Why are feminists so crazy? Is it a result of not having a father?
Why are feminists so crazy? Is it a result of not having a father?
The schools and media combined with a sheltered life
Not having a father has a large part to it, but the bullshit of government-controlled schools doesn't help either.
Wait what? But feminist are on record for WANTING government in their uteruses.
Histrionic Personality Disorder
The result of not being raped enough. The Japs had the right idea in WW2. Send those bitches to the comfort battalions, and the problem will be solved. Guaranteed.
thats bio-terrorism
Maybe south Korean feminists can be a road map. I saw some Sup Forums stuff on them. They bonkers. How did they get some bonkers?
yeah, pretty much. feminists and sluts are two sides of the same coin; the result of not having someone to guide them and keep them in line.
Period rage
You don't understand the extent of the problem of you think this is about absent fathers.
Absent fathers are definitely part of it, but that's the tip of the iceberg.
Feminism is linked to Dajjal/Antichrist. That's how he plans to rule us, through subverting our women against us.
Copy-paste this into every feminism thread, hell, every thread full-stop. Every evil we are witnessing now is because if the antichrist + feminism.
Lol. Mail a bio-hazard to a politician. What could possibly go wrong.
For the vast majority of human history women were not supposed to comment on political matters and instead were busy giving birth, breast feeding etc. This is why when they open their mouths and try to talk politics something incredibly stupid usually comes out.
Feminism is weapons-grade female stupidity. Used as a battering ram against society by the usual suspects.
Even if they do have fathers
>My Disney princesses didn't need dads so I don't either.
I think it's it's federal offence to try and purposely expose someone to STDs
Holy shit, nailed it
Feminism is just females nature.
Brain damage from long term anti-depressant usage
not enough dik milk vitamins
Woman are rarely rational.
When you take away the rules and empower them you get this result.
Imagine giving your kids no rules and putting them in charge.
>spoiled princess who got captured
>got her planet blown up
>was saved by a group of men
>did fucking nothing the while time
>the Death Star was destroyed by men
They can't even get fiction right
Not that different from the fucknuggets here that fantasise about gore and torturing others desu.
Most people should keep their mouths shut.
lack of sexual activity due to ugly face and fat vagina.
>i swear to god if some feminist activist tries to regulate my guns i will mail her a monthly letter with bullets in it
protip: not having father's or having shit fathers that don't love you is the #1 cause of people being into anime
Do you actually think kids with father's that did shit with them and taught them skills and hobbies would have been taught to like sexualized little girl chinese cartoons?
This is also why a ton of niggers are weebs now
that's also why more niggers are gay
Don't let anything jolt your current state of higher conciousness user!
Remember this feeling!
Try to replicate what caused it!
Feminists need to pic related
They already regulated this bitches Uterus for their purposes, she just doesn't realize it.
I mean, these are people wanting the government to reglate peoples minds and she is concerned that people may fall into serving a utilitarian purpose for the state?