How exactly are the Jews behind non white immigration into white countries, specifically yours. I'm only aware of the Hart-Celler act and the end of the white Australia policy. Is the jew being behind non white immigration a meme or legit?
Immigration question
if the reich rises again they dont want to the be majority of all minorities.
Because some Jew girl was seen on TV saying that europe needs to open up to immigrants.
Im aware of that but I'm looking for actual examples. Was their a specific jew or group that put in place the legislation that had sweden start taking refugees in 1960/70s?
Im looking for clear cut shit like the signing of laws and legislation
>Im looking for clear cut shit like the signing of laws and legislation
Good luck frienderoonie. I mean, there are certainly a lot of liberal and neo-con jews out there, but there are a whole lot more liberal and neo-con non-jews.
There is nothing really conspiratorial about it
Jews simply feel no evolutionary connection to the European/White identity so they have no problems throwing it away or seeing it being eroded, they've also been on the bad end of a strong European/White identity before so many are anti-nationalist by default.
Due to their networking capabilities they often end up in positions of power and you see this reflected.
Jews are always in the left wing socialist/communist/labour parties who promote open borders.
Then the jews own big buisiness, who ask the government for a cheap labourforce (immigrants)
So the jew businesses ask the jews in government for more immigrants.
Then the jews in the media spin the stories so white people think it is in their best interest to accept immigrants.
Then the jew teachers tell the white children that diversity and immigration are good for them.
And thats about it.
Kikery 101
The only shit im finding on non Anglo countries is that immigration took of in 1960s. Very vague and no names or policy changes mentioned
I know m8. I'm just looking for actual instances of Jewish intervention in a nations policy. Like who was behind the idea for Germany's guest worker program or the start of the North African immigration to the Netherlanders.
>Was their a specific jew or group that put in place the legislation that had sweden start taking refugees in 1960/70s?
None that I know of. And it wasn't in the 60's and 70's. Most of this shit started happening in western nations in the late 80's, early 90's.
North America took in a lot of refugees from europe after world war 2, but they were europeans. So, you know, they actually fucking worked and earned a living, in a time where there was a shortage of labour, and an excess of exploitable resources in N.A.
After that, immigration dropped sharply, at least in Canada. Then the early 90's hit and the government went full-derp, and wanted 200+k per year. If you're looking for documents that directly tie jews to it, you're going to be hard-pressed to find them. But it's a funny coincidence how they always sponsor the politicians that push for this shit. Look at someone like Thomas Mulcair, the current leader of the NDP party in Canada. He put up some hugely social policies when he was running for prime minister. Now, he's not a jew, but his wife sure is....
But what happens when whites become a minority wont that backfire with muslim antisemitism?
60s seems to be the time that the legislative done. Australia's white Australia Policy was removed in the 60s but the damage didn't get to cucked modern levels till the start of the 00s. 60s seems to the trend I've noticed.
I think a new hire at my work is a trans. It's taken me a few months to notice, so they are slightly passable. But when I look closer, they have signs of being a man. Now I know why their behaviour is so erratic and they are so ill tempered all the time - hormones messing with their emotions, probably.
>that pic
>jews are sterilizing themselves
How do we convince more of them to go full castration?
They're probably just his work cloths.
Should try out for vulture in spiderman desu. Just a hideous creature inside and out.
Trans what? Parrot?
I was thinking rat
Man,Toucan Sam has truly fallen from grace.
forgot pic
Jewish groups were campaigning to change America's immigration laws in the 1920's.
Thx m8