>muzzie terrorists
ok sure, that might make an interesting opening scene, but how do we then relate that to what is the reason they targeted downtown? where did they get the funding? who benefits from the attack? what political measures are taken afterwards that effect the general population?
See where I am getting at?


Your digits confirm. So how do we relay this message to the general population? Ideally in an aesthetically pleasing and memorable way. Really we need to collaborate on this. Some of the most brilliant minds on the planet lurk on these boards. I've seen them. But I've seen the despondency too. We need something to bring us together.

I'm thinking we can make this like an rpg where the player makes choices and the story progresses based on those choices. For instance, if the player takes the SJW/Marxist path, they learn later in the story that those choices are not necessarily the best.
The worst thing I think we can do with the story is make it explicitly political. That would ruin the immersion.

>red pilled
>video games

hmm a medium designed to keep the masses docile and inactive. yeah thats totally redpilled...

>implying you wouldn't love to be part of the team that made Deus Ex or Metal Gear.
I'm all for using researched historical and legal analogies to describe political events. But since you seem to have a good grasp of satire and the issue facing the industry, why don't you get on board and help with the design process?

This is the dumbest idea. I say it now and I said it when I used to go on Sup Forums many years ago. IT'S NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.

I speak Farsi so I can translate

I certainly understand how making it explicitly political would not really be palatable to the average normie. That's why we have to make good solid analogies or allegories to convey the message we want to get across. +1 on making it an RPG with branching storyline though. Many of the most memorable games are of those design.

I can do a bit of voice acting and I'm a decent writer.

I also know how to do branding and, most importantly, subtlety.

Like we can't blatantly name (((them))) outright in the game, but we can discuss how modern liberalism is a bought-and-sold advertising revolution where it's "trendy" to be a "rebel" but really they're just being faggoty normies.

also, we can use Charles Manson songs in it for extra fun

>Why hasn't Sup Forums made its own vidya game yet?
Wasn't Angry Goy made by a Sup Forumslack though?

>not understanding the implications of games like Pokemon GO that literally had people out trespassing on private property just for a "Game"

I supoort this line of logic.

I'm just a lowly Leaf Shit Poster. Done right with the right levels of subtlely. Could be very good.

pokemon go was forgotten in a week

Not with that attitude it won't. Care to be more specific on the why? I'm honestly up for any discussion on the matter. If there are going to be impeding circumstances, it would be best to know them now so we can work to circumvent them.

I'm pretty sure it stuck around for at least a month, and I know a couple people who are still into it.

Also just because it was a fad doesn't invalidate the other user's point that people were trespassing on private property. If anything it reinforces his point since people weren't even pushed to do it over a long period of time.

Awesome! Perhaps we should collate all this info into a general so that we don't lose track of people and idea's that are posted, for future reference. Once we have a project started and a repo set up for an initial branch we will have to figure out a reliable method of communication. Any one have much experience with any of these? As I don't really post threads very often.

morrowind style game where the main quest line is to work your way up the zog machine. once your got the locations and names of the highest members you can either try to bring dwn the organization in many creative ways. PR propaganda from media companies you start or buy with the moneyyou make trading world cuurencies or assassinate the eliets

There's so much unwitting autistic fanfic on here with some of those conspiracy threads that the story almost writes itself.

>nazis contact you from hollow earth/Antarctic base via interdimensional hallucinations
>degenerate modern societies have formed the WFF (world federation of faggotry)
>"we need you user"
>run special ops subverting and out-jewing the jew, infiltrating their Jew lairs; help snow nazis return, get fuel for their UFOs, etc.
>uncover redpills of the true history of the last four hundred or so years of western civilization along the way

At the end you establish the fourth Reich and bring peace to the earth, outro cutscene of you ascending in a space ship full of aryan waifus to colonize the stars.

count me in for plot and some cholo/hispanic/ese/ voiceacting

Yes! I'm all for any and all of us getting involved to whatever capacity they feel comfortable with. They are definitely very useful skills though.

I will see if I can get in contact with him. Maybe he will want in too, and he might have a few people from that project that are keen as well.

Please make a Warhammer 40k inspired game

or even go into politics and btfo the jews through pogroms and war

I think the discussion should be how to make it happen.

The details of the game are only going to depend on the people who actually participate in the coding...

That sounds very interesting. The issue is finding out ways to make these mechanics work in an overall setting. Making it too sandbox can be very very very hard to achieve. Not that I wouldn't love to do that. But it would require a LOT of effort from a lot of people.

That's sort of what I was getting at. We have so much of the talent and story and satire to tell it here already. We just need to make a concerted, organised effort to collate it into something more palatable for the normies, which could also serve as a good primer before they shit up this place.

Unlikely to ever get the license and actually defeats the purpose of what we are trying to achieve here.

Will the game be fun or just a megaphone for conspiracy theorists?

protip: this will likely never happen because people that are capable of programming and putting together a game are usually busy with their own shit and you're left with nothing but idea men and artists, so good luck and godspeed with learning what you need to do

>Will the game be fun

We're going to make it as boring as possible to discourage videogame degeneracy

Absolutely agree. I think the first step would be in creating an ongoing general on Sup Forums as a means of tracking progress and talent. It would also act as a central hub, providing links to the most up to date branch of the game on something like Github, as well as storyline scripts in the works, story boards. coding resources for learners, etc. You made the effort to reply. Now add to it by helping overcome the problems.

That all depends on (You)

Maybe show something of a man getting abused by his wife, then hits her back once and ends up getting arrested.

>tfw I know how to program well enough that I probably could help code the game if given ideas to go off of but I've got too much shit going on at the moment to code for Sup Forums

I've got nothing better to do and can program. Did a few fallout mods. Quick learner. I just need more people on board. I can't do it by myself. You should help.

>be me
>home board was Sup Forums until gamergate
>spend four years crying about SJWs taking muh vidja
>make zero effort to learn how to make a game of my own despite it being easier than ever
Maybe today will be the day I start something significant. Thanks for inspiring me, op.

Get tyrone and rog to do the voice acting .

But desu i don t think there can be a more redpilled game than deus ex

You should have guessed, I am busy with my own shit. Plus I have already contributed to the Sup Forums gaming corner over the years. But I am excited to see what you guys come up with. Btw there are some real devs that have been on Sup Forums for years, just look at some of the timing and subject matter

so it goes

Start a notepad or something of any ideas you have. We could add and update it as the general grows. Still need help on organizing this to become a consistent general. Not used to posting threads but I do want to see this come to fruition.

>voice acting
Sup Forums could probably get a bunch of fags over at fiverr to do the voice acting, provided the dialog wasn't too redpilled

Asian accents and some design work
I can do really good fake arabic

I'm not asking for you to be on board full time. Just if you see the general, jump in and have a quick look. If you like what you see and feel you want to help at any time in the future, then hopefully it will be as easy as just jumping in the general and doing just that.

Back in a few minutes guys. Life calls. Keep this show going until I get back.

okay roonigger

>hopefully it will be as easy as just jumping in the general and doing just that.
>just jump in and figure out how a bunch of random guys on the internet decided to slap this code together, probably with minimal comments
Sounds like fun, I'll keep an eye out when I have the time. You won't gas me if I'm a degenerate right?

I am learning Unreal Engine and have years of experience 3D, modding, and Graphics/Video design experience plus every program known in the universe. Can provide torrents, graphics, pointers.

I was thinking of trying to do this earlier this year but don't have the energy to build entire thing

So are we planning on making it open source in that case?

Musicfag here. I can do everything audio related, including soundtrack, foley and sfx. Have some resources for voice acting, graphic design, and very good writers as well. Tons of other shit I can't think of off the top of my head. I would be willing to invest some time as long as it wasn't retarded

You anons are getting too ahead of yourselves. I'm all for thinking big but a huge rpg with branching storylines would be a huge undertaking to develop.
I say start smaller ala Telltale and have chapters. You even could literally make it have redpilled stuff in it and about a normie taking the red pills and his path, frustrations, loneliness, awakening etc. Source all the information and make sure it's accurate. You could even make the world nightmarish and become peaceful or vice versa as the pills are consumed. That would make for a good propaganda piece.
>pic related

that's kinda unfair to deus ex thought, it's a sci fi game which uses obvious exaggeration to make a political statement. also since it "sorta" predicts 9/11 there is even more mysticism surrounding the game. it's a perfect mix of commentating on events while doing it all under the cloak of plausible deniability

just need a good programmer


I can help with my middle eastern Jamal accent.

I would financially contribute if someone could find a crowdfunding site willing to host such a project. Maybe wesearchr?