These non-whites come here, beleive it is their country now and not the ebil wite man. Then they want to tear down the statues. Soon we will be just like Mexico. A bunch of entitled cunts who feel like they are owed the world and yet are big net drains. Please tell me this will stop. Will the economy at least collapse and force them out?
Please tell me we will stop this somehow
How many children did the OP make ?
Hopefully either this happens...
> Please tell me we will stop this somehow
Not gonna happen. There will always be people making shitty misleading graphs.
or this happens
None yet, will be making many soon.
>Census bureau
>shitty misleading graphs
My graph isn't that misleading. It might take an extra decade, but that's an accurate rate.
Can we stop this
blame mestizos for breeding
there's no need to blame the ones that look like ted cruz
An extra decade less, you mean? The biggest "problem" of USA is that Europe actually got its shit together. Moving to US is no longer as compelling as it once was. Also, USA is no long as great as it once was either. We kinda met halfway and Europeans, on average, don't see the reason to move there anymore.
But the migrations haven't slowed down or stopped.
Most of them are Metizos, and it is not even the birthrates at this point. It's chain migration that's the issue. If we stopped that, and even replaced it with some asian visa's to appease the McCain's we would be saved.
Realistically, probably too late to do anything. Sorry, our grandparents and boomers fucked us.
I've already accepted the fact that this trend will not stop and will continually get worse and worse.
I'm just waiting for ww3 so i can die.
there's no reason to live in a world where your very people fight against you and wish to be genocided.
West has a nice economy, and East has appropriate nationalism. West EU will die soon because of this. Maybe even faster than us. We have a much better economy that would attract many slavs, but non-whites get first choice here. We are too socially Conservative for W EU and to liberal for E EU. Still, we would attract many slavs with this economy.
Hope for civil war so that we can win and rebuild. There is always hope.
The only nonwhites who give two fucks about Confederate statues are the African-Americans* who have been here for 300 years and didn't choose to be brought here in the first place. They've got a legit reason for butthurt, same as the Confederate sympathizers who whine on about the war their team lost.
* distinct from 'Blacks' because what matters here is the cultural experience; a new immigrant from Somalia has very little reason to give fucks about a Confederate general, and a new immigrant from Nigeria might well have had ancestors who were SELLING slaves to the South.
Fuck off with your worrying about muh immigration, nobody sane cares.
Also the economy is scheduled to collapse in 2018-2019 when the world realizes just how hard Trump fucked it. Euro will be global reserve currency by 2030.
No goy and if that graph was to symbolise future employment then the orange would be even smaller. If the graph were to show future high/leader positions in both the public and private sectors (managers, CEO's ect) then the orange would be close to none-existant. Progress will not stop goy.
Artificial wombs are the solution to the white woman problem
Something is bound to happen. It was done over the course of 50 years, I wouldn't worry too much about it being the end of your people. It may be the end of borders as they're currently drawn though. I predict balkanization if trends continue.
No, nonwhites don't get first choice here, you dumb fuck. Read about the goddamn immigration laws.
Slavs go to the EU instead of the US because the EU has:
- More Slavic-language areas
- Kēk's favour, as proven by the French election - note the metadata in that there screenshot, and also the macron over the e.
- Shorter travel distance
- Stronger economy in real terms
- Open borders
P.S. if you look at EU member states you'll see that there's a direct correlation between shitty economies and social conservatism, just like in the US.
I had a vision once. In it, the US was 20% white. We adopted EU policies and liberalized the country. The Republican party disbanded and the Democrats splintered into two groups, traditional ones and neo-liberal radical leftist ones like those in Europe. The Second Amendment eventually gets modified and excludes every weapon except basic hunting rifles. A great uprising, which was squashed. Then... complacency. US grows less and less powerful. All the NATO bases get disbanded. All the military falls apart. The US becomes like a second Canada, but with Brazil's demographics.
It was like some nightmare scenario. A sea of brown people. You look around and you see nothing but them. You drive out into the countryside hoping to see people that look like you, but you still see nothing but brown.
Also here's the proof.
No need to worry OP.
I'm sure that by that time you have redefined races. First you will add Hispanics to your "white" pool and later you will add Asians. In the mean time you will of course try to deviate the attention to Europe, claiming that they have a real race problem and it's far worse then yours.
>Sea of brown
That's all I see when I go to the US now though
I have no problem with this. We get to be listed as minorities and can take advantage of government minority programs and funds.
If anything hit the feels first its this. We need to stop this madness with force, its the only way. The porn industry needs to be destroyed, the degeneracy needs to be stopped, the only way is REAL war. Not kiddy shit, real war. But how and when is the question. All we can do right now is...wait.
Just fyi social conservatism is caused by shitty econimics and not the cause of it.A worse economy turns your shitskins more agressive and makes the general population way more racist.
As you have to deal with harsh realities everyday people even if dumb and uneducated either learn the basic truths of the world or they dont last.
A trend that i noticed is that as economy gets better and better people tend to become less conservative so the solution for the west as dumb as it sounds is an economic crash so the people will have tor rise up and gight for survival and finally we can have fascism back.
>**hispanics may be any race
Rofl exept when they commit crimes then they are white. Pedro doing some mexican poll dancing.
>Soon we will be just like Mexico. A bunch of entitled cunts who feel like they are owed the world
You are already like that m8
You don't get it do you. Whites will never be considered minority, ever. They'll say it's due to our privilege or something else retarded. Stop saying this normie bullshit about getting minority rights as a white.
Whites are already a minority world wide.
Doesn't sound dumb at all famalam.
>Please tell me we will stop this somehow
Well, there is no magical solution.
They're here.
They need to not be here anymore.
>tfw waiting for someone in this thread to make me feel better and give good reasons whites will always be majority
I don't care about the rest of the world. The United States we are 70% of the population. We are nowhere close to being a minority yet. Can't wait until we are so we can go full minority.
Nah. 'Social conservatism' as currently used requires a stupid population, and stupid people are likely to back stupid social policy AND stupid economic policy. Case in point: a FUCKING ROMANIAN longing for fascism. At least when American alt-righties whinge about how much they like fascism they have the excuse of being clueless.
>This amount of delusion.
Okay Cletus whatever you say.
>we are 70% of the population
>Please tell me this will stop.
It will only accelerate.
If you would know anything about my countries situation you would understand,but you dont so i will explain.People dont back economic policies they back politicians or partis most of the time.In my country each parti and politician for the 28 years of democracy we've had were corrupt fucks that sold the country,its resources,industry and agriculture piece by piece.
We rrued communism and it failed,democracy has been activly failed us for almost 30 years and turned us in the west dicksuckers.The only solution left is a high nationalist and conservative state that puts our people first.
Also you sound like a dumbuck libtard m8 are you leftard?!
I want to have as many kids as possible, the world needs more white people
How many children did OP make to sacrifice into a non-white future, you mean?
that might just be crazy enough to work my gypsy friend
As a Wisconsinite I refuse to work with the inferior fibs to the south
So, your people repeatedly elect corrupt assholes who sell everything off, and you think the best solution is to give the next set of corrupt assholes MORE POWER?
Look at my country; we had a democracy that did a reasonably okay job of working for the last few decades. We elected the conservative nationalist with fascist tendencies. Now we're selling fucking Cabinet positions to his donors.
If you accept fascist forms of government, you are simply giving the same kind of corrupt politicians Romania reliably elects more power to use to line their pockets.
I posted this in another thread but here it goes again, just for you, OP:
>white immigrant
>have white kids here with white wife
>they're American and count towards these figures
>we have to leave the country because America hates whites
>taking our kids with us
So that's 5 more white people you're going to lose. Pretty sure our 60 replacements have already arrived too from the Southern border.
>caring about the world when youre dead
i thought the republitards didnt do this?
This is so fucking retarded.