Tranny Dies After Transition Complication
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>has crazy eyes
>people let him surgically castrate himself
why are people like this
born a female, always a female
> dailymail.co.uk
> Karen, Bedford, United Kingdom, 1 week ago
> So sad. Any surgery can have fatal complications but as so many people are fine it is easy to ignore this reality. RIP Rowan.
Except that this is not surgery, but self mutilation.
it's not funny, he/she was mentally ill and instead of geting help they cut him up like some frankenstein
it's actually horrifying if you think about it
what if you get a psychotic break some day and instead of getting help, people will indulge you in your madness? FUCK
the left glorifies garbage like this
they are killing themselves
fucking idiots
Such a wast of life. She could have been someones cumslut slave instead. "You wanna be a man you fuckin crazy bitch? You wanna? You gonna take it like a man you fucking cunt. Expose you asshole slut!"
>born a female, always a female
thought it was a dude for a sec my bad
One day, we'll look back on this era as barbaric for the way the mentally disabled were coddled into self mutilation.
pretty much this. Trannies are fucking disgusting, but the problem itself stems from the Jews. It's time we fight for all those affected, displaced, deranged and disfigured by the Zionists.
also haha fuck trannies
shit i never thought about that. I mean remember segregation at one point was probably considered progressive. Hm.
Death by addadictome
Should have slit it's throat instead of it's genitals, but alls well that ends well :)
Good riddance. Just leaves us more rope for the pedos
Thank you doctor
Sepsis AND Anoxic Brain Injury??
I'm fucking giddy m8
>macfag UNIRONICALLY can't take a screenshot
>not even any fake tabs
Is this how stupid all your people are?
RIP brother
see you in tranny folkvangr
Cis pigs. Never have you cared for him or his suffering yet when he dies you act like you're so sad for it and act as though transition is wrong contrary to what 90% of medical experts say, only you are enlightened enough to know the truth.
You are filth. Inshallah the tranniphate will feed idiots such as you to the worms.
I'll miss you Conan
Awesome. Thank you for sharing, OP. I can x out of Sup Forums happy for the first time in a long time.
Stupid? Maybe. Lazy? For sure.
He didn't die. The globalists killed him.
Who the fuck gets non-necessary surgery, let alone a hysterectomy? Don't they realize there are risks, and surgery shouldn't be taken lightly?
>inshallah the tranniphate
Made me laugh. Thanks.
You think laughing at someone else's tragedy makes you tough? I'm as red as they come but I hate the thought that I share this nation with the likes of you fucks.
I will dedicate my entire life to removing scum like you from existence.
Nice fash hair and dapper suit, though. Just saying.
Innocent people dying isn't funny, you sperg.
Shill needs to go to bed.
>remove scum like us from existence
You should try removing your uterus first. Maybe you'll die on the operating table like that freak and we can laugh even more.
What kind of doctor just opens someone up and rips out all the plumbing for absolutely no reason other than indulging the patient's mental disorder?
Would a doctor chop off all my limbs if I told him I was trans-quadriplegic or sever my spinal cord because I was trans-paralyzed?
its 2017 we can't even sage, yoshi.
Fuck off
Sure is.
I couldn't agree more.
proof god exists
3/10 for making me reply. Shit b8, i know you won't do shit ,but you could at least try to not make shitty b8.
Just a friendly reminder that all your tomboys and "I'm one of the guys!" type women are very close to being FtM trannies and you should in no way validate their mental disorder. Anybody that wants to be the opposite sex they were not born as is mentally ill.
Make me cuck
Sage still works without an image attached. Utilize it.
Remove your genitals goyim.
Oh good one where'd you learn that one gender studies 101.
Come back after you pass middle school. Hopefully you'll get over the whole LOL IM SO EDGY xD phase by then.
When you get flayed alive because you couldn't keep your edge to yourself :)
Natural selection at work
Good job nature, keep it up
is that reviewbrah?
One less libshit voting dem in 2020
press S to spit on the grave
Sure, after you remove that orange cock from your cunt mouth.
I was gonna say, that sucks, but then I read the picture, and he was a typical faggot.
Nope, cucking trumpcucks 202
Now he gets to stand in front of the Almighty and explain to him why he wanted to change genders.
God probably will say, I made Man in my image, are you saying I made a mistake, that I was wrong?
[SJWmode] This has to be a transfobic surgeon [/SJWmodeoff]
There are disorders that make people want to cut off certain limbs, fingers, etc. They feel physical pain from said limb, but acting on it makes them crazy
Transgenderism is the same damn thing, people raise their children gender-neutral for years and let them decide what they feel like and it's the best thing ever to the left. Fucking crazy
t. middle schooler with superiority complex
>cucked religious fag tries to bantz
I guess this is the place to post comics.
I am not laughing, but turn your back on nature, and nature will turn it's back on you.
25 is old enough to know better
>Would a doctor chop off all my limbs if I told him I was trans-quadriplegic or sever my spinal cord because I was trans-paralyzed?
In a sane world no, but in a world of pic related, yes.
I won't. think about his political affiliation and his mom being jewish.
He was literally gassed to death so I'm ok with it.
this is justice; natural law playing out.
If natural law doesnt take out faggots, universal law will. Be grateful nature is more kind, nigger faggot.
i really want to kill all the absurd resolution fags of this board.
Apparently laughing at someone's death who did nothing to you other than offend your feelings didn't make your definition of sociopathy.
If you don't like the idea of people in America doing whatever the fuck they want with their bodies, then you can get the fuck out. I hear Iran is quite good this time of the year. You'll feel at home there.
I guess it will be natural selection when someone puts a bullet through your face for that edge.
I'm trans and I'm focused on living the most good sinless life possible so when I get to heaven I can ask god why he made me like this. I think I kinda know already I just want some confirmation that it's not meaningless suffering brought on by bad fortune in an uncaring world.
Posts like this are why I'm getting too old to be on Sup Forums.
You fuckers are exactly the same as SJW's, except you promote the opposite politics. You obsess over the tiniest shit and then laugh at the pain and suffering of someone else.
Fuck this, I'm outta here.
and that's why kids, you don't fuck around with genders since there is only (2)
2 genders
2 scoops
2 terms
Any surgeon that knowingly operates on these mentally ill individuals should be brought up on charges and have their medical licenses revoked.
I guess it will be natural selection when your campus gets shot up by some sandnigger refugee,
>Calling it he/him
It was a fucking women who was getting her fucking uterus cut out (probably to use to make a corndog-esque 'penis' made)
It was not a fucking guy.
it was for the lulz.
ahahaha are you one of those """""redpilled traps"""""
you sure sound like one
I guess you can't say the same since you are in kindergarten and we all know who loves shooting those up :)
this tranny shit is being pushed to castrate whites, thats it, thats all they care about it, only white people end up being trannies, every tranny is a white bloodline cut off forever
they push it on four year olds because its the pc way to castrate someone like a fucking dog
God will tell you it is not you place to question, only to endure whatever trials and tribulations are before you.
At that point you'll be cast into hellfire
>expecting Sup Forums to read shit
you're just as bad as they are tbqh
This is fucking terrible. The antagonist in this comic switches sides for no reason. The artist is truly mentally deficient.
>Mutilating ones body
> Doctors willingly doing it for profit
> Some of these people want their health insurance to pay for these operations.
> Promoting and normalizing a documented illness.
ah yes. The small things. Just like the SJWs.
Men in their arrogance claim to understand the nature of creation, and devise elaborate theories to describe its behavior. But always they discover in the end that God was quite a bit more clever than they thought.
Sister Miriam Godwinson, "We must Dissent"
Was she /our girl/?
why? it's capitalism and filling a void where there is a need. Supply/Demand. This is one area of capitalism I agree with 100%
Oh their decision to mutilate their bodies doesn't offend me, in fact I find it funny. As far as laughing about it dying, it's kind of like watching a retard walk into a wall. You don't want to laugh but they should have seen it coming so it's hilarious.
Don't let the door hit you in the pussy on the way out, faggot.
Man for a kindergartener I sure make a lot of money. Too bad mummy and daddy won't be around forever for you to keep leeching off their basement wifi.
We are laughing at the consequences of what sjws have been promoting. And in this particular case 25 is old enough to know better and thus is quite funny