"the wrong mindset" - Ben Carson

>"the wrong mindset" contributes to poverty.
>"I think poverty to a large extent is also a state of mind"
>"You take somebody that has the right mindset, you can take everything from them and put them on the street, and I guarantee in a little while they'll be right back up there. And you take somebody with the wrong mindset, you could give them everything in the world, they'll work their way right back down to the bottom."

how fucking delusional and dissociated of the current ways of the world one have to be to state this?? were Baby Boomers and Generation X really that pampered by the conditions of their generations??

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Haha guess what Millennial.

He's right. Grow a fucking Spine.



>He's right
I can mathematically prove you wrong, but this is Sup Forums so it likely will fall to deaf ears

>I'll prove you wrong but instead I'll just say I can prove you wrong instead of actually proving you wrong

Fucking rick and morty reddit memester kys

ask and thou shalt receive


is not an impossible scenario, but even if you can cherry pick some example, for everyone that makes from 0 to hero the rest can not, you can not simply go and make your own Youtube, Amazon, Instagram, etc. other did.
you cant account for personal or close tragedies like illness, accidents, getting robbed, etc etc etc.

people in ABSOLUTE poverty do are at fault, but getting out of the low - middle / middle class by just "positive attitude" is a sham ideal passed by the previous gen which circumstances were more favorable.

Ball is on your court, prove me wrong

Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on archive.is; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to hooktube.com


>can't refute it
>"shill, click bait, retarded, cuck, etc"

>Always archive known sources of clickbait
not a pol tard so not idea the standards of the site for articles and pages (other than CNN, Democrat, Fox new, Republican)

Why do you have to go from 0 to making fucking amazon? The right mindset makes you go from 0 to middle class.

Who the fuck said anything about "positive attitude". Carson's obviously referring to spending money in an intelligent way. Poor people always seem to be the ones with the most children, and they wonder why they're poor.

He's right, though.

It's all biology.

>Why do you have to go from 0 to making fucking amazon?
cause this isolated cases of success are used when someone brings in the "you can do anything if you really really try hard"
amazon, Microsoft, Google, etc no body ever tries to accomodate to a more modest
>you dont have to starve yourself or share a 2 rooms house with 4 people so you can afford rent food, and school

>Who the fuck said anything about "positive attitude
its on the fucking OP
>"the wrong mindset" contributes to poverty.
>"I think poverty to a large extent is also a state of mind"

I would love to read the context of this idea

>btfod by a bot

>I would love to read the context of this idea

A person that's innately smart, has drive and determination, will always build back up in society.

A person that's dumb, has no drive and determination, won't.

He's totally right though. As much as I'd like to believe it, people don't change.

Dont help them

Ben Carson was raised u. The ghetto by a single mother who would work two jobs just so she could afford to get him books. He's now a brain surgeon.

And you're a faggot.

I think largely we agree. We both agree that a mindset is influential and can change your societal position somewhat. However we also agree not everyone can be a Steve Jobs and people should not set unrealistic expectations.

He got everything spot on

You're a fucking retard. Ben Carson is 100% right on this. The right mindset, e.g. being smart with how you spend money, not thinking you're just a victim of the system, etc. etc.

It's not just about "positive attitude".
The fact that you can't deduce that from the quotes, tells me you're a fucking retard, and you probably live on junk food from 7/11. YOU are the person that would work their way back to the bottom if given a million dollars.

sorry, mum. i thought they were adorable.

Low IQ is a bad albeit unchangeable state of mind

so Sup Forums has this kind of stuff, nice

personally effort and hard work helps a lot, but more time that not there are external circumstances that keep people for said goals, at best the average person might archieve middle class,

>. The ghetto by a single mother who would work two jobs just so she could afford to get him books
yeah is not like education overall was CHEAPER during his tenure years. how were a career in that time??? were book 300$ each (converted to the era $$ equivalent), also financial help from Government to studies were higher than now???
Lets imply im wrong, he is a fucking hero. he still an isolated case.
if you take 10 Ben Carson, and all manage to get out of college with good grade, you think all 10 would land a job how they graduated??

expand it to the thousands of people in the same career, imagine, all work hard, by the way capitalism work, not all will get the same job.

the "American Dream" is largely cherry picked stories. that even if duplicated is not guaranteed will have the same outcome.

Jackpot winners whow became instant multo millionAires only to lose it all prove him right.

>positive attitude".
do I have to repeat myself ??
>>"I think poverty to a large extent is also a state of mind"

>prove me wrong
Well, if we're going to talk about economic mobility, why don't we look for starts on economic mobility, instead of a random Atlantic article on the dumb stuff or people buy?

Doing a tiny bit of research (from my phone, no complaining), wikipedia states that 50% of people who start in the bottom quintile will make it into a higher quintile in ten years, and 3-6% will make it all the way into the top quintile. They say that like it's a low number, but it's much higher than I would have expected.

After all, you never defined what number you would consider high enough. You also never defined what number you would consider TOO high - remember that in quintile relationships, for every person moving up, the is a matching one moving down.

how many people out of the whole USA became millionaires on the lotto?? how many of those end up in poverty??
you are trying to make a generalization out of what is likely counted and individual cases

ya you are right, it is based on IQ, not mindset. poor are stupid(sub 95) and the rich are smart (110+)

>you never defined what number you would consider high enough
what is considered out of poverty?? being able to afford rent, food, services with only 1 40 hours job??

the american dream is to be left alone from the government to be able to pursue what you wish without inference(within the law). You just sound bitter

Consider this:
If you believe he is wrong and believe that it is impossible for you to succeed no matter what, how does that help your chances?
The reason rags-to-riches people believe it's possible to succeed from nothing is not because they've done it. It's because they've always believed it, even when they were poor. The poor people who didn't believe it never had a chance in the first place. Why try when it's impossible to succeed? The system is rigged!
Meanwhile people are succeeding out of poverty all the time. And they all have something in common. A mindset that says that they can reach the top from nothing, whether it happens to be true or not.

you are generalizing.
rag to rich is incresible isolated cases vs population.
out of those, most are/ were baby boomers, Generation X where the society and the times facilitated said developments out of pure work.

and even then, people working the same wont all get the same results

take any career, imagine that out of a said mentality and shit, all the class finish with a GPA of 4.0
you think all the people that ended the career will get the same job position??
you think that even if they all do, withing their own companies they will be treated the same, move up the same??

the "right mindset" idea is not per say wrong, but is an incredible dumb generalization and most people that claim it, comes from a different time period even

Yup I totally agree. I know that this is anecdotal, but I've never really had money, and I've worked my way up from nothing over & over again. And it's never been my goal to "get rich" or "be famous", all Ive ever wanted was to have enough to feel comfortable and do what I want to when I want to, and I want to be left the fuck alone to live my life how I want. Whether it's with a needle in my arm, or working to build a business, or build a home, or relationship. It's 100% a mind game. If you think you're shit, your shit. If you realize that you can do what ever ya put yer mind too, AND YOU ACTUALLY DO IT, your potential is infinite.

God, fuckin damn. That was the gayest shit I've said in a while. Good thing I'm surrounded by fags on here...

He's right though.

Saying that slavery was "The worst thing to happen" before obamacare is silly however. Slavery has obviously been good for both the US as well as the slaves descendants.

Hes right

Its just that that mindset is inherited based on sosioeconomic conditions.So baby boomers were and Gen X were pampered,

Dumb burgers are too stupid to realize this however

I do believe that the good Dr was comparing the the level of control over all of us as Americans, that a socialized healthcare system would bring. It makes slaves of us all, indentured debt slaves that is...

/ourniggas/ thread

I don't know where you're getting any of this. I never said any of that. Of course everyone is going to have different results. Countless people who truly believe they can be a millionaire will be in poverty there entire lives. And it's true that it is more difficult to escape poverty today than it was 60 years ago.

But the point is that with the wrong mindset, you are almost guaranteed to remain in poverty. The right mindset is required to succeed. And today, most poor people in America believe that their poverty is a product of circumstance, the system is rigged against them, and there is no way out. And all of the ones who believe this will remain poor, except for the occasional lottery winner who gets to pretend he's rich for a year before he blows it all and kills himself over the debt he didn't realize he was accruing.

And it's obviously true that poor people in terrible conditions can succeed. People do it all the time, even today. Sure, there are a lot less now than in the 50s who are doing it, but there are also a lot more people now who think they can't do it. Until the mindset changes, these people really are stuck in poverty.

There's no way to quantify it, but let's say in the 50s, 95% of poor people who believed they could succeed and worked hard as a result of that belief, would succeed. Even if that number is still 95% today (it's obviously lower), we would never know it, because there are so few poor people who actually believe they CAN succeed. They all think the system is rigged against them, the economy is too weak, etc.
Changing the mindset of these people would have a larger impact than you think.

He's right. You're a pussy with the wrong mindset (and no discernible talent)

>I don't know where you're getting any of this
>You take somebody that has the right mindset, you can take everything from them and put them on the street
not impossible scenarios but the amount of generalization for this cases is dumb as fuck

>He's right. You're a pussy with the wrong mindset (and no discernible talent)
I would tell you are wrong, but society itself already proves its. unless you are implying that everyone or the majority of people that struggle does it cause they want.

Fair enough. I don't think he meant it to be taken literally and nitpicked, but rather to make a point. The point is that a bad mindset traps people in poverty.
Economics is very dependent on psychology.

>Yeah dude it's fucked I never got any money it's dumb need a pay raise
>Coming from a guy who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, goes out every weekend, has an iphone, and buys stupid shoes

The vast majority of people who are poor deserve to be poor
t. former poorfag.

He's correct though.

Man, that guy seems to be an idiot that sometimes stumbles upon a gem.

those generations were born into a time where the whole world was just getting off from a war. their parents had principles, ambition.
the next generation had expectations to live up to.
their kids had ideals and hope.
now they expect.

It's not as simple as he says it is but I agree with his underlying point.


>those generations were born into a time where the whole world was just getting off from a war. their parents had principles, ambition.
>the next generation had expectations to live up to.
>their kids had ideals and hope.
>now they expect.
also of expense of income from even entry lvl jobs were more balances, government shouldered most of the expenses of college. you could pay yourself a career while working at McDonalds,

try to pay yourself a career now at 7$/h

"The right mindset" can be any number of things. But, I'll take the simple and say "money management".

My current supervisor has a shitty attitude towards money management. The other day, we had some free time so we were working on some HR coursework. We were on different video lessons and it was driving me crazy, so I went down to the store and bought some head phones. The guy, who I know for a fact makes more money than I do, remarked that it must be nice to be able to just buy headphones like that. mfw $20 headphones, less than a tank of gas. Meanwhile, he's telling me he just spent $5000 on a bed and he was on the phone arguing with his wife over a $100 bed frame.

That's a shitty mindset towards money management. He's not gonna make it.

McDonalds pays more than $7/hr.

carson's right

This kind a shit is so common. I had a friend who bought a $6000 TV, an Xbox One, a PS4 and the Nintendo console and then never used them. Some people spend money simply because they enjoy spending money. There's nothing you can do to help someone that dumb aside from leaving them somewhere they can't do any real damage.

He also looked like shit because he didn't get a good night's sleep.

He's right stupid. Study some psychology you dumb fucking moron. Get out of this world!

Based Carson.


HS drop out, was a neet all throughout my twenties because I felt sorry for myself and didn't try. Stopped being a faggot at 28 and started slowly by getting drivers license, shit min wage job, ged. 30 now and have several thousand in bank and drive bus making $11.50/hr plus a vending business I also operate on my days off.

He is 100% spot on regarding what he said, every poor loser I met, including myself at one time, just figures "life's shit why try at all, woe is me..". fuck liberals..

Sure you can, faggot.

he is correct.
you are a numbskull.

poor people who win the lotto INVARIABLY become poorfags again in short order

when niggers become famous rappers, they immediately become poorfag niggers as soon as their record sales drop

poor people can become rich through hard work, dedication and thrift (and more than a little luck) but trash will always remain trash, no matter how many winning lotto tickets they score

look at the niggers where you work or go to school.
right after payday (or gubment check day) they are flossin, buying shit, bragging about their "stack of racks", but round the end of the month they are bitching about how broke they are, whinging about how "da man be keepin dem down, and now dey lights got shut off" or how their cadillac got towed for non-payment, or their flashy new cellphone has no service cuz they cant pay the fucking bill, and it's always somebody else's fault

niggers and white trash learned their money management skills from the government, so naturally they are shit at handling money.

> imma prove you wrong MATHEMATICALLY!!
> proceeds to spout ignorant opinions with absolutely zero maths.
> demands opponent prove his ignorant opinions are wrong

1: graduate high school
2: get a job, keep that job,
3: dont have kids out of wedlock
4: do this every day for 30 years and youll become rich.

warren buffet agrees.


now go eat a dick.

Always archive known sources of clickbait. If site, dump on archive.is; if youtube video, rewrite domain in url to hooktube.com


suck a cock.

time is not clickbait.
i cite articles in their original source so the user knows it's legit, not some shitty fake site full of malware tracking cookies and gay porn

It is a lot harder to move up in the world today.
You need the degree but you also need the experience.
Those "walk on and live" jobs they had unionized along the way. Pay increases, health benefits, retirement plans... you don't get those working as a throwaway employee at McDonalds. I don't know why anyone would expect that. I'm not saying McDonalds isn't a genuine opportunity either. If you can go to culinary school, work in a food industry and make money... but I'd expect there to be one McDonalds that makes just absolutely fantastic burgers if you expect to become a chef.
We don't have that. We have half assed throw shit together burgers just to get a check workers.
No pride.
Maybe its the video games?
You play and play and play, die a thousand times and it doesn't reflect on you in real life.
I build an engine that doesn't run or a paint job full of waves and that reflects on my ability.
>A coward dies a thousand deaths
Artists don't paint scenes anymore, just mishmash. No skill required.
We don't write in cursive anymore. A skill practiced as a child.
Furniture is just pressed particles of wood with a glued on laminate.

Everything is a cheap way out.

Then you get the "but I got an engineering degree and can't find work."
Engineer something! Prove your worth! I'm not even an engineer but I at least have drawings of stuff I might consider building one day.
The competition is real.
You need a toolbag full of tools if you plan to go to work.

This too. My 17 year old nephew just got hired there at 9.25 in a suburb.

No shit.
Wages started to stagnate between 1965 and 1970.
Women started entering the workforce between 1965 and 1970.

Women entering the work force in large numbers more than doubled the supply of Labor - and the resulting lack of children significantly reduced the demand for goods and services. Both factors compounded to reduce job growth, reduce wage growth, cause the native populations to decline, and stifle opportunities for everyone. Not just men, but women too.