When did you realise Trump was actually not /ourguy/

When did you realise Trump was actually not /ourguy/

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>the Clintons are amazing people

Sep 7 2017

I don't know what happened. Invading and taking their oil was a great idea. Instead he is dancing with the savages while they plot our destruction and fund murder through their terrorist proxies.

when he became another rich elite puppet rubbing shoulders with the rest of the Bohemia

I always knew he wasn't literally /ourguy/

but Syria bombing was the end of the honeymoon period.


Is is still more of /ourguy/ than any of the other options were.

Don't you mean April?

b-be quiet

Fuck off plant.

Give him a break.

We all know Argentina can't into dates and reading. Just nod and smile politely, like you would with any other special needs child.

Wait wut...

The non-American here using the term "our guy". You seem to be full of shit friend. Suck a Dick. He's the best we could hope for. #maga

When he said he wouldn't investigate Clinton within his first fucking 3 days as president elect

>hurr durr i blindly follow trump because trump despite the fact trump is literally doing everything Hillary would do anyway

good goy

See what I am saying:

The second he starting taking super PAC money, betraying all his voters

>Is is still more of /ourguy/ than any of the other options were.
I concede to your superior intellect Burger

Can someone please explain what the orb is that they are all touching? Thanks


funny how the truth is coming from a spider poster but ok

Fuck off plant. You're not American. Quit shilling.

>b-but muh qt airfields
Texas should annex your (((country)))


It's a giant glowing earth. Make of it what you will.

You linked the wrong burger!

fuck off nigger

When this happened.
Even Ann Coulter was nauseated by the way he was fellating circumsized kike dick.

kek get fucked faggot

Yea not my best knight

>implying he was ever australia's guy

maybe you should stop touching yourself so much

too plebbit for those digits

That user is from Argentina. Give him a break.

That becomes less true everyday



he shall never hurt my sovietfu

You should've seen it coming pol. but nobody listened.

He's (their) guy.

That's a funny picture. Mind if i save it?

This is hilarious


Go ahead i didnt make it lol

not quite as good as hilldawgs.

Within the first week when he abandoned all of the promises he said he'd accomplish on day 1.


I dont remember that one

Just noticed the K there...Im going to sleep now.

Like Hillary, Jill (((Stein))), the lolbertarians, or any of the other RINOs running against him would have been better?

Not saying Trump is a saint, but considering the options....

He was never going to be /ourguy/.

The thing was it was either him or Shillary.

My balls

There's no way you did that by accident. Don't even fucking try. It really was a great joke.

regugee detected

despite this picture being 5otally bogus, i will say the trump is not /ourguy/

Opened my phone 7 days after Trump got in office. Hillary not in Jail.
Not /ourguy/

This one is older than hillbdog

when syria

He is /ourgoy/ now

Wasn't Trump like a metaphor of resistance, just a poster boy of sorts? Meaning, the people said fuck you to all the political correct, multicultural mindsets?

We all knew Trump will end up being a puppet but more people got #FF0000pilled in the process. And that's a good thing.

>le based putin
>le hehe friendshieeps
Such autism can only be seen on Sup Forums, I must say


The vast numbers of putinbots shilling against trump on this site confirms more than anything that putin is not our friend. He just wants to weaken the american potus, as usual.


Posting in a shareblue thread.


Alex jones is a shill
Fucking kys


No, he isn't. He strongly supported Trump but he is also an independent journalist that has to tell the truth.

As soon as he assembled his cuck cabinet.

Do it
But really trumps just doing a bad job and there are alot of people who are pissed

When he missilized Syria. Still better than Killery.

He still strongly supports trump very very strongly while he throws everything he previously stood for in the trash replaceing it with shit about sjw,pedophile whitch cults and other bullshit


when he decided not to self-financing his campaign back in the fall, i knew he was owned

jeb lost in the flesh, but his spirit was victorious

That's the perspective that the MSM seems to hold.
I don't think he did anything wrong except being an enemy of the establishment.... but that's why I voted for him in the first place.

Alex Jones has been always 90% bullshit. You haven't discovered anything.

Have you noticed how the shills are now taking Trump not starting shit around the world as a bad thing, because Trump?

Clinton would have put her hands on that stupid globe too. Clinton would have taken $100 million for the Foundation too. Clinton would have sold them arms. The difference is we know Clinton's playbook and we know that no substantive change was forthcoming from the decades of US policy.

Trump can go and do all this stupid bullshit, what matters is what Ivanka does with that foundation donation and how Trump will react to US weapons being used by terrorists. Until then, there's nothing wrong with him engaging in this charm offensive. I'd have thought you'd be glad that Trump didn't embarass the US on the world stage.

Although, of course, if you're watching the media - which YOUR stinking kind control - you'd think he was. HURR THE POPE MADE A FACE. HURR MELANIA DOESN'T WANT TO HOLD HIS HAND. HURR GLOWING ORB.

Trump was ALWAYS a better than Clinton and those were the options available.

From the start because I can think critically for myself instead of painting my worldview based on Sup Forums memes, projection and cognitive dissonance.

And I still voted for him because Sup Forums is retarded anyway.

Not really.

He told people what they wanted to hear but he obviously didn't believe any of it based on his actions.
Maybe the Muslim thing he actually believed because he actually tried, then when he failed he tried again.
Everything else though he either
Immediately flipped his position or made a half ass effort then the second things got difficult he basically gave up.
That pretty much applies to everything he couldn't accomplish just by sitting at his desk and signing a piece of paper one of his lackeys did the legwork on.
At this point I'm pretty sure the wall is going to be a 5 mile track of dog fences zip tied together and he will still claim it as a victory.
Anyone who didn't see this coming a mile away must have never heard of Donald Trump before.

Day one when he had the literacy and vocabulary of a mentally challenged middle schooler.

America is so fucking stupid. How did we get this far without being anally raped by the UN?

that is what i thought to but not anymore i think he might be some rich idot that we made feel special

>How did we get this far without being anally raped by the UN

cause everyone is even more incompetent than we are, think about that.

>That pretty much applies to everything he couldn't accomplish just by sitting at his desk and signing a piece of paper one of his lackeys did the legwork on.

You understand that the things that can't be accomplished that way are things that he requires the congress to agree to. Trump is an enemy of the establishment in congress. They're not going to agree to what he wants in 4 months. It's going to take a lot of work.

He admitted in court over his children that his work persona was fake and that he didn't actually believe any of it. It's just an easy way to make money.

But now he is 100% bullshit

When he said grab em by the pussy
I would never vote for an evil racist sexist islamophobic misogynist.

Why? He's following the policies he claimed he would.

-make america safe/control the border
-boost economy with tax plan
-cut useless government programs
-peace through strength foreign policy

I wonder if you know where the hell you are right now.

No, that's not true. His wife accused him using some quotes from his show and he said those were satire performances.

Go back to the_D

You really don't get it.

Most of us normal people didn't vote based on his shitty policies, we voted to shift the discourse and deny a sublime piece of shit the white house she and all the shitheads we hated thought she was entitled to and ridiculed us for thinking otherwise. We got our red supreme court, frothing talking heads and some degree of attention to grievances that would have otherwise been swept under the rug, and we're totally fine.

Only a dipshit takes the campaign trail fluff as gospel in American politics, if you thought otherwise you're fucking delusional and need to take a break from this place, because it's getting to your head.

never fails to make me lel

>peace through strength foreign policy
Selling wepons to terrorists/Saudi's
Fucking wasting money on 59 missles
Messing with a fat retard zipper head...
> make america safe/control the border
No wall
>cut useless government programs
New drug war
>boost economy with tax plan
Litteraly raises taxes on middle class

This is pretty funny and accurate

First post best post. I officially abandoned the Trump Train that day too and never regretted it.

>Fucking wasting money on 59 missles
>wasting money
lol no. The world neeeded to know that trump was willing to use the US military. That's the whole point of peace through strength.

>Selling wepons to terrorists/Saudi's
literally nothing wrong with that. It's entirely irrelevant to peace through strength.

>Messing with a fat retard zipper head...

>No wall
Again, requires the consent of congress. (His enemies).

>New drug war
It's good to crack down against drugs. Trump isn't going to let criminals decide the laws in this country.

>Litteraly raises taxes on middle class
nice lefty propaganda.

Well, watefilters are not bullshit atleast.

Syrian tomahawks

Thats a very good collection of uninformed ideologies and fat zipper head is kim jong un the the first two opinions are invalid because its the opostite of what he promised he would do

Yea they work well i have the two Galion one lol

>its the opostite of what he promised he would do

No it isn't. Where did he say he wasn't going to sell weapons to saudis?
When did he say he would let assad violate international law?

Wow... this reminder image actually worked exactly as intended. I'm floored.