Why are so many lolbertarians and ancaps suddenly turning to fascism?
Why are so many lolbertarians and ancaps suddenly turning to fascism?
they arent. why would those who value freedom and small government turn into a retard who wants authoritarianism and socialized government? fuck off autist
We're not really, but we pretend to be in order to trigger (((feminists))) and (((communists)))
They very specifically asked for the stepping to not occur, and yet the government has been aggressively doing so for many years and threatens to be taken over by people who insist on further stepping.
No more step on snek. Snek has bite!
I'm okay with nationalism, even white nationalism to some extent. Fuck socialism, though.
Because they're growing up and realizing that libertarianism is a meme ideology based in abstractions outside of the real world, although they're autists so it's understandable why that appeals to them initially.
Desperate times call for desperate measures.
That pic has much potential as a good meme, but the foot on the right just looks stupid. He is meant to be stepping on the snake, not dipping his toe on top of it. Also it is too far to the left.
White nationalism isn't fascist in essence, I have my opinions on the limits of state power and economics but it's secondary to establishing an ethnostate. WN is enough of a pipe dream without LARPing about the exact society I would like to see built
Libertanism is what made Europe and the US into globabl powerhouses. Nat(((Soc))) is what brought them down.
But if you like being a slave then simply go to some BDSM meeting and let a nigger strap you :)
> US
> Europe
> Libertarian
The things is what attracts shitskins and lets them function a white society are socialist gibs.
You really think there would be throngs of arabs and niggers in Europe if Nigel or Pierre didn't give 50%+ of their pay to support Matumbo and Ahmed and their 5 niglet family?
Because the free market is being manipulated on a massive scale through a Jewish business cabal with voluntary association that manipulates the media and law to attack anyone who attempts to do the same thing.
We can't get what we want while the Jews parasitize us. Fascism is a temporary solution until a threat is eradicated, and then we will gain traction in ensuing generations.
It was "cutthroat" capitalism for a long time, the explosion of state control and micro management of the citizens began in the 20th century. I mean ofc everyhting after feudalism
So basically if the jews controll something so complex and gigantic as the whole free market (lol?) you want to concentrate much more power into an easily subverted goverment? You know your goverment is kike run? You want to give it more power, or want to minize its influence so that you can send your kids to normal schools instead of e.g. nigger infested marxist hellholes?
Because I realize that a libertarian paradise isn't really feasible, at least not in a multicultural nation. It's a pipe dream, it's still what I want, but for now, and the foreseeable future, fascism is a realistic, better system than what we have.
Plenty of niggers and Jews were spitroasting American society during its so-called libertarian days. The idea that the underclass will simply disappear from society we minimal state power and low taxes is a fantasy, they'll just steal and murder instead, look at any example of frontier towns where state power was almost non-existent, gang violence and piracy was just a part of life. You think Europe was ever libertarian though so maybe you're just equating libertarianism with free markets
Nope, I used to be a nationalist when I was younger, and turned into a full blown libertarian. Nazism is retarded, because it's still cancerous socialism, even if it was only for whites.
An organization based on ethnoreligious tenents cannot be easily undermined or subverted.
That's why the Jews use their race as a special club and seek to prevent everyone else from doing the same.
If you physically lock them out of government through law and racial purity as has been done many times before, you drastically weaken their ability to subvert.
Melting pot society must be done away with to defeat the Jews, because it is the Hell they reign over.
we're turning to Libertarian Fascism, Pretty much none of you faggots are ethical enough to abide by the NAP so we're just gonna force you to act morally
That Guy T pls
(offtopic) how come so many based slovakians here while irl i cant find any
make leftists face the true nature of government
we will never abolish the state if half the country believes it is legitimate
we tried freedom and these fucking retards made it impossible