So many here are interested in the preservation of the West...

So many here are interested in the preservation of the West, but the West encompasses so many things that are often diametrically opposed to one another, so I ask:

>How do you define "the West?"

If we say that the term "the West" refers to Western culture as a whole, then how do you characterize those Western ideologies and Western philosophies that stand in opposition to your own, compared against the external enemies that threaten the West as a whole?

Between rationalism and romanticism, which is more characteristic of the West, and if one can be identified as more characteristic than the other, then how do you address the existence of a kind of "Western spectrum of inclusion," or is the designation "Western" absolute and black or white? If the designation is black or white, then between romanticism and rationalism, which is Western and which is not?

Do you want to protect the West as a whole, including your own characteristically Western enemies, or do you only want to preserve your own specific set of Western values/ethics?

Are there any aspects of Western culture that are worth active opposition in the wake of a mutual non-Western external threat?

Are your perceived threats mostly external or internal, or; is your struggle for the preservation of the West more comparable to an invasion, or a civil war?

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Enlightenment ideals are not "western", they are Voltaire atheist ideals and against God. Divisive. Jewish.

>how do we define the west

Individual freedom

Yes, it allows for degeneracy, but that's the price of letting everyone do their thing; as soon as you infringe upon individual freedom, you start having the state, which can change at a whim, to dictate its specific group.

You let everyone live and let live.

There are some who argue that the Jews themselves are "Western" because of the significant role that Judaeo-Christian religion and the Catholic Church played in the development of the West.

Didn't the Enlightenment produce the principles of procedural justice and equality before the law, and didn't those principles (in part at the very least) form the basis for modern Western law?

West + Degenerate % cuck = happy

>significant role that Judaeo-Christian religion
Their religion is atheism.
>procedural justice and equality before the law
aka get niggers off so they can commit more crimes.
>didn't those principles (in part at the very least) form the basis for modern Western law?
Rome did that.
>modern west
You are pretending the west didn't operate effectively pre-Voltaire?
The scientific method is pre-french revolution. The western economy under charter companies worked just fine and often had the comparative advantage.
>philosophy/social life
these are twisted modern ideas against God

Roman magistrates altered their public code at will against plebeian litigants, and they were basically free to choose any punishment they wanted once somebody was found to be guilty.

You say that equality before the law in not a Western ideal, so then is inequality before the law a Western ideal?

We probably have very similar opinions regarding the Jews, but you can't deny that Christendom basically drove the development of Western culture after the fall of Rome. What God are you referring to if not the Judaeo-Christian God? I'm assuming that you are monotheistic, but wasn't European religion primarily polytheistic until around the 5th century? If Jews aren't Western, then how do you account for their influence upon Western culture?

Honestly I just want non whites gone because I know they are gonna bully us when we become minoritys.

I see culture as progressive and don't care about the past, rather aim at the future

>equality before the law
are you saying this is an existing ideal? because it's not. Egalitarianism has never existed nor will it ever.
Christianity is far and away separated from anything related to modern day Judea-atheism. And it's not even an edgy statement. jews aren't pious, theyj've rejected the Torah their own holy book that is the basis for their suppoed belief. 99.9% of jews that claim to be religious do not believe a single epic or parable within the Old Testament (Genesis-Deuteronomy) aka Torah. Their holy book is the Talmud which is not a religious book and has little to know connection with the God of Abraham. Their religion is Judeo-Atheism and it is what you see in self-identifying atheists throughout the west.
>Jews are western
They are in the west, but they are not western. They are a cancer on their host. This is like saying a gut worm is human because it affects the humans behavior.

>I know they are gonna bully us when we become minoritys.
This wouldn't be a problem if white people had more children now would it? Why aren't white people getting married, staying married, and having children? Feminism(Birth Control), Whore-Culture, Abortion, and Atheism. These should all carry death sentences.

>are you saying this is an existing ideal? because it's not. Egalitarianism has never existed nor will it ever.

I was only saying that equality before the law is often cited as a characteristic of modern Western culture. I agree that it is not found in practice very often. If equality before the law is not inherently Western, then how would you describe true Western law?

Your problem with Jews seems to be aimed specifically at those atheistic Jews. Would you say that legitimately religious, pious Jews (few and far between as they may be) are Western? Were the pre-Christian Jews who formulated the foundations of early Judaeo-Christian ethics/philosophy/tradition/etc Western? When exactly did Jews exit the official canon of Western culture?

>how do you characterize those Western ideologies and Western philosophies that stand in opposition to yours
Obviously not every idea I disagree with is actually wrong, but for those that are I see them as symptoms of a deeper sickness that is the death of God. Nihilistic ideas like diversity or equality of outcome are self-destructive and unsustainable and will lead to ruin.

>compared against the external enemies that threaten the West as a whole?
We cannot fight them if we are each divided inside ourselves. We need to sort ourselves out individually and then societally, before we can ever hope to fend off problems like another would-be expansionist Islamic Caliphate. The best we could do at the moment is become a monster to fight the monsters, which defeats the original purpose outright.

>then how do you address the existence of a kind of "Western spectrum of inclusion"
As far as this applies to ideas it's necessary, as the landscape is always shifting under our feet and we need diversity of thought to keep us updated and prevent stagnation. Disagreement is good, sedition isn't.

>Do you want to protect the West as a whole, including your own Western enemies
Not those whose philosophy is that of destroying the West, traitors are far more damaging than any enemy.

>Are your perceived threats mostly external or internal
Almost entirely internal, I don't think we'd be facing demographic extinction if we weren't corrupted and dying already. The corrupt and ineffective politicians, the miserable and angry women, the apathetic and unmoored men, the broken homes, the laziness and entitlement, the hedonism, they're all internal problems. It may be that they're just inevitable in the decline of a civilisation, and that there's no preventing it becoming much worse before anything becomes better. Some forests need to get burnt down before they can grow any further. I think a dark age is inevitable, eventually. Best to fight for the good in the meantime though.


whether it be on economic, cultural or philosophical superiority, the West embraces new ideas based on merit

>How do you define "the West?"
You're making it more complicated than it needs to be and, whether intentionally or not, you are spreading the seed of doubt and relativism which is false. The West isn't some abstract set of ethics or morals or ideas. The West is Western people. Where Western people settle and rule the land, that is where the West is; where they don't (or not in large enough numbers) that is where West is not.

Of course there are many different schools of "Western" thoughts, sometimes in conflict with one another. Of course these school of thoughts can evolve over time; new ones appear and older ones disappear or mutate. Of course there are some which I support more than others, and some which I'd rather see in the dustbin of history. But all of this exists and can only exists where Western people exist. What you see today is not, and it never was, a "cultural war" (whatever the hell that means). It's a racial war. It will be won if the alien races are removed, one way or another, from the Western World; it will be lost if it's the Western people that are removed.

>how would you describe true Western law?
whether or not i agree with it, it is a factor of how expensive and connected a lawyer you can afford.
>Your problem with Jews seems to be aimed specifically at those atheistic Jews
They are all atheists. This isn't just a supposition. I've never met one that literally believes in the story of Adam, the story of the tower of Babel, the stories of Abraham and Moses and their interactions with God and miracles. They take them as allegories and not literal. They sum up the OT/Torah with one phrase - We are the chosen People. Therefore since they have the proper DNA they are saved no matter the wicked depths of their heart (even though they don't believe in an afterlife). Not a single one of them believes in a Heaven or Hell or any afterlife. What they do believe in is the Talmud, which is a war manual that puts the Koran to shame. It spells out (among its many blasphemies) a battle plan to destroy the western nations the goyim allow them to hide in.
Jews and Christian do not share a common holy book or diety and have little to nothing to do with each other for the past 2 millenia. Considering the vast similarities of the religion of Atheism and it's modern day sister religion Judaism, the two can/should be forever connected by the term Judeo-Atheism.

>I've never met one that literally believes in the story of Adam, the story of the tower of Babel, the stories of Abraham and Moses
>They take them as allegories and not literal.
>They are all atheists
That's not the definition of atheism. You don't have to literally believe the Bible's creation stories to believe in God and be Christian or Jewish.

It wasn't intentional, I assure you. I am worried about the future of the West so I am only asking questions in order to solidify my own understanding.

You equate the West with Western people, and I assume you mean ethnic Europeans. Just to clarify for my own sake: Would a black African, assimilated into Western culture, be considered a Western person? Would an ethnic Swede who was born into and is aligned with Chinese culture be called a Western man? Or does the designation rely solely upon ethnicity?

I promise that I am not trying to be divisive, I am only trying to clarify things for myself.

>Judaeo-Christian religion and the Catholic Church played in the development of the West.
They fucking ordered the death of Christ, they killed him and shifted the blame on the Romans.
Stop with that Judeo-Christian nonsense

They don't believe in the Torah or any story within it which is the basis for their religion, the kindest description you could give them is 'diest', but they will all in private profess they are just atheists and don't believe in or fear God.

I take you're a jew or at least follow the judeo-atheist religion?

>Would a black African, assimilated into Western culture, be considered a Western person?
Imagine though if you could replace every European with a black African that had been assimilated to Western culture. Would Europe remain the same? In 100 years would it still be a European/Western culture? Or would it revert back to something African?

I think African personally.

>but they will all in private profess they are just atheists and don't believe in or fear God.
And no I'm not Jewish you paranoid fucker.


I've got several posts explaining this that you should read. Just because you type source i'm not going to restate everything you refused to read the first time you kike.