At what point do we admit we made a mistake?
At what point do we admit we made a mistake?
the alternative was Hillary
It's the run away trolley problem
When he becomes Hillary Clinton, or undoes his SC nomination, you fucking idiot.
But everyone here shilled Trump hard in the primaries too
Can anyone really say unironically that we wouldn't have been better off with president Cruz?
when there is a mistake to be admitted.
Cruz couldn't have won.
Kasich couldn't have won.
Rubio couldn't have won.
Only Jeb had a chance, and I would have had a lot of thinking to do before I decided that another Bush was a good idea.
Trump sure won't win reelection if not impeached considering he's abondoned all his economic populism which distinguished himself from other cuckserative s. He is one now
Came to say this.
We probably had an inflated view of what he could bring, but let's not forget who he was running against.
>Can anyone really say unironically that we wouldn't have been better off with president Cruz?
Yes, we would not have been better off with President Cruz. I have no desire to live in a Pentecostal theocracy.
at the point where we make a mistake
we didn't. it's all win
I'll let you know after 8 years.
About importing all the immigrants? That one's probably going to take a while...
>winning, winning, tired of winning
Keep sucking, everything is perfectly fine!
Don't you have a toilet to clean or some pickpocketing to do, serbian?
kys reddit
this. we did the best we could.
and remember this, if anyone from trumps campaign is here....
there will be no help from Sup Forums in 4 years if trump continues to be a shabbos goy
I dont know the democrats are a fucking dumpster fire right now they have no good prospects to run in 2020 and all trump needs to do to win is a make a slight job boom in the rust belt especially michigan wisconson and ohio
We win either way because we want to see the world burn
verpiss dich von meinem Kontinent du Hurensohn.
We didn't.
So, never.
It was never about right or wrong it was all about the lulz.
Fellow pol user and Trump voter here. I just can't support DRUMPF anymore! We can't allow him near the nuclear codes!!! I wish I voted for Hillary Clinton.
Just because you read a liberalist piece of propaganda about how trump is failing doesnt make it true user.
Its been 5 months since hes been elected shit lips he hasnt even had a chance to fail.
The entire point of Trump was to reveal the establishment for what it was and to deny the presidency to Hillary who would have gotten us into some weird mobilizing situation to battle in who knows where..
And look at washington it's fucking chaos. The political parties are sort of wrecked. Nobody knows what to do. Everybody thinks everybody else is full of shit. Everything is breaking down. The whole kike control network is hopelessly out of control. It's glorious.
Fuck trump, he's just the patsy.
>permavirgin reporting in
Wo kommst du denn plötzlich her, du hässliche, degenerierte Tunte?
Guck in den Spiegel, versteh, warum du Schwulio am Ende der Nahrungskette stehst.
PS: kommt deine Mama mit dem Hartz4 für euch beide gut zurecht?
And I still have a political boner for jill stein
Most honest post
Just saying you shouldn't be sucking his dick no matter what.
Watch authorities, don't get raped by them.
Last month
Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to
Ill suck whoevers cock i want user
voting for chaos is never a mistake. when you roll the dice, you pay the price. oh, and sage shareblue faggot. And change your underware. Your mom expects you to clean your room tonight. get on it gary.
Conservatives with an IQ over 90 already hate Trump
>most of GOP Congress, Evan McMullin, David Brooks, McCain, Burr, etc.
If you still support Trump after he's literally flaunting his kikeness you might be a Kike or kike sympathizer.
>calling 3 inch a cock
you're doing god's work user.
>double reddit space
is this bait?
>Its been 5 months since hes been elected shit lips he hasnt even had a chance to fail
Ah I see
Trump was only the beginning of the movement. He showed how that Republicans can win traditionally blue collar states with an economically populist message and for cracking down on illegal immigration, combined with a less hawkish foreign policy, and downplaying the religious right stuff. Not comparing their policies, but looking at how they completely shook up of their political party at the time, Trump is like William Jennings Bryan. While Bryan never won, and Trump may just be a one-termer, they showed the new direction the party could take to become viable. Bryan set the stage for Wilson, and then FDR moving the Democrats away from the Bourbon run business wing of the party. If another Republican politician comes along and copies all the winning positions of Trump, without all the baggage, then Democrats better look out.
She was disgusting.
But it's not about her, it's about you not willing to pay attention user.
"Trump supporter"
Is actually a fucking leaf
No need to be butmad T_D'er. We are just having an honest discussion about this.
Please don't start your "shareblue" folder spam, it tends to ruin threads like these for us regular Sup Forumslacks
Trump is saving this country.
He is a hero.
Liberals suffer from mental illness.
Also if Sup Forums is going to support kikes now, can we at least support a decent kike?
>Bernie Sanders
Literally the least Jewish candidate, less Jewy in nature than even Cruz, even though he is Jewish. At least he's based on economic issues and you know he has his heart in the right place because he's been saying the same thing for fuckin 49 years. As compared to Trump who used to be a fuckin Liberal democrat a few years ago...
Nice flag my dude how does it feel that your country considers a hammer a dangrous weapon?
Quit being such flip flopping cowards and stand behind your leader. Wasnt too long ago that he fired Comey and all of you were bouncing off the fucking walls. He might do a bit of diplomacy with Israel but he even showed so much as a shred of anti semitism you know as well as I do that the "evil nazi" programming would be triggered in the population and he would be fucked.
Pay attention to what? What the media wants me to believe? No thanks user im not a sheep.
That friendly call to Netanyahu did it for me, his attack on Syria sealed the deal
Fuck this guy
>muh ted cruz
>actually thinking this kike would have been good
Paying attention to authorities.
I have a challenge for you:
Google 'Trump' could be a good thing.
See all your Lugenpresse pop up.
Then find me ONE slightly critical article towards Trump from a media outlet you don't consider biased.
Think about what biased media actually means.
Think harder.
You amuse me in all honesty.
>implying Trump was a mistake
Stay mad, retard.
Fuck off you fucking leaf JIDF. I'm not a fucking a bitch ass follower. I AM AN AMERICAN. Trump was good at giving the sales pitch but now when it's time to deliver he literally doesn't even care to throw all his supporters, promises and campaign out the window.
>b-but 4D chess
Fuck that I'm not gonna be loyal to a fuckn kike worshipping faggot whose wife wont even hold his hand. He's literally a beta male cuck puppet for (((KUSHNER))). What a despicable leaf, you are.
Do you think he'll build the wall? I mean it's possible but who knows at this point? It's good to see people becoming more skeptical of politicians IRL too, especially if it's one they voted for, as they should be. That normality seems to have went to sleep in the early 70's until now since the boomer mentality ruled.
In eight years, when we can't elect him again and have to settle down for a bad president.
When he goes full feminism, grabs all the guns, starts a full war with boots on the ground in the Middle East/Russia, and makes it illegal to say bad things about Muslim invaders, like Hillary would have implemented by now. Then maybe he'd be a mistake.
Nice dude i'll go check out what hot new article wants me to think. While i'm at it ill see what the tv wants me to think too dude. Why dont you go watch more mr meekatour videos and go post more iq tests on facebook faggot?
Enjoy the next 8 years goy. By then greater Israel will be set up and youll all be getting fucked in the ass by rabbis on the reg.
You don't get it, do you?
Stop mouthbreathing.
Use your brain or what's left of it.
Read my comment again.
Fuck off delusional kike. Besides the first point no guarantee Hillary would have done any of those. Not supporting hillar fuck her, but literally don't even try to deflect and defend kike Donald. He's such a fucking TRAITOR it makes my fucking blood boil. How fuckjng dare he.
Ppl here who believes their support had anything to do with it.. u are not american your support doesnt mean shit. There is no we there is only americans..
Did you think it was possible to build a wall almost 2,000 miles long across the southern border of the US 4 months after getting into office?
It's amusing to me watching Europe burn as you assholes get murdered by suicide bomber Muslims, your country's turn into ghettos and your women and children are raped and sexually exploited. Fucking hilarious!
Keep going the way you're going Germany, I'm sure it'll all work out in the end. kek
>In eight years
He's already building the wall. Go read a fucking real news website you kike nigger.
I did read your comment and honestly you should be more worried about your country germ. Hows ahmed treating your wife user? Hope everythings good when they eventually force you to live with those immigrants.
bbbbbut hurrrr emailllssssss
How many magic Muslim orbs did she rub?
Keep telling yourself he ever hid it. His daughter was basically his running mate the whole time yet you managed to ignore that hot piece.
Wtf I'm with her now
Can we ban this cuck?
Jesus Christ of course the bullshit post is from a leaf. Those are Roman symbols dumb ass....
Go read a fucking history book liberal nigger.
>I have a secret plan to destroy ISIS in 30 days
Day 125
>ISIS are evil losers
Will they ever recover?
I think it's considered dangerous over here because we get more leverage and power behind it when we take a swing because we are able to stand up to use one - unlike a jabba burger constantly on the verge of a heart attack valiantly rushing us with his mobility scooter that only goes 1km/hr.
Seriously, I dont know what they expect. I get the concern trolling but I know more then a couple of these posters are genuine. Do they expect him to have retaken constinanople by now and eliminated world hunger? Its barely been a quarter of a year.
Trump said he would.
What has Trump done in 4 months other than rub a magical Muslim orb and leak military secrets? A SC pick that was picked for him. Hold the fucking phone, amazing.
That's exactly what happens if you believe the Lugenpresse, my friend.
Why don't you come visit and see what all the fuzz is about? You never made it out of your tiny bible belt town, you don't speak other language, you never had any more education than how to drive a lawnmower, what is it you want to tell us, fat murrican?
America dreams about a security situation like ours.
The most major muslim attacks have been conducted in your country.
Your degenerate stupidity is amusing at best.
PS: How do gunshots in the suburbs at night sound like?
To my TRump folder you go.
i wonder how much he gets paid to make those "mistakes" that publicly embarrass america and ruin our connections to our allies. the five eyes could become the four eyes because of russian connections and flappy lips. i wonder if you could track his real estate sales and donations then see what occurred within 48 hours of a gaffe.
don't give me that "hillary would have been worse" or "pence is gonna be worse" garbage. the fact that republicans are still defending him and denying obvious clues due to "lack of evidence" during ongoing investigations is just another indication that they're fucking unelectable. they're still win districts because there are people who think iraq did 9/11 and that obama founded isis.
fucking tire fire set ablaze by useful idiots and corrupt pyrrhic victors.
Emails are secondary. Hilldog is a war criminal, and plus I hate cucks. Kill yourself.
Never. Even as shitty as he is, he is still better than all the other candidates we had.
would hillary clinton really have been worse?
at this point, I don't even know if that's the case
>deflecting by switching topics
The very moment you realize what my first comment actually means for your tiny world of black/white will be the moment your brain will not be able to trick you into oversimplification any more.
Have fun, Kevin.
No mistake was made, I believe. Trump has to fight the long established Deep State, still controlled by the Clintons clan etc. He has a HUGE fight ahead still. As the illuminati Frog card says, play as an interference... KEK
Hahaha oh man dude. So because you can swing a hammer adeptly your country thinks theyre dangrous?? How does it feel not being trusted by your own government and being treated like a 10 year old?
Better to have our own war criminal than a coward.
Hmmm yes all Americans are overweight pieces of shit. You should come over to America and tell us all about it. I'm in Arizona and I'd be happy to 'discuss' why your wrong with my shotgun. Stupid auzzy niggers, go kill some more abos. Australia is literally filled with ex-nazis and child trafficking and pedophilia are FUCKING RAMPENT! spent 5 years in Australia and although it's quiet beautiful it's full of niggers, kikes, ex-nazis and pedos. Fuck that shitty county.
I agree bro, former blumpf supporter here. Is it hilarious watching him crash and burn for you also?
Rand Paul was the answer.
Wrong again. Suicide immediately.
Based Kraut. I hate to admit it but ur right......... can't find one critical piece on trump on InfoWars or Breitbart..........
>what does this mean?
Tell me kraut, does this mean the kikes control our movement???? Are we literally fucking pawns? Did the kikes know we would fall for the Wall meme and they would secretly infiltrate our government that way????? TELL ME
The way to succeed in politics is to always vote against the incumbent unless they do, and say, especially say what you want them to.
"Anti-whites must pay permanently lasting financial penalties as reparation for pushing White Genocide."
Unless President Trump starts explicitly denouncing White Genocide, I will vote against him even if it's a (D)... Keep doing this until they comply. If they try to negotiate say, Do what you can, I'll reevaluate my upcoming based on all new information. But then vote against the incumbent anyhow.
Anons. should not take politicians any more seriously than politicians are taking them, which is to say currently, not at all.
>Republicants owning their mistakes
I already replied to your comment about how literally nothing is going on and you just want me to read brainwashing articles. Meanwhile you seem to be so caring for america because we didnt let ahmed and omar into our country to fuck our wives like your country did. Enjoy the rapes hans! Oops....its muhammed now right?
Not my president, how much does shareblue even pay? I could shill way better than your fags.