Tfw britain needs to pay 50£ billion pounds to leave the eu
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Could be worse. Try 100B because the EU can...
Uneducated murican here, why do they have to pay anything? Is the eu really so bad they tax countries that back out of it?
>make agreement
>try to terminate agreement early
>what are fees
it's like canceling your phone service before the contract's up, but obviously way more complex and on a much larger scale
>listening to Sup Forums ever
trump and brexit have been the biggest disasters to their respective countries
In practice the EU has no power to enforce any of this crap
Its a made up number anyway
I don't think the EU contact has an expiration date. It's not like the UK could have just waited to not renew the contract.
UK should tell them to fuck off and not pay.
uk needs to suck some eu dick to not get btfo by tariffs and the like.
Cause they want the shekels to give to the sand niggers so they don't revolt and burn shit around them.
There is a reason you're not in politics. kek
What does "educated" mean to you? State certified? Given the "Educated" Stamp TM from your local uni? If you can read write and follow your curiosity to the truth you are well on your way to becoming educated. dont put yourself down like some worthless fucking chump. Have pride in your fucking ability to thirst for truth. So many people consider themselves educated because they go to college, yet they remain willfully ignorant as fuck. All thse numbers and percentages and taxes do not stem from education, nor do they stem fromintelligence. Just some old fucking men and the games they like to play. It doesnt need to, nor will it, make any fucking logical sense. They are greedy theives, and they want the common man and woman to fooot the bill.
so basically if you have a pulse you're educated?
Also, you're sounding kinda commie there, Vlad.
Please dont dumb down my statment. If you have patience and a desire to learn, you dont need to pay for validation. Pursue your intellectual interests and learn. Pass on your information. Discuss and expand upon what you already know. That is education. Anyone with money can go through college and pretend to be educated. Its a way of living, and no you dont need the federal stamp
how brown is your shit looking skin?
idk muh dude. I know plenty of pseudo-intellectuals and they say similar thing.
I do agree that it goes both ways, you can be educated and have no formal education and you can be uneducated having gone through formal education.
We could declare war, tough.
pay up peasant
>be a net contributor every year you've been in the EU
if anything, the EU should give back all that fucking money
>We could declare war
>EU declares war on the UK
>both sides send all of their refugees into battle
>all the soldiers on both sides end
>a peace treaty is signed
>refugee problem is solved
>All these mexicans defending pakiland
There's some jewery behind this, surely.
GREAT britain won't be paying shit, you'll see.
Or else what?
Bad trade deals
>United Kingdom
fixed that for ya, I look forward to seeing you getting cucked by the EU m8
>mfw the EU actually thinks we're gonna pay them anything at all
Embargo, bad trade deals, they get bitterly cuckt.
>trump and brexit have been the biggest disasters to their respective countries
In what way, US business and employment opportunities is already seeing a boom thanks to trump.
And brexit whilst on the short term costs a bit because the eu beaureaucracy tries to force them to stay and threatens them with fines, will benefit britain financially over the years.
Why do you care leaf, don't you have enough on your plate with trudeau? youtube.com
>I look forward to seeing you getting cucked by the EU
and why is that?
>Embargo, bad trade deals, they get bitterly cuckt.
Being so retarded that you think you can't negotiate trade deals without being in the EU?
Man i miss the germany just a few decades ago. Now it has to deal with clownish constituents like you.
>mfw when UK ends up paying
>needs to pay
good luck with that
oh and we already left, the demand is to enter trade talks.
spoiler: wont pay it, the EU owes us.
>mfw the UK will end up not paying
Lol, touched a nerve their hick?
>and why is that?
That you honestly can't see by now that the commie EU beureaucracy is trying to push negative policies such as mass immigration down EU nations throats and threatens with fines and other things, essentially blackmail if they don't want any part of it. Is kind of mindblowing that you can be so naive when it currently is more obvious than ever.
It would be cheaper to bomb Brussels. A dozen cruise missiles should do it.
Please tell me what the lotto numbers are as well, oh great seer into the future.
Only real proof we have right now of whether this is good or bad is the devaluation of the GBP and Trumps idiotic appearances in and outside of US.
>mfw when UK ends up paying
>Please tell me what the lotto numbers are as well, oh great seer into the future.
Being such an idiot that you don't have any foresight whatsoever. Clearly britains ability to alter those currently negative immigration and other negative fiscal policies which they are FORCED to have ONLY because of the EU will benefit britain over time. You don't need a crystal ball to realize that.
>declaring war on a nuclear power
i was asking why he hates britain
The EU declaring war is the most hilarious thing to me (and everyone else on the planet).
You'll send in some troops and all they'll do is sweep the streets. Isn't that Poland's job right now anyway?
Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on archive.is; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to hooktube.com
The real power is Jewclear
The EU don't give a fuck about you. We are in for a fight about who can deal each other the most economical damage.
So I hope you can find allies somewhere that is not Zimbabwe or Pakistan, because it looks like your in for a paddling.
Thanks Dane bro. Too bad about the upcoming Euro situation.
>Brussels 'to force EVERY member state to adopt euro by 2025'
Except its not because we are dealing with a country and countries have soveriegnity. Their politicians are in on this and taking them for fools.
>i was asking why he hates britain
Ah i misunderstood i thought he was talking to you about you being an anti brexit'er. He's just a snide asshole it seems that appears to be looking forward to EU trying to blackmail britain to stay in the EU.
>your (EU) face (baby) when we end up not paying
You do actually. Other options are that you are a fucking idiot or just lying.
Again, the drop in the GBP is only indication we have right now of any 'real world' consequences. The rest, whatever that is, will come later.
This is GOOD for Britain. It gives them another bargaining chip.
If they don't get a good deal for Brexit, they can just withhold the money
>U.K. doesn't pay
>E.U. bitches and does the tariffs n shit
>America does backdoor deals and helps U.K. avoid the tariffs n shit
>America saves the fucking day
>America & U.K. remain the worlds only super powers
Theres a reason why your son is black
>Trumps America already halfway into a trade war with Canada over bad milk
>Thinks it will cooperate with the UK
>they can just withhold the money
The EU actually owes Britain money.
but he held hands with may
Ahh, ignorance in its raw form
>trying to out-jew the British Empire
I am concerned however, 50 years ago we'd have laughed in their faces and told them to come and get it if they want it that much but nowadays...
>capatcha - achtung lakeside
>german terrorist attack on shopping center confirmed
>thousands of pounds of improvements done to Essex
I read that in the accent of the german guys from cool runnings.
Or else VAAAT!
>You do actually. Other options are that you are a fucking idiot or just lying.
Look i don't mean to call you an idiot but it's very very easy to predict, first leaving EU with brexit will ofcourse cause short term losses, you can't interpolate anything longterm from this and it's totally expected that this would happen. But you are the one trying to interpolate that it will cause long term losses because of the EXPECTED short term losses. Which is why i call you an idiot/your assessment idiotic. Your argument is dereft of any proper analysis.
>Again, the drop in the GBP is only indication we have right now of any 'real world' consequences. The rest, whatever that is, will come later.
Yes and this was expected, however the long term is that britain then regains control over its own policies in many areas where currently there are very negative policies in effect due to EU beaureaucratic overreach. As they are able to change these policies into some more positive ones financially these things over time will change. it's a short term loss long term gain situation if you actually properly analyze it.. Your argument that a) the shortterm loses were unexpected and b) that they are any indicator of longterm loses, is really idiotic and you need to reasses your analysis.. or start by actually having a proper analysis to begin with.
>Implying they won't revolt an burn shit anyways
>As they are able to change these policies into some more positive ones financially these things over time will change. it's a short term loss long term gain situation if you actually properly analyze it
>some more positive ones financially
Wow you really got me there with your incredible insight.
It's impossible to argue with retards like you. Might as well discuss religion with a salafist.
Let's put it like this, if you have a current situation where someone is taking advantage of you and milking you essentially, so the situation is bad but you're used to it.. if you stop that situation and those parties (in this case the EU) has you by the balls, you will lose shortterm by liberating yourself from that situation, but in the long term you are able to put yourself in a situation where you are not milked in the same way, thus over the long term you will gain because you are no longer in that position.
Also see this.
So you seem to think that because britain will lose short term from liberating themselves from this negative influence, that they should never do that because they might lose a bit in the short term by doing so.. It's kind of stupid that you can't see that brexit is a good thing for britain, and the EU knows it's a good thing for britain but since the EU no longer then will have britain under its thumb they resort to petty things like essentially what is clearly blackmail.. The only reason they do this is because they know that they are going to long term lose something by letting britain liberate itself from their clutches, otherwise they would just say sure britain, do what you want.
SO THIS IS WHY they are trying their best to punish britain in the short term in order to try to deter the brits from going through with it, hoping that they will then change their minds.. this is blackmail of its most clearest example.
The reason EU is blackmailing britain has nothing to do with them caring about britains wellbeing they are blackmailing them because they will lose longterm for having britain out of their clutches.
If they were concerned about brits wellbeing and lost nothing by having britain leave the EU, they would simply say fine britain you do your own thing no problem.
>It's impossible to argue with retards like you. Might as well discuss religion with a salafist.
Oh that's a nice non sequitor there. Since you have no argument apparently i'm a sunni salafist now. By calling me this you avoid talking about how i was right about what i was saying.. i am dissapoint danebro.
The EU knows that it is better longerm financially for britain and worse financially longterm for the EU bereaucracy if britain is allowed to brexit. This is why they result to blackmail. If they knew that it would be bad for britain they would just let britain do its own thing and come crawling back, but they know it is the exact opposite that is the case hence essentially the financial blackmail currently going on to try to via deciet convince brits that it will also be a longterm disaster for britain which it won't.
I agree with you, Denmark.
Scotland isn't getting a seat at the table? Fuck them.
I'm voting Yes next time, fuck England and how much they've pushed Scotland aside in these recent weeks.
Think about it the only bad thing about brexit aside from the short term loses of stepping out of the EU forced policies many of which are extremely negative for britain and for other EU member nations for that matter. Is that after the short term losses and the dust has settled, british people are able to govern themselves and decide their own policies that are good for them.. What an outrage! they must be fined/blackmailed for daring to want to govern themselves.. This is essentially what is happening and they're not even shy about doing so which should be a wakeupcall for all EU member nations what happens if you go against the EU's negative policies.
What the fuck is a 'Scotland'?
We're the only reason you became an Empire.
Damn that Trudeau guy is a fucking joke
What exactly is the duration of the EU agreement countries sign when they join? Is it like that Scientology bullshit when you join and commit for 2,000,000,000 years?
>The EU don't give a fuck about you.
>doesn't care about a third of their income.
good luck bro :^)
Has Greece paid their debts?
You' ve got a point there m8
>Damn that Trudeau guy is a fucking joke
He really is though isn't he. For those who want to know what we're talking about: youtube.com
But it gets worse.. do you know why they kept asking him about if he had seen the ethics commisioner? The details of what is under investigation which they are trying to delay as much as possible, is trudeau and family taking a taxpayer funded helicopter ride to go to a family vacation with aga khan the spiritual leader for about 10 million ismaili muslims on his private island. This is what is being under investigation by the ethics council. And he for 18 minutes declines to answer how many times he visited the ethics council and what it was about. So that even the gullible leftists in canada who voted for him are starting to have a sudden spur of buyers remorse about this idiot.
Just so you have aswell the context of why they are keeping asking him about the ethics council investigation into him.
Please bookmark this video danebro and look up the stuff i said, here's a related article. news.nationalpost.com
So, do we have a hostage situation?
>the europoors want another pop
Fucking bring it.
Pretty much and current events (the recent kebab kaboom) are pretty much the fault of the EU beaureaucrats forced immigration policy on nations like britain. Just remember that. Let's not be children about this britain is not the first nation they've tried to blackmail for not going along with these things, look at poland, hungary and others. But it seems with britain their blackmail methods and their unkind policies are becoming as clear as day and they are so out in the open about the blackmail/hostage situation in essence, that you have to be completely in the dark to not begin to ask yourself questions about what the hell is going on here..
Or just stop all trade with them and watch them die from hunger.