Trump Playlist
>Pres Trump meets w/PM Michel (Belgium) 5/24/17
>Pres Trump meets w/PM Gentiloni (Italy) 5/24/17
>VP Pence speech @ Baton Rouge LA 5/24/17
>SoS T-Rex presser on AF1 5/24/17
>Pres Trump meets w/antipope 5/24/17
>OMB Dir Mulvaney Briefing 5/23/17
>Pres Trump arrives @ Rome 5/23/17
>Pres Trump departs is-ra-hell for Rome 5/23/17
>Trump SwordDancing to Shadilay
>AF1 Takeoff in the rain
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico
>Pres Trump - First 100 Days
>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>American Comeback Story
OP pastebin:
/ptg/ President Trump General - Washington Iowa Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>N. Korea calls S. Korea's border firing reckless provocation: accused South Korea of firing 450 machine gun rounds at a flock of birds earlier this week, dismissing as a fabrication Seoul's claim that it had fired warning shots because of an object flying across their border
>In first under Trump, U.S. warship challenges Beijing's claims in South China Sea
>U.S., Russia military increase communication in skies over Syria
>Iran's national security adviser in Moscow to discuss US involvement in Syria
>Hassan Rouhani, President of Iran states that the country will continue its missile programme
>Iran Blames Trump ‘Cozying Up to Despots in Riyadh’ for Shiite Deaths in Bahrain
>Arab tribes in Iraq’s Mosul demand Iran halt interferences, called the international community to distance Popular Mobilization militias from Mosul and its suburbs and stop Iranian expansion in the region
>NATO to decide more troops to Afghanistan next month
>Will missiles from Russia, China and Iran make amphibious Marines obsolete?
Are you just posting as much happening news as you can?
Honestly I love Melania, she's literally the perfect First Lady. She's cultured, speaks so many languages, is outright beautiful and actually kind. I know it's speculation and I don't know her in person but every time I've seen her she knows just how to act, it's amazing. I couldn't even blame her if she was a gold digger, Trumps a billionaire and I think she was totally okay with fucking just him until he passed, then she'd tastefully find someone new. Then he became the fucking president of the united fucking states, like holy shit if you knew you'd be married to the president you would have picked Bill Clinton. Sure Obamas a great candidate but you've really never been into black guys, Bills just a suave ass hat from Arkansas. At least he can play sax and had a big ol weiner. But no you chose the sure thing, the guy who thinks he has one over you because he dyes his fucking skin orange and uses spray hair. You chose the dude with such mad dick envy he can actually go up to a presidential debate and explain why he has a big dick. You chose the dude who hasn't driven a car maybe ever but won't let you because 'No Melania we'd have to stop and ask for directions every 10 minutes because you're a woman' 'No Donald I know we're just going to the Bruegers Bagels on 8th and Lexington and if you'd not wear a suit every second you're not golfing and say "IM DONALD TRUMP" everywhere you go no one will recognize us.' 'No Melania My daughters super pretty let's ask her, you know I'd be fucking her if FUCKING YOUR DAUGHTER WASNT SO GOD DAMN STIGMATIZED!' As Ivanka hangs up the conference call with Jerry and Putey, she explains 'No Melania...'
Will Montana hold the line?
Anybody who tries to condone a politician physically attacking a journalist has lost all sense of right and wrong. This is not how America acts. Maybe some fascist dictatorship, but not America. This isn't about partisan politics, it's about basic morality and suitable human behavior.
Imagine the salt. IMAGINE IT
Momiji is worst 2hu
that is exactly how america has always worked
do you understand that dueling used to be legal?
andrew jackson almost beat someone to death in the senate
I fucking hope so.
They should really know what leftists think about them.
The digits confirmed.
He's WORST than Hitler. Hitler never hurt anyone, this man literally suplexed a peaceful reporter.
What does the S stand for?
I'm simply skeptical that it happened in the first place.
Audio is a medium that is easily manipulated.
The eyewitnesses being from Fox News doesn't somehow make me feel any more trusting of them backing up the alleged victim.
It is too bad there was no video of the events that took place.
Super, usually.
How can they do this shit without having massive injuries?
didn't he used to deny being gay and hated fags
so where were these same people calling out the left who violently attacked trump supporters with rocks and fists? these aren't journalists either. they are purveyors of propaganda
Fuck Grumpet
and fuck white people
I hate that I actually kinda like Netanyahu
Psalm 14:1
"The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good."
Those who hate God the most, the ones who spout such vile poison against Him, always turn out to be literal cultural marxists. Regardless of what they CLAIM to be.
They hate life. They hate goodness, they hate Christ, and they want to see the destruction of all that is righteous and Holy. They want the world to be in as much misery as they are. This is always the end result of atheism. Of Godlessness.
Atheists are a major driving force for the downfall of morals and society. They are nation and society destroyers. Which is why the Jews and elites brainwash people with it.
The enemies of God & Christ are enemies of a righteous civilization.
Jews are often atheist anyway. The atheists are just soulless pawns. Which is no surprise why 99.9% of leftists are atheists. And the ones that aren't openly worship Satan.
Leftists themselves are, in fact, evil.
They are not "misled".
They are not "victims to brainwashing".
They are evil.
They have willfully given themselves over to the works of darkness.
It's not just "liberals".
It's not just "communists".
It's not just "socialists".
It is ALL of Leftism itself.
Never, ever give them an inch or try to compromise. They are insidious snakes and are completely soulless. They want the destruction of all goodness and righteousness in the world.
1 Peter 5:8
"Be sober. Be vigilant. Because your adversary, the Devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour."
He's charismatic
eyewitness testimonies are completely worthless, though. the only proof they have is an audio of two people yelling at each other. so nothings gonna happen
What's the game about? I bet the trendies from whatever lib town they're from will make fun of middle America and how everyone is redneck.
Fire up the ovens
was anyone in here present for this thread that spawned pic related?
Not at all true
t. Hooked up with multiple minorities
It's all (Trump/US) related.
what are they trying to slide tonight, see alot of slide threads.
Training, also its not real, they are acting a very over the top, entertaining fight. Basically IRL Anime.
I think so
Was it the one where /britpol/ was trolling some woman on Twitter with the four autistic kids?
And I always appreciate unabashed self interest, not some type of deceptive crap pretending to be altruistic
The guy is a nationalist and wants what he wants
Easier to deal with people like that in many ways, our jews often hide their motives to a frustrating way
lol, ok
Why did you bother making something so inane and preachy?
Please read the happening thread /ptg/ (You) (Cross-thread)
This story has been CENSORED on all websites, especially Google, which is not treating it as news
It is the biggest proof yet that there is a massive scandal unfolding behind the scenes in government.
Obama, Rice are the highest profile people but if you read the article and the proof that is presented, you will see how real of a scandal this is.
It all involves the re authorization of 702 this Fall. The Deep state is banning all of their friendly or connected outlets from sharing or covering this story.
It ties into the Seth scandal as Seth was likely illegally unmasked and then ratted out to Democrat hit men by high up Obama or Democrat IC officials. Read the user post pic related.
They knew this story was coming and dredged up an old unsolveable clinton mystery to steal our energy by tossing a bunch of dead end leads to hunt down just like with Comet
Please read the article
Him and his brothers were operators. None of us will be as high speed. I don't feel bad for liking him.
You're right, it was a joke.
For the sake of truth.
i don't remember, all i remember was it was an autistic screeching meme thread and they kept roasting this scot
kek the autism almost hurts to look at
I'm not sure how you can train to take a chair to the face, but OK.
Most Kung fu in movies is just practiced dance moves, but they stay away from contact because honestly real martial arts is made for immediate lethality, not for show.
It is so banal as to conjure the question why someone would waste their time making it, let alone posting it. Be more succinct and original.
This is legitimately a big story but, just like the Pakistani IT guys, because it involves Democrats, it will get no traction.
Seems you hate truth.
All the anons with South Korean flags that I have talked to have been unreligious.
Do Christian gooks just not show up in places like this?
They're already loving it because they think they'll be able to kill Trump Supporters
You are not the soul arbiter of the truth nor are you even correct. You argument style is on par with a high schooler. Please apply yourself.
>he thinks God is literally real
>there is a literal man in a literal higher plane of existence.
Sort yourself, m8. The divine is the ideal, to strive for the ideal is to strive to become god; the archetypal hero
I might be thinking of something else
>The Deep state is banning all of their friendly or connected outlets from sharing or covering this story.
>It ties into the Seth scandal as Seth was likely illegally unmasked and then ratted out to Democrat hit men by high up Obama or Democrat IC officials. Read the user post pic related.
>They knew this story was coming and dredged up an old unsolveable clinton mystery to steal our energy by tossing a bunch of dead end leads to hunt down just like with Comet
stop the fucking speculation. there's absolutely no need to try and connect this to seth rich. there's more than enough information to go on without that. the media already convinced most people that seth rich is nothing. continuing to push him in other things is detrimental. one thing at a time
I just hate that I can't have a nice fap with people being such humongous faggots on /gif/.
He is the same retard who thinks everything that isnt christianity is marxism. He is devoid of logic.
How dare you attack the stellar reporters of CNN
>My spiel is the truth you must live by!
Why do all sand nigger religions do this?
Hannity/Tucker should cover this instead of a normal weekday night in Manchester.
Thanks for the feedback
I weighed not putting that part in there but it is in fact relevant example of the issues at hand here
And I wanted the post to appeal to as many people as possible and just get readers READING the article
Probably just leftypol shills with proxies. I saw their discords and threads.
Good, means more Hapas for the rest of us
Nigga, politicians in the US used to duel to the death with guns. What are you talking about? This isn't new
Kill yourself, Nietzsche nigger.
Heretics will be purged.
are niggers allowed in heaven?
You have no soul so of course you wouldn't recognize or acknowledge truth.
>strive to become god
Literal "utopian" marxist thought.
Don't be a faggot, faggot.
>Brazilian has the audacity to call someone else a nigger
damn, i didnt believe in god before, but you totally convinced me now
Epicurus is a hot bucket of slimy feces.
And every single rethorical point was already answered by Tertulian which you put as quotation in the image, so if you`re gonna act all high and mighty at least read a book instead of getting retarded images on jewgle and claiming it is a superior knowledge, fucking heathen.
KEK yeah that's something entirely different but that's funny as shit
Pretty funny desu
Go on.....
They prostelitize as a central tenant of their relgion to propegate it. They believe their are earning brownie points when they are forcefully talking down to people they dont know anything about.
Purging occurs every day in Brazil because it is a hellhole. Widespread christianity did not make people any better there.
You have no idea who I am or what I think. You are so arrogant and stupid that you cant stand up to the smallest criticisms or debate anything. It is beyond sad and you need to reflect on the fact that you have no rhetorical ability at all.
It's not utopian you utter moron. I specifically said strive because it is impossible to become an archetypal hero, that why it's an archetype. How is permanently striving to be a better man every day bad and an utopian fantasy? You should try to create an "utopia" in your life, get your mental health issues sorted and live the life of a hero, bring goodness and happiness to those around you.
can you prove to me that god exists? hard mode: no conjecture
Yer a cheeky cunt, I'll give you that one, m8.
Fuck off retard, wrong argument
if you can't see that the seth rich thing is a dead end then you're delusional. the investigation is already being tainted by delusional pizzaniggers trying to connect it to pedophiles. it's done
They have an ideal that does not exist in this world so they dont have much interest in making heaven on earth, they live to die for the next world.
>And every single rethorical point was already answered by Tertulian
what were the anwers? that god has a plan and we wouldnt understand, so we should trust him? kek
media btfo
And here comes the doggie.
Funny how you're in every thread as soon as Jesus Christ is mentioned.
Most niggers are incapable of understanding God. They're subhumans for a reason.
Not everyone who calls themselves a Christian is actually a Christian.
Hi leftypol.