>not attemping to make young Ariana Grande fans support fascism
Thanks Ahmed
Anyone who says 14 year olds aren't at prime babymaking age is a god damn liar.
but I always thought people dying young is good, because it shows that God truly loves them and he wants them to be up in the sky with him. So that he can play with them and touch them inappropriate
But pol told me she was being raped by taxi drivers.
t. anthony wiener
12-15 is prime age. Age of consent laws are jewish inventions to push birth age forward, causing more defects in gentiles.
Same last name as Trump's mother. Bet she is proud of her boy dancing with the Saudi's who created the ISIS just days before the attack.
Another pretty white girl brainwashed by pop culture and killed by jihadis.
>Young and Scottish
Socialist and refugees welcome activitst, guaranteed.
No you should at least wait until they graduate high school or the equivalent. That shit won't go down well in the modern age.
>having 14 year olds raise kids
youre a retard, get a hooker and get it over with
One less future coalburner.
anti-muslim rhetoric cuts deeper than shrapnel
Oh no, an empty vapid virgin raising kids! What I need is an empty vapid whore!
There's no difference, save that the 14 year old is probably less of a cunt. Being a mother is all fucking instinct. Literally born to fucking do it.
its not, hips are not done growing until 18 you tard
why does her face look 23
Fuck she was a little babe too. Hopef not a degenerate. Then again she died, so hopef wasa degenerate.
She not the only one. This girl supposed to be 15!
Cuties ;_;
Why the UK don't go to war already? My country fought terrorists for 30 years until those filthy commies were all dead or jailed. I bet the anglos would glass their terrorists in weeks.
R.I.P euro boros. My condolences.
That girl looks 30. WTF
damn what a waste of life she has fantastic eyes
>Edgy perm-virgin guaranteed.
We should've fucked you paddys over.
british women are trash 2bh
>Virgin mother.
Oh America.
I honestly think liberals are so far gone, they won't even care if their own children are killed by terrorists.
Anyone got that quote from the cuck at the Bataclan terrorist attack who said he still supported immigration even though his fiance was killed?
bri'ish slags are shittier
>make up
>dyed hair
>not a shot of undeveloped boobs, thights and ass
What the Fuck is this thread?
Horny faggots talking about how cute a girl is
Is this really the only thing that is of relevance
Fucking mouth breathers
Would beta orbit/10
>Do I want to pick a virgin or a whore to have kids with
Why are brits so stupid?
Charge your fucking phone you goddamn degenerate trash
Yeah, it's "edgy" to point out that actions have consequences. Did you liberal retards think that letting in millions of muslims from stone age cultures, where women are treated as property and violence against anyone with different viewpoints is encouraged, would go any other way?
>But pol told me she was being raped by taxi drivers
...because Rotterham was all fake; amirite?
>let a kid raise a kid
lmao lmao lmao
fucking kill yourself
from left to right
EW disgusting
Another scared, lost, and confused young white girl roped in by the filth and degeneracy that is eating away at our society like a cancer. None of those girls should have been there in the first place. But they were. And the filthy subhuman mudslime pedophile cultists will use these venues to inflict maximum damage on our children if allowed. Enough is enough!!!!!! How many more of our children must die before we put an end to this once and for all!!!?
In the U.S alone there are over 1500 active investigations on suspected terrorists throughout the states. ROUND THEM UP!!!! NO MORE FLOWERS!!!! NO MORE TEDDY BEARS!!!! NO MORE FUCKING HASHTAGS!!!!
> It's not muh fake edgy to be like 'lel yay Ahmed killed a future coalburner xdxdxdxd'
All women are children.
Not a single nip man enough to seize power gor himself there
This thread convinced me that Pizzagate is real and the people who say it isn't are involved in it and frequent Sup Forums
Mudslim detected
They all look like men with makeup on... WTF
When will it end.
>Implying they'd wait that long
They have to get them before puberty.
is that girl really 14?
She looks late teens early 20's to me.
anyway f, what a shame.
definitely 35+
This is more sad and angary then the gyf i just posted.
RIP in piece.
And then I get called a pedo for liking 14-16 year olds
U r gonna hang bitch
wew lad this might do some redpilling on kikebook. off to post