Why is Israel such a great country?

Pretty much all countries in the Middle East are shitholes... not so Israel. How did they manage it?

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A Jew in Israel can't even marry a non-jew without facing 2 years in prison.

Israel is a theocratic State responsible for terrorist groups like ISIS. So of course they don't attack Israel.

>pic related

Yes, but why are they so great?

Because you're a good slave.

>why are they so great
America. We gave them Israel. Jews are nothing without Aryans. How it's been forever.

>have your shabbos goyim over in america send you billions a year
>recieve millitary support
>they start wars and create power vaccuums allnover the ME

kushner looks like hes levitating

>A Jew in Israel can't even marry a non-jew without facing 2 years in prison

>A Jew in Israel can't even marry a non-jew without facing 2 years in prison.

Are you retarded?


post yfw your Rabbis and politicians are enslaving the Jewish People in as much as they goyim elsewhere.

they built a wall

So? Jews should only marry Jews


If you have ever been to Israel you would know that its not true.Life for ordinary Israelis suck,cost of living is extremly high,youth is without jobs,they hate the military service.

Very simple: they aren't muslims.

Because interfaith marriage dilute the strength of a Jewish country.

now english is not my mother tongue but I'm pretty sure this
doesn't prove this have you even read the articles ahmed?

>just going to Tel Aviv

Israel is amazing and only Muslims are poor in Israel.


>Because interfaith marriage dilute the strength of a Jewish country.
How so?

how doesnt not totally prove ???
>pic related


I'd like to get this off my chest: Israel is a shitty country, but Sup Forums gives it shit for all the wrong reasons.

>How did they manage it?
Because they're white. You can place white people anywhere in the world - Africa, Asia, South America - and they'll manage to turn it into a decent place.

Why is Kushner in literally every pic with Trump?

pick one

>I'd like to get this off my chest: Israel is a shitty country

This is literally incorrect. Israel is a country that works... in the Middle East. How is that even possible? That is like a country that works in Africa...

Kushner is keeping a good distance from the book.
If he touches it will he die?

What about eastern Europe

Because we give those perfidious kikes 20 bn a year to steal our secrets and attack our warships

Without a shadow of a doubt it's the best country in the middle east, but that still doesn't mean much when you're comparing it to countries like Syria, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

>israel is the best country in the middle compared to the other countries Israel has purposely turned into garbage

pretty much

You can marry a filipina whithout her becomin jew, i seen many such cases..

>but that still doesn't mean much when you're comparing it to countries like Syria, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

What in "it is a country that works in the Middle East" do you not understand? Can you go to the beach and see girls in bikinis? Yes. Can you go and buy some Challah on your local market? Yes. Can you start your own tech company and sell it to the Americans? Absolutely.

If you think Israel is not great, then you better come up with a good reason, because I do not see any. Israel got problems, but none of those problems takes away from Israel's greatness.

not in Israel you cant. not legally at least.


most actual Israelis are unhappy with the way the Government handles things. The Jewish People..I wish they knew what their Rabbis and Politicians have planned for them.


Ok. Why do you neets care so muchwhatfew million can or cant do?

>>whats wrong with me?
You browse pol too much

Because the few million are trying to dictate what the entire world can do.

>Jews are the largest lobby pushing multiculturalism outside of Israel yet they don't want multiculturalism in Israel
>Jews are the largest lobby behind the push for race mixing yet have outlawed race mixing in Israel

give me a break.

Its the biggest Zog shithole on the planet, but we will fix that. again.

Extremely corrupt government
Totalitarian religious control

>How did they manage it?
By enslaving the world only superpower and becoming politically untouchable?

It was explained to me like they are treated like an endangered animal. They can't take care of themselves, kind of like pandas or something.

They aren't?

Their standard of living isn't up to Western standards.

Listen to these rats scream when they face a real enemy.



Could cum from it desu.

>most actual Israelis
Most Israelis are patriots and love their country.

This guy legit creeps me out. He's like a soulless golem

The number 1 most important factor in how a country turns out is its people.

Contingent political factors and geography/natural resources are semi-important but 80% of it, at least, is the people.

Israel is populated by Jews who have high IQs and a high level of community cohesion.

>Extremely corrupt government
There is no evidence for that.

>Totalitarian religious control
You got elections, so this is bs. Britain also has a state religion, doesn't mean it is a totalitarian religious country, even though their Queen is the head of the state church.

Most Americans are as well, but that doesn't mean we're happy or support what our Government is doing. If the Jewish People knew what their Rabbis and Politicians had planned for them, they would overthrow them all.

Nothing. Most Jews are great people and good to hang out with if you have an above average IQ. This board just latches on to centuries old stereotypes.

This. I wish Ivanka would divorsu him desu. He's like a beady eyed bug.

>Implying geography is the reason why countries work or don't work.

They're not arab muslims and get all of the america shekels, of course they're the most successful country. And if Africa was populated by all whites, it would be a successful continent.

>>Implying geography is the reason why countries work or don't work.
Ahmmm, yes, that is what I said and it is pretty much true.

1. North America - works
2. Western Europe - works
3. Japan-Korea-Singapore-Chinese East coast - works
4. Latin America - does not work
5. Eastern Europe - does not work
6. Africa - shit
7. Middle East - fuck it
8. Central Asia - nobody cares
9. India - poo in the loo superpower

>how did they manage it


>Why are they so great
Because we pay them reparations from the Holocaust and america sends them money too. I'd like to see what happens when all their foreign money dries up.

So we cucked you? Nice

Its only good if your a jew, and western countries were better until the last decade or so

North America - White
Western Europe - HUwhite
Africa - Niggers
Latin America - Most successful country is Argentina. Maybe that is because they are white.

Pre "liberation" South Africa was a highly successful country.

Are you seeing the trend yet?

Every race has pros and cons.
The Aryan race is naive because we expect everyone else to be honest, like us.

The Jewish people mistake the willingness to deceive with "intelligence." This is their flaw. They take pride in their poor characters.

The Jewish people were nearly decimated the last time they tried what they're trying now. Did they learn? No. The difference between then and now is this: we are in the Information Age. The Jew cannot simply wait 60 or so years for the world to forget and then try again. The next time we BTFO of the Jews for their crimes against the world, they will not recover because the world will never forget.

Never take pride on your lack of a good character.
Instead, improve yourself.

get out



i fixed that pic for you


What ever happened to trade? What country on earth doesn't benefit from foreign money?
Israel isn't some starving third-world looking for benefits, they export all kinds of tech and are a strategic ally.


>30% NatSoc
there is hope

I would like to hear your take on why its a shitty country and what would be the right reasons to give it shit

Rant away


>israel is our greatest ally

>like us
Oh boy.
You're that kid at the gym that sits around excusing everyone else's gains away while you get skinnier.

>improve yourself.
That's a great sentiment. I think you'll find these weird mental hoops you're jumping through will disintegrate very quickly once you've managed to press 135.

They get free money from you because of a lie from 70+ years ago

>strategic ally
Huge fucking liability actually

You can't equate ideology based funding to actual trade, senpai.

would you like to engage me in a discussion on the topic or are you here to practice trolling for your facebook friends?

>ally and israel used in the same sentence
>prepare for autist shutdown


Israel is based, separate from my jew hate. If Israel was exactly the same, except you replaced their Judaism with Orthodox Christianity, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, etc, everyone here would love them.

People are pissed that Israel (and Judaism as a whole) is a special club and they're not invited.

It especially cracks me up when Sup Forums loves when Muslims get BTFO, but simultaneously gets extremely butthurt and offended when the Israelis bully the Palestinians like it's suddenly a tragedy.

Weil es durch Europäer gegründet wurde, du dreckiger HURENSOHN!

for you, rabbi

That includes idiotic choices and leaves out realitistic things.

>"my people" never lie and all our weaknesses are actually strengths
>all of my problems are caused by jewish haxx

What discussion is there to be had with someone like you?

Nice argument. You can like Israel and hate jews, just like how you can like chinese food and hate chinks.

Also the unironic muslim admirers are completely ridiculous.

>Israel not a shithole...how did they manage it?
Zionist bankers enslaving humanity with their debt-money leaves them with a little bit of petty cash to spend on their pet ethnostate project.

Israel is, however, a moral and ethical shithole.

No its not its a regular Arab country even uae has better countries than Israel

stole american money

>"my people" never lie and all our weaknesses are actually strengths
show me where I claimed this?
>>all of my problems are caused by jewish haxx
are you implying the majority of the world's problems, including:

>islamic terrorism
>racial tension
>drug addiction
>and white genocide
arent caused by Jews?

>ideology based funding

What about israeli tech?

>we wuz honest

You mean Euro and Burger tech that they bought?
That's gotta be a disappointment for ya.

Because kikes care about each other, Arabs dont.

Israel is a make-believe land that exists only witin the Abrahamic religions. It is as a legitimate a State as Hogwarts.

The Jewish People are deceived by their Rabbis and political leaders, just as much as they themselves deceive the rest of the world.

If the Jewish People were to wake up to the Truth, even they would denounce Judaism. BUt getting a Jew to acknowledge the Truth when it does not work in his favor is near impossible. Just ask Hitler.

jew spotted. you have to go back shekelstein.

>strategic ally
I love this meme. Saudi Arabia and Turkey are a better american strategic ally than Israel has ever been. Think about it and actually name how Israel ever was a good strategic ally? Israel is like the kid standing in a corner doing nothing in school. You don't even have fucking bases in Israel or anything else.

What exactly makes Israel a strategic ally?

Yes, this is true. No one ever claimed the Jews were incapable. Palistine is the one crack in the Jew armor, might as well wedge it open.

>What exactly makes Israel a strategic ally?
The MSM.

didnt think so.

it's a shithole, the only way Israel can be great is by manipulating other countries to be worse than them. they're proud king fly on a heap of shit.

I'm 1/4 Sicilian
>Basically a jew
Explains why I'm such a smart goy I guess...

>> boohoo im cuck mgtow :(((
The post

Yes. I guaran-fucking-tee you life isn't so simple.
I would push the button right now that ends the lives of every jewish conspirator on earth, including the unborn.
There will still be scarcity and death.

Fucking drug addiction?

>show me where I claimed this?
>boo hoo we're just too honest T_T
>our enemies are unintelligent and their character is poor we have INNER strenf and smarts

You sound pathetic. No one who is a credit to their in-group holds worth excusing away their problems like this.
Chad stole your bitch by being cunning and buff. No, your collection of miniature tanks and time spent alone browsing Sup Forums isn't making you stronger or contributing to society.

Israel looks like a landfill and I'm amazed that the Crusades were fought over it.

But it's safe.

>I'm amazed that the Crusades were fought over it.
The Crusades were fought over the *imagination* of what Israel is.