continued from
what does dc general hosp shelter have to do with anything
What are you trying to say?
read prior threads
Look at the previous threads
Note: a kind user showed us to the IP range, which is no longer routed. No BGP announcements are being made by any Internet-connected routers to this address space. Don't bother scanning because your packets are going into the bit bucket and you will not receive a response.
Feel free to visit any of the looking glasses linked from and see for yourself.
Have you not read any of the older threads?
Thats where the IP for Seths Skype came from before he was killed
i think it was the last IP log he had before he died
'He was taken to Howard University Hospital where he later died.'
if anyone can find a secondary source, that would be nice
i did, someone posted an IP?
what proof there is any relation to SR
See original thread:
An entire post for a cop that has not been doxxed. I'm out of here.
Remember, Shartblue shills, that you can either choose to keep on lying for minimum wage, or become a hero and get 300,000 dollars. Just sell out your disgusting bosses. You'll have so many more people behind you than David Brock.
Truth and justice weren't always memes.
Also inb4 /ourcop/ isn't a troll
Spectacular coincidence. Noted.
Seems plausible user, it's the closest hospital from where rich was found.
Was starting to lean towards melanin enriched DC residents, but noticed an anomaly, that being Seth was only (((white guy))) unsolved murder in DC 2016. I had expected to see more dead trendies, but no such happenings.
Run down on EMS response scene picture
Leads to fire station 3 apparently, user linked faceshitter page.
provided map area of DC Engine 3
We need to know if the names on the report match the faces in the photo of the crime scene And we also need to know if that body cam footage was really lost or if they're just keeping it secret.
Thanks. We take pride in our overall chillness.
Body cam footage is not easy to see at all. To see the body cam footage my best bet would be to know the officer and run into them and ask. Unfortunately, I don't know any of the officers listed very well. But who knows, maybe I'll bump into one at training.
I do have an additional source who might be able to do more that I can check with.
I haven't seen any bolos in reference to seth rich's investigation, but honestly when something is high profile, I do usually hear more about it and there usually is more talk. I really didn't hear anything for this, which is kinda weird. When that kid from AU got murdered on the train there were bolos out the ass for the guy (of course we knew exactly who he was and had his face and just were trying to find him, but there were a few day. So when they say have you seen any and I haven't or have you heard anything and I haven't, it does kinda feel odd to me, but that can just easily be that there isn't any good information for homicide to disseminate.
Apologies to people whose questions I missed. It got to be a bit of a clusterfuck. I'll stick around for a little longer and repost my badge/timestamp if I find anything new to share.
Hey guys, not going to lie, former Seth Rich truther here! Just got off the phone with the DC police and yup, just as we all expected, there is nothing to this case. They practically said it's a wild goose chase!
Anyway, now with that out of the way, I think we should all sit back, relax and hit the hay or maybe see a movie. I'm going to be seeing Snatched today, if there is anyone else in Mountain View, California wants to see Snatched, then come along! I think we should all go see a movie together.
Please cross reference location of Fire Engine 3,
Keep trying to see what I can dig up about this date, but I'm just getting a lot of stuff about Obama raising money.
Only other thing was a homeland defense base of operations, but that wasn't anything to do with the DNC.
But why would you steal weapons from the FBI to commit an assassination?
First of all they could get caught stealing, an unnecessary risk.
Second, I assume that the stolen weapons are probably registered in some way and would be much easier to trace than a gun you bought from some random guy.
They had to be in contact with EMS or had it go over the radio. Is there a way to trace that back?
>But seriously we can't let podesta get his hands on the pizza coupons.
DC resident here. I believe Seth Rich was murdered by Democrat operatives, but pushing the FBI stolen weapons angle seems silly. The guns were stolen in a very distinct (high crime) part of the city and there's no reason why they would be involved in a murder at a safe neighborhood like Bloomingdale. Adding details like "only a ten minute drive" just betrays the fact that you're not really familiar with D.C., or urban life in general. You can cross the city by car in less than 15 minutes.
Ask yourself this - if Seth Rich was assassinated, would the hitmen really need to risk stealing guns from law enforcement vehicles? It's not like it's difficult to acquire guns illegally in DC, or legally in VA.
This angle seems like a dead end.
Thanks for staying with us
Someone was asking about activity at dc general. We actually use old dc general a lot. We do a lot of training there. There's also I think a methadone clinic and there's also CPEP, which is our primary secure mental institution and people are in and out of there all the time. All are on that campus
Logs from that far back are archived probably, I don't know the specific protocol for every city. DC probably keeps it on lock for the FBI and CIS.
Sup Forums is theorizing that they either hired homless men (two that were found dead in a parking lot right after the killing) to kill him or they killed him and got rid of the guns (labeling the guns as missing and saying they were stolen gives them probable deniability.)
What do you know about the tunnels (not metro tunnels) under the city?
Link is down
Claiming the gun was stolen is an excellent cover if for some reason your weapon is implicated in a crime...
new thread
I seriously don't trust this guy
fishy as fuck, shit he says doesn't sit well with my gut
That is some sketchy shit right thur, post full link to have multiple cross-references. If it's down, we are def being curtailed specifically to see what angles we find then lock'em down.
It could also be helpful to know the precise injuries he had, much more specific then projectile or weapon.
There were reports that his laptop was confiscated. It would be useful to know why, if just botched robbery. It would be useful if somehow any electronic devices got handled in an unusual way. stay safe.
again, no one cares to prove that DC General IP has anything to do with Seth Rich
i do believe the fbi weapons burglary is notable though
Ahh I hadn't considered the story being a ruse to hide the disposal of evidence.
It's certainly possible. Keep up the good work user.
This is the new thread. Direct everyone here.
What do you suggest? Sending the most up to date drop box to the private investigator or maybe Hannity?
Don't know if I'm being a paranoid little shit but I really feel like I'm being watched. Very unsettling :/
probably not relevant, but it's also an important date for Bethseda too
Call me Baron
Goodnight all
Keep up the good work
Nice slide, but have you considered turning in your employers?
put tape over your webcam and plug in headphones w/out a mic.
That's actually a good thread. I'm monitoring both.
Its a fucking Facebook link, that means you're not logged in, hang on i'll fucking post pictures. I swear I'm going to get kebabed for this shit.
Especially if that (((stolen))) gun came up missing and the (((thieves))) didn't know where it had got to.
>having a potential insider answering important questions is a slide
It's like you want to be found out.
Uh, unless that's the main /srg/ branch and this is intended to be its own thing here with /ourcop/
If so I'm a fucking faggot
If not kys shill
he's not old enough to speak with such experience.
No webcam & no other headphones w/out mic. I'll just turn my mic off though lol, thanks for ze tips
Doesn't work. Software mixers can still get to other mics in the system if any are embedded.
Okay, I'm out. I dindu nuffin. Didn't open that doc.
And not fucking funny whomever got that to say it was my post. Not fucking funny.
Right. If Police user ever shows up this is the thread to be in
Shit, I'm a fucking faggot. Sorry anons.
I don't know anything about tunnels under the city other than some exist.
Ssshh, leafanon. Dry your eyes, no more tears. Only dreams soon.
All this seems needlessly complicated when you can easily buy a gun just over the river, no registration required. Besides, CSI stuff is a joke and any "match" between a firearm and a bullet fired by it can't be proven to a scientific certainty (can only tell caliber, distance between shooter/victim, and barrel length in best case scenarios).
Why hire drug addicted homeless people for a sensitive assassination when you could use a professional? And, if you do hire those homeless people, why would you not frame them for the murder?
If Seth Rich was interrogated before he died, why use FBI Agents? That's a pretty big loose end. And, if you do use FBI Agents, why would they kill him with their service weapons and then draw attention to their service weapons by pretending that they were stolen?
Pro shooter/botched interrogation makes the most sense. Nitpicking some unrelated crime several miles away only detracts from the narrative.
Both threads dead?
>Ssshh, leafanon. Dry your eyes, no more tears. Only dreams soon.
What the actual fuck. Are you larping and shilling? Care to post the badge with an updated timestamp?
This is the fire station that responded to the call, its only a 1 main engine building and looks quite small. will post another picture.
How is this relevant?
Second source saying howard
is that the correct link?
Lemme try again...
Makes sense. The whole DC General Hospital clue shouldn't be misunderstood. That hospital has been closed since 2001, but he may have been taken there and interrogated prior to being murdered.
While it means one less thing to look at, you're probably right. Fact is we're all pretty invested and running out of details to work with.
It would be interesting to know whether the laptop that went missing was personal or company provided.
Whether Seth ever had a reason to visit the DC General homeless shelter attributed to the supposed IP connection.
It would be (for shits and giggles) interesting to know if the round used in the murder was of the same caliber as the missing FBI firearm. (If they go so far as to suggest the firearm was ever in the lockbox).
do you know that one responded?
there are closer ones
Same thing. You're linking to a post in this thread.
Get so sick of you "it archived so reeeee". It archived because it had 377 replies, like threads are supposed to do.
ffs you're going too fast, you're going to miss things
Because I can figure out how far away the fire engine response time was with the EMS services since their the same branch of Emergency Services, meaning I can probably figure out the sister ambulance service for this district if I can follow up with some webpage info, the info I found came from an user that read the fire engine number off of the sharpened image of seth laying on the ground.
We can use it to confirm the exact time when seth was admitted to the hospital if I can find out where the ambulance station is.
Refer to this
Not seeing anything sticking out as relevant in the Washington area involving the DNC. There's an article there about Homeland Security utilizing the St. Elizabeth's Hospital in Washington for a temporary base, but I don't think that's relevant.
If he was taken to Howard wouldn't the ambulance have come from there too?
Great idea
This has never happened to me before...
Lurk more. That little arrow means something. Got no beef with newfags but hate when they shit up threads with dumb questions and dumb assumptions.
where? it's not in the article
and not mentioned in the video
Any evidence of podesta getting his hands on those codes?
I saw this is well, but didnt think it relevant either, not being the DNC or the same hospital from earlier.
Seems like there was some infighting and general weirdness going on in the DNC around this time, though. DWS fighting with RT Rybak...
SECOND. Fire Station drop
ayyo pentestanon here from previous threads...
After ~3hrs 'lil Richie's Twitter/LinkedIn acc b cracked
(>tfw you use the same PW)
will archive now
also, does the name 'emily mendes' ring a bell?
Oh shit trips
>tfw wrong link
bollocks...anyway, here you go.
And if you did use FBI agents, why wouldn't you try to slide the thread into the weeds with debatable reasoning when they are getting close?
Not a newfag. I have every one of these threads open and didn't realize what I was looking at. It's been a long night.
My apologies.
Is it normal to have 7 manholes in a single intersection?
Got a higher res? Your pic is almost unreadable
What codes?
Use For cross referencing stolen FBI weapons and Seth's Attacked location at the crosswalk and the distance to the hospital from these locals.
Address is,
439 New Jersey Ave NW, 20001 Washington, United States
i was randomly selected for a tsa strip search yesterday....creepy
Anything good?
not my pic