Taxi drivers of peace have been around for over 30 years.
If you search for 'taxi driver grooming' you'll see it's not just a meme
Other urls found in this thread:
Seems like hundreds of taxi drivers of peace cases have been successfully tried in the UK.
>taxi driver Malik
so progressive
Implying she wouldnt do it anyway if she grew up a bit more.
Brits are such hypocrites and racists.
I hope this isn't another Pizzagate hoax
If Britons wouldn't buy anything (groceries and serveries) from pakis will they go back to their stans?
>the well known child grooming cases are a hoax
you faggot, the important bit is that a lot of them turn out to be muslim taxi drivers
Most of the english sluts involved in this stuff are total scags who would be trading sex for money/food/drugs with whites if the pakis weren't there with better offers.
>implying this is news to us
Wow are you all fucking just waking up? We've been this way for years
so they have had uber longer than us
t. muslim
>check internet
>it's true
oh my god England, what's wrong with you?
This is what happens when you drink the coolaid, you just assume everything's fine
>all four were convicted of trafficking, three of them were convicted of rape
>tfw that one guy would have been you
>getting kidnapped and raped makes you a slut
The UK police are fully in on this bullshit, they will goto any lengths to try and protect muslims and will drop the piledriver on a white person in a nano-second.
Welcome to the muslim police state of the uk
WTF britain.
ima report you to your local metro for thought crime
>that image
"the great british public"
Every time I hear a rape case from Germany and Britain it's always "her drug dealing african boyfriend raped her"
I don't doubt innocents get hurt too, but slags being slags are classified as rape too
he should deus vult the fucking mudslimes im sure a lot of others will raise to the cause.
>gave birth to four babies, all of whom were "sold"
shut you faggot leaf
what about the 4 babies that were sold? What was their sin, being born?
meme this to the highest degree. get people afraid of Muslim help. They need to know the truth so they can keep themselves safe.
probably to africans, they enjoy the taste
>rotherham is a hoax
How woke are you?
If you search for related terms and such you'll see a seemingly endless parade of convictions of taxi drivers of peace who kidnapped or raped children.
It's apparently an epidemic but I've never seen it discussed before Sup Forums started in on it, ironically as a meme.
Well once again, anons, memes are becoming real.
>mfw the tipping point is coming and people are going to calmly say ''alright well you niggers have had your chance, now youre gonna burn''
British people are absolute scum. This is why they need more immigrants to teach them how to behave.
I remember polandball before it got coopted by commie faggots.
I have a feeling that this is a rabbit hole which will redpill Britain, anons.
Spread this news.
Why it is always the UK when it comes to that kind of shit? What is it about bongs and their leniency to let sandniggers hold captive their daughters as fucktoy?
it was pretty good
Brits still have a few whites in their police force
Make no mistake, this happens in France roo, they just cover it up better
The pakis buy it from each other so that'd effect nothing.
Normal people go to places like Tesco, Asda or Morrisons. Not Mawongo's Pakistani Express Onion Bargy store.
>says france
Fake news guys. Duckduckgo says it was a Asian man. Also can't find Sup Forums on Duckduckgo... hmmmm
>that comic
holy shit kek
this is no joke, some witch craft in Africa revolves around eating white people, Im not gonna explain the logic of it to you because there is none.
Apparently were magic
>searching in finland only
learn how to internet
>quintessentially British
they probably weren't covered up properly
>reee - the thread
I just can't tonight, already had a shit day
It's clearly tuned off
It's turned off, meaning it's a global search
pic related would be Finland only.
they also eat babies before going to battle.
there's a documentary about general butt naked and he told how the mothers would bring them their babies so they could eat their hearts before the fights. cool ppl desu.
The British calls muslims for Asians to make it seem less controversial.
I have a cold.
>asian man
Yeah. Like those asian pakis that had their rape ring in the UK a few years back and the cops did jack shit about it.
Fucking autism, get your shit together.
Fucking horse head riding bitch.
brits are trying to defend muslims
we need memes
This would never happen in a libertarian society.
This is literally the most recent article about the Manchester attack victims that I found, and it says:
>Seventeen of the 22 fatalities in Manchester have been identified so far.
If this is correct it means that nobody is actually missing, but only that some of the corpses have not been identified yet.
This means Sup Forums has been bamboozeld on this whole kidnapping ordeal.
It's uncontested that this type of stuff has gone on in many English cities.
Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to
Well in a libertarian society the father's would start a war, in a modern society they don't even have guns
WTF I did a Finland-only search with same terms and look what came up. No mention of Asian.
Asian mafia scrubbed it.
yeah, well. What do you expect when 9/10 taxi drivers in the UK are wogs.
Look, there's a reason Uber can't be allowed to operate unrestrained in European countries. Taxi drivers need to be held to a high standard of qualification and regulation.
Sure, government-controlled taxis are ten times more expensive. But at least you won't get kidnapped and raped for 13 years. Think about that, Americucks.
Surprsing amount od people missing though dont you think m8
except with uber there is a registry of your taxi ride so the driver gets caught
But you can track uber drivers and their customers
Irony aside, taxi drivers are the biggest mafia in every country they exist. Here they pay off the police to beat up people, and they massively trafficked refugees to Wien
I don't get it, when you say "american garbage truck companies are controlled by the mob" that's accepted as fact, but when you say taxi drivers are into shady shit, they think you are crazy
In the USA white people typically use town cars or limo service, it's not much more expensive and the driver's not going to be some muzzie.
>muh registry
>muh GPS tracking
Nice try, but modern technology will never be as safe as trusting licensed, government-qualified drivers.
Uber customers are frequently raped and murdered. It's clear proof that the free market doesn't work.
god help us
Those sikhs are based, really bro tier aren't they?
They're basically Muslims without a Koran.
Riiiight.... Proof?
We have insurmountable proof through the medias that real taxi drivers rape all the time.
>licensed, government-qualified drivers
If you look upthread, shill, you'll see that it's the licensed taxi drivers who are doing the raping, and have been for decades.
Typical cuck shill, blathering on and missing the point entirely.
>Nice try, but modern technology will never be as safe as trusting licensed, government-qualified drivers.
You can't honestly be this cucked, can you?
They're trying to cover for their fellow Finns :^)
>Muslim taxi drivers giving free rides to kids in the terror attack
Well now we know why they were going it, lel
>she lived with .. his mother, brothers and their wives
>not all muslims guys I swear
>Asian man
Fuking islanders discriminating against us continent people.
you can't find this specific Sup Forums thread because for a site to show up in a search engine it first needs to be crawled.
that happens in regular intervals which are apparently sometimes shorter than a thread's lifetime. go look for some 2 year old thread on /i/ and you'll definetly find something.
Spread this.
Spread this everywhere.
Fuck Britain and its phony culture of politeness and pretending everything is alright. They deserve it. Tragic that it has to happen over the backs of children.