how do you feel about Richard Spencer?
How do you feel about Richard Spencer?
I feel like he's a CIA asset.
globalist puppet shill
He has a very nice hair style
Bloody hell those jugs. Full fat or skimmed?
He seems ok for being a CIA employee
smarter and more reasonable than you'd expect
I appreciate his principled support for noninterventionist foreign policy. he was right to shit on trump for the syria missile attack
gets tripped up on the question of what kind of government force he's willing to use to reach the sort of white ethnostate he wants. digresses into bullshit about "the tragic nature of mankind." motherfucker answer the question.
>he's willing to use to reach the sort of white ethnostate he wants
so he does or he does not support ethnonationalism? im confused..
>smarter and more reasonable than you'd expect
>mfw those awful haircuts of his
That alone should be grounds for him to get beaten up.
I dislike him, but I wonder why people have to edit his pics to discredit him rather than point out the weakness of his arguments
Bro you're on an imageboard
Depends on the narrative CIA needs him to spin
Edited? What is edited about that pic?
ha nice youre right
If you have to ask that, O.P., I would say that you don't know Dick.
i hope that smarmy little fuck gets his face smashed in again, maybe it'll convince him to do the world a favor and shut his faggot mouth
How can he be so blue-pilled on Vatican-Romanists when he recently had a professor from papist Georgetown U. get him thrown out of the gym he goes to? Time to wakey, I.M.O.
Because it's funny.
He's this walking, hypocritical moron that "espouses" white supremacy but doesn't explicitly say so while turning the other cheek. This gives him a carte blanche to amass a bunch of otherwise clueless people that will defend him and make him a figurehead for their nationalist movement while he can step away and say, "nuuuuh, I'm not a white supremacist guys, don't mind the hail symbolism being on the nose :^)" if the going gets too rough for him.
Not that his conviction even matters in the end, seeing as he traveled to SE Asia for sex tourism.
Your image title says proof but all I see is words in boxes with lines drawn between them. How is this proof of something?
>i dont understand how flow charts work
my man...really..?
Thats photoshopped
You can't be fucking serious with this one...
Nice digits.
Anyway, look at this proof I just found.
He's great, but he needs to get in shape though. It doesn't help that he's been exiled from gyms.
This looks like blantant disinfo m8.
Henry Regnery was part of the America First Committee, to keep the USA out of WW2.
The conservative publishing company was "supposedly" subsidized "in the early years" by the CIA.
>literally during the initial years of the Cold War
>when the CIA would have an obvious interest in preventing the spread of leftism/communism
To extrapolate this supposed, brief relationship into: "HURR DURR RICHARD SPENDCER IS DA CIA" without anything additional is absurd.
This is even less credible than those Trump - Putin diagrams that the normies are sharing on Goybook.
I for one am saddened that he takes his rage about being fat with lactating bitch tits out on minorities
bruh even the digit gods are behind me. get right.
>hahahaha lmao yes so much this!
>only a retard would be against his race dying out
>republiturd nazis btfo amirite?
for sure like stick man a mental ill degenerate.
Right wing is shit, Hilter is spinnig in its grave with all this subhuman trash gays trans p.o.s crap.
>"HURR DURR RICHARD SPENDCER IS DA CIA" without anything additional is absurd.
>its absurd because i say so
I've given enough information for anyone interested to research on Google the claim. I will give my full research on the matter to prove my claim and spoonfeed the masses, when it suits me.
I don't know who you think you're convincing with your non-arguments and namefagging. Redditors maybe?
I'm winning.
I'm sure you are, sweety.
His hair is strange
he directs an opera company in an alternative reality
this fucking edit has my sides in orbit
That's what I was thinking as well. Everyday there is a Dick Spencer anti-fan club seemly made up of fat chicks secretly that want a brothel room alone with him and jealous nu-males virtual signaling still somehow thinking they will get laid out of the deal.
All this tells me is that at least parts of the CIA are backing patriotic causes. This is a bad thing because?
i like it wen his milky tits jiggle
> lactating bitch tits out on minorities
I'm guessing you're probably queer but if you can't tell males and females apart, you might want to strongly consider quitting on your porno diet. Why next thing ya know, you'll be wearing a dress.
yo hes cia look at that nigga.
Gay as fuck
>problem because
CIA is rogue. Working for Deep State