pol hates a religion because the stereotype that they are greedy

> pol hates a religion because the stereotype that they are greedy
> Pol hates socialism

I'm a little confused, you hate a group of people because the stereotype of them being capitalists and good at it, but hate systems that are against that type of behavior.

Other urls found in this thread:


>implying socialism isn't also greedy, just for the people in charge of the system (jews)

How is a system designed to give people the essentials they need greedy?

It's alot easier to deal with corruption when it's against the rules than when it's a part of the system.

They are not good at capitalism. They are good at exploitation and manipulation. They are good at bribing courts and politicians. This lets them control the rules. This makes it so when they do get caught they will be let off lightly. This means tax dollars go to bailing there asses out when their business fails. For example during the 2008 recession the (((banks))) received a giant bail package from the government, while everyone else was allowed to collapse. They use nepotism and block the majority from using it back through calls of racism. They control the narrative through our media. Demonising anyone who is inconvenient for them. They don't need to be good at capitalism because the game is rigged in their favour to the point that almost no one else can compete.

>how is a system that spends trillions of dollars of other people's money for my benefit greedy?

socialism is cancer, just like motherfucking canuck shitposts

You just described what a free market looks like.

This is free market capitalism. If you have money you control the rules.

You literally described the country you live in burger - only you don't get shit all from it.

So do you want to get some healthcare and nice social programs our just keep paying for the status quo that isn't doing anything for you?

>wanting jews to decide what your essentials are

This is how you end up with a toilet paper crisis

we dont really care about them being greedy. we care about (((them))) commiting murder, falseflag terrorist attack, subverting every government in the western hemisphere and some more, trying to genocide the whites, spreading degeneracy, spouting lies in the media and historybook and more.
the greediness is probably the thing we like the most about the jews
low effort bait

You can have a democracy with socialism.

Because everyone will be on equal footing it would be far more democratic. No more buying campaigns.

>wanting a shitty forn of government tgat we intentionally push on 3rd world countries

Socialism is a half-assed attempt at changing fundamental aspects of reality, such as supply and demand.

Jews are good at capitalism, just as they were good at socialism, because they are pretty capable in general.

There is this racial struggle that is also a class struggle. Multiple factors, amongst them genetics and tradition, define success.

All in all, I believe that the world functions as it should, apart from the usual injustices that are largely circumstantial.

In fact, more internvention usually makes matters worse.

Its their uniform hatred and consistent bouts of mass murder that Sup Forums has a problem with. Not le captialism.


>Imblying that everyone on Sup Forums is a capitalist
Sup Forums isn't a monolithic group that shares all of the same ideals.
>I'm a little confused
That's implied leaf.

Spot on
The only thing jews are good at is finding loopholes and exploiting the rules to their advantage. It's a big part of their religion: finding a way to disobey God while obeying Him at the same time. It's why the Talmud exists and it's why they make such good lawyers and accountants

socialism is cancer
natosc isn't even socialism and is based

Capitalism is not the problem capitalism is good. It's unregulated capitalism with a consumer based worshiping culture with internationalism putting profits over the good of the nation and people

We hate (((Socialism))). Nothing wrong with a system that favours a degree of free trade while also protecting workers rights and national identity, i.e National Socialism.



>The USSR under Marxist-Leninist rule turned mosques into warehouses
>People on Sup Forums think letting Muslims in is Marxism

Really fires those neurons

Wait, you're confused because they hate a religion that is supposedly greedy, and then they have a political system that is absolutely greedy? How is that confusing? Totally straightforward. Fuck socialism.


the only good socialist is a national socialist

maxism is for the destruction of all races and religion, that also means churches were turned into warehouses as well


Socialism is greedy. Wanting something you didn't work for.
Day of the rake when

Sup Forums is a Christian board you faggot.

Sup Forums is an awakened board, Christianity is both a red pill and a blue pill in disguise


>We hate (((Socialism))). Nothing wrong with a system that favours a degree of free trade while also protecting workers rights and national identity, i.e National Socialism.

When using the metric of 'The 10 Planks Of Communism'; the US is Communist. In fact, the entire globe is Communist, and Socialism is the financial tool used to maintain a Communist foundation.

NatSoc works for White nations, as the same system is used to make functional households, functional,

The problem, on so many levels, of the left wing mind is that they don't track the the chain of title to the creation of property, and the intent of its creator.

>> pol hates a religion because the stereotype that they are greedy
Sup Forums hates complete idiots like OP

so, why are you here Nigger?

Ideally we want to amalgamate the best of socialism and capitalism (that's actually what we're already doing). We don't want pure capitalism and we don't want extreme communism, but somewhere down the middle is key, and like I said before, this has already been underway (whether most people are aware of it or not).

Problem is, it doesn't matter. There is no system that (((they))) can't beat us at, so the topic is moot.

(((Socialism))) is fucking retarded.
>stealing from the rich/successful and subsidizing the poor/unsuccessful = literal dysgenics

National Socialism is the ONLY context in which "socialism" makes sense.

It isn't that they are good capitalists. It's that they are liars and deceivers. Many people on Sup Forums have opinions on morals that don't mesh with how religion operates (and the professed morals of most religions don't mesh with how they operate at all, it's straight up hypocrisy). On top of this, religion has a government enforced advantage as all other enterprises pay taxes, but religion does not.

The first red pill you take is the one where you realize that religion is a means to control stupid/poor people. Religion is by definition blue pilled and thus not compatible with Sup Forums. I would say that Sup Forums is absolutely not a christian board.

There is one system, it just got shut down violently because it threatened (((them))).

>Paying some fatso's healthcare because he can't stop eating McDonalds
>Paying 700 dollars in taxes a year to maintain illegal immigrants who don't even respect our country

Yeah fuck off, Sup Forums has always been and will always be a Christian board

that's because >we hate crony capitalism

there is nothing wrong with a company being owned by a hard working man.
there is a lot wrong when that company is taken by ((them)) because they think exchanging money for services or work is somehow "exploitative".

(((Slave Morality)))
Remember goys pride is a deadly sin don't forget it.

Realizing God is real is the redpill.

>The first red pill you take is the one where you realize that religion is a means to control stupid/poor people.

You dropped your fedora while you typed that very well thought out post, friend. Here ya go!

Prove God

Even within the most inner circles of the Jew, they stamp out pride. Do you see jews gloating about how rich and successful they are? Don't lie. They don't do it. They keep themselves meek and humble. If you are a jew and they suspect you have pride, you are left outside the door.

Blessed is the meek
Strength is evil
Weakness is good
Power is bad

Christianity is a revolt of everything that crawls along the ground directed against that which is elevated.

>Even within the most inner circles of the Jew, they stamp out pride

Do you feel it?