Why should i care ?

Why should i care about Islam ?

Is this muslim truely a problem for Europe ?
This Bulgarian is doing something to fight the invador , are you ?

I don't care about gays. Don't care about jews. Don't care about women suffrage (actually , i kinda do , since i'm against it). Don't care for feminism. Don't care for "tolerance" or "human rights".

The only thing i care about is race. If 99% of Europe's indigenous population (i.e. caucasians / white men) were muslim , i'd be totally indifferent to it.

What truely bothers me , is the wholesale importation of African , Arabic , Asians in the land of my ancestors. Them being muslim is just the icing on the cake.

But i'm going to be honest here , i'd also like the other ones (Christian or Atheist) deported from Europe.
In a nutshell , i'm pro-indigenous. or identitarian or a "nativist"

According to the dictionnary:
1. A sociopolitical policy, especially in the United States in the 1800s, favoring the interests of established inhabitants over those of immigrants.
2. The reestablishment or perpetuation of native cultural traits, especially in opposition to acculturation.
3. Philosophy The doctrine that the mind produces ideas that are not derived from external sources.

That's fair enough for me.

I'm a very pragmatic kind of guy. Let's say my life is in danger. Let's say i live in a country or continent where it's not good to be an atheist...

What then ?
Well , simple...I'll just pretend to believe in Allah , do what i have to do to blend in...It's win/win for me.
I get to have several wives too. (instead of one). Better yet , it'll reboost european birthrates.
No more SJW or marxist nonsense..Immuned to zionist subversion. Immuned to feminism nonsense.

Now that's just me , but in the end...I'm way more concerned about race than religion itself.
Also, i'm pro-death penalty. I believe Europe's judicial system is too lenient. Too "beat" if you will.

Other urls found in this thread:

google.fr/search?q=beurette à Kheys&rlz=1C1CHBF_frFR732FR732&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwisp86u7orUAhUJQBoKHaWjD1EQ_AUICygC&biw=1366&bih=662#tbm=isch&q=beurette à Khels

I meant "beta"

You bring up some valid points. But you don't address the fact that Islam is a civilization killer. Every nation where it takes hold is worse off over all.

>is a civilization killer. Every nation where it takes hold is worse off over all.
So is America. The Japanese (which i respect , i love their culture , food , history).. Have a very dark past...Treated other Asians like absolute shit...
Ever heard of UNIT 731 ?

In my very own country "La République" (and there national motto : ' "liberty, equality, fraternity"')
Are the same ones who commited the Genocide of Vendée. (and it's still denied by our republic to this day , just like the Turks pretend that the Armenian genocide was not what we all thought it was).

The point is...No one is innocent...There's no place in this world for pacifism.
Life is a constant struggle.

As i was watching Molyneux , talking about slavery. there's a point where he was comparing how Europeans handled slavery compared to muslims..

Relativising ,...that the muslim version was much more cruel. And how they would castrate all their slaves.

And that got me thinking...Well shit ! how naive and stupid were were...We imported them , let them breed like rats , and now they're demographically destroying us.

Had we been as cruel as muslims , there'd be no Africans in Europe.

Just take the Saudis for instance..
Just look at their immigration policy.
It's fucking brilliant !
If the EU had similar laws , third world demography would ne a non-issue for the white race.

Oh sorry ! you meant "civilisation killer"...
As in...stoping progress ? Is that it ?
That i agree with...
The point remains though...I'm personally way more concerned with race than the religion itself.

Also , when i look at islamic countries such as this one for instance:

I'm thinking to myself..Well , they're ok in my book. it's not the stone age...Modern enough. And they happen to be muslim. Big fucking deal.

ta gueule gros fils de pute
le grand soir arrive et les traitres comme toi seront accrochés


i want to orally extract white milk from those perky teets

Bah écoute...Pour moi les seuls "traitres" , sont surtout les traitres à la race.
Je me fout totalement d'une France peuplé de Chrétiens ou d'Athées patriotes , si cette France là est peuplé de nègres et de bougnoules.

Seule la race compte.
Le Q.I moyen Français à chuté de 4 points en 10 ans. ça c'est une réalité biologique...(trop de nègres en France)

Si 99% de l'Europe était musulmane notre civilisation serait bloqué dans un état de décadence permanente. Tu peux t'enfermer dans ton hypocrisie autant que tu veux, mais la réalité c'est que l'Islam est un putain de virus.

>Why should i care about Islam ?
because you're going to get beheaded in a few years

and don't put spaces before question marks, you dumb fucking nigger

>hairy nipples

Looks like Ireland is right there with you

Let's say a country such as Poland was 100% Muslim. I frankly would be indifferent to it.
Like i said above , the one thing that matters if the racial stock.
What matters is that Poland remains Racially homogenous. Don't care if you guys are Christians , Muzzies , Atheists Orthodox etc..

Bulgaria is one of the few places where "moderate muslims" aren't a meme.

Pro tip: it's not because of tolerance and gibs

Ikr...What's the point of having christians or "partiots" if they're non-europeans ?

That's why (as i was saying above)...If i'm being honest , it's not the religion itself that bothers me the most.
It's mostly the catastrophic racial aspect of our immigration. (i.e. 3rd world 2 digit IQed non-europeans)

>dem nipples dough

>that pic
U-um I didnt even read what you posted. All I know is that I want to suck on those.

Well , i don't know much about Bulgaria desu. All i know is that you guys are poor as fuck and you don't like Turks.
But as i was watching this vid (the one i originally posted)...I was thinking..Well , this guy is ok. Don't care if he's muslim. He's European + he's actually doing something against immigration.

those must be the ugliest tits and nipples i've ever seen in my life, posing as something spectacular. You deserve a bump for that

the problem with islam is that the Koran contains no passages that glorify helping other people, giving up control. But it contains quite a lot of very prominently featured "strike fear into the infidels" passages. I mean I dont remember, but literally on the first page it mentions something like that. First. fucking. page. of the Koran.
In the bible you have to look for these passages, some are deep in some weird historical context / story / parable.
The Koran has it almost on the first page. quran.com/2/7
Any idiot that can barely read, can read the 10 sentences leading up to 2/7.
In addition to that, Mohammed their holy prophet was a terrible terrible person.
If you read the bible, you can always say "yeah ok it says that we have to kill everyone who doesnt believe but Jesus also said to love your enemies. So lets not kill them just yet"
The Koran does not invoke such contradiction. It is quite clear: kill em. It's a retard proof book.
All the hadiths are just icing on that cake of violence and every imam picks whatever the hell he wants to support the pretty goddamn clear message of the koran, which is that Allah is the greatest and anyone who doesnt believe should be greatly punished

Economy depends purely on Russian support. It's not even funny.

Totally off topic...Recently went to a Serbian Restaurant...Tested something called the "Ćevapi"

Pretty good stuff. ;)

Christianity is essentially technology that tells people to take a chill pill and stop getting angry at other people.
That happens to be the biggest contributor to a stable society that gets shit done. Worry about your own shit. That's christianity.
Meanwhile Islam is very much about everyone else.
It constantly prominently talks about how Allah is going to cruelly punish people, increase their diseases, mock them etc. Allah is very personified it seems. He almost seems like a really bad dude.
Meanwhile God in christianity is an all powerful unknowable entity. You have to completely surrender to him, whether you understand it or not.
Allah is not like that he seems just like some cunt somewhere that will personally give you cancer and hate you if you dont do what he wants.
I mean the Koran says "allah will MOCK you". What kind of a good person would mock another person?
No seriously, tell me. That is clearly a bad trait to have, to mock people. The bible just doesnt contain shit characteristics like that and so christians dont try to emulate that or find it okay.

Muh brain says run but muh dick says, stick around. What's happening to me, Sup Forums?

You are becoming a man!

>Why should i care about Islam ?

I was going to assume you are an american or canadian or someone who doesnt get much islam but then I look at the flag and see you're FRENCH

if you care about race then guess what, most muslims are arab/african and if they see a white man and think they can get away with it they might just stab you to death in the street

Now, obviously the christian God also gives people diseases. He also kills people.
But there is always a greater purpose. There is no personal hate involved. He is acting according to his greater plan for greater peace, greater stability, greater achievement.
Allah just personally hates your guts and wants to see you suffer. The Koran mentions no greater anything, Allah is just going to fucking murder you and laugh at you while doing so.


Can't call those titties. Just nipples.

>tfw you realize that in order to return to the 50s we need to intergrate the good stuff from Islam

And this one depends on Oil. (pretty much like Russia anyway)

How about Malaysia aprox 60% of the population is muslim...Not the stone age is it ?

In Singapore , 15 or 20% of their population is muslim. Doesn't look like the stone age to me

Anything is possible with Money.
The point remains...When i see Azerbaijan's capital...It looks fine to me.

Of course Dubai wouldn't be Dubai without European technology.
But again...like i said above...that's why i'm mostly concerned about race.

Let's say if tomorrow , europe was completely muslims or at least 60% muslim...I'd be indifferent to it as long as the muslim part were just caucasians/ native europeans...

3rd worlders should be deported even if they're christian or atheist or whatever...

My fucking sides!

Ironic isn't it ?
Hitler once said;

I mean the Koran says it right there on the first few pages that their God is going to kill people who dont believe, mock them, give them diseases and let them suffer.
Now extrapolate a little: If you are a muslim, how on earth would you NOT think that doing what your God does is a good thing to do yourself too?
I mean you are just doing what he is doing right?? How can that be bad?
And he isnt doing it for some greater moral reason. No, it's just because they dont believe. End of story. Done.
So to me it's quite obvious that Islam is a terrible mass religion. Absolutely, objectively worse than Christianity. I dont know why Shia people seem to be saner, maybe they translated stuff differently or added a hundred hadiths. History and time can fix a lot of stupid shit, but the Koran is a terrible base to build a religion on.

That only makes it better

>the problem with islam is that the Koran contains no passages that glorify helping other people, giving up control. But it contains quite a lot of very prominently featured "strike fear into the infidels" passages. I mean I dont remember, but literally on the first page it mentions something like that. First. fucking. page. of the Koran.

How is that a problem ?
Might is right.
Tolerance , "human rights" equality...all synonyms , contributating to the genocide of the white race.
Europe is now populated by pathological altruists...Traumatized by ww2 , subverted by cultural marxism. Where feminism is the norm. and birthrate at an all time low.

those are the only 2 countries on the world who dont have oil money and are ok, now lets look at all of the other sand niggers countries and we will see a differentpattern,

because war should be fought in the fields of science for an advanced civilization, not the physical body of every single man who read the Koran.
You act like e.g. outlawing murder has no benefit to you or society at large. Clearly that is wrong and you know that it's wrong.

I understand your point, but I think that, in the long-term, race-mixing would still happen between blacks, arabs and white with the "religion excuse"("I don't care about race as long as he/she is a muslim). Just look at the "beurettes à khels" (arab girls for black men) in France. google.fr/search?q=beurette à Kheys&rlz=1C1CHBF_frFR732FR732&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwisp86u7orUAhUJQBoKHaWjD1EQ_AUICygC&biw=1366&bih=662#tbm=isch&q=beurette à Khels

Well obviously , i'm suspecting that it kinda works in Malaysia because they have an average IQ of 92.

Israel has an average IQ of 95. (even though ashkenazi jews have the highest average IQ of all races).

Some muslim countries are obviously artificially working (thanks to oil money and european technology)...

Others do work because of averge IQ.
That's why they're a rarity.
Many African Christian nations are absolute shitholes. Why ? IQ...

Angola 75% christian average IQ = 68
Congo 80% Christian average IQ = 78
Lesotho 80% christian average IQ = 67
(for example)...

You need an equilibrium....regardless of the religion.

That's why as i was saying...Had Europe been completely muslim...I personally would've been indifferent to it. As long as said muslims , were of european racial stock.

Islam's values would destroy western civilization. Freedom of speech is a integral foundation upon which we are founded, and if they ever reached a majority in our country, it would go away.

Because of such a environment, we'd end up losing in technological and scientific progress. We would become the same way as a third world shithole.

I will treat a thousand black muslims the same way i treat a thousand white muslims, as fucking morons who are a threat to our way of life by mere virtue of existing.

If mulims behave like westerners in western countries , all good.

When muslims behave like Iran,Egypt,Afganistan and other Islamic countries were Sharia rules, then you have bombing, akbaring, and more crap that is happening.

Take example Egypt, Why do muslims in Egypt blow up Coptic Christian Churches?

Secondly, all the countries that are rich are also free, most countries that have a Muslims Majority and are SECULAR who have embraced FREEDOM OF RELIGION are ok.

If you read the quran and haddih and you base your life, thoughts and actions on these books, and you believe in them as being true 100% !
Then as its written in these books it's your duty as a Muslims to kill non-believers or convert them until the whole world is Muslim.

Christian Bible says *Love thy neighybour
Quran says *kill him if he doesn't convert, and take his wife as slave for you to fuck and sell, unless he of the book(abrahim religion) and then he has a choice to pay Jidyza and enter heaven.

Sahih al-Bukhari 6924—Muhammad said: “I have been ordered to fight the people till they say: La ilaha illallah (none has the right to be worshipped but Allah), and whoever said La ilaha illahllah, Allah will save his property and his life from me.”

Sahih Muslim 30—Muhammad said: “I have been commanded to fight against people so long as they do not declare that there is no god but Allah.”

Qur’an 5:51—O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.

Qur’an 9:30—And the Jews say: Uzair is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!

Exactly race>religion but Islam promotes race-mixing as much as Christianity

>I understand your point, but I think that, in the long-term, race-mixing would still happen between blacks, arabs and white with the "religion excuse"
I beg to differ...

Ever heard of these guys ?

Many Arabs are openly anti-black.

Muslims are indifferent to political correctness. And not very tolerant...

Turks for ex , are not just muslim but also openly nationalist..

Just imagine for one second..if French kids had this time of nationalist education ?

Instead we're encouraged to hate our own race and culture in the name of diversity , antiracism and tolerance.

self-hatred has become a national sport in France. (not counting soccer)

If the only thing you care is about race that you should consider that Islam could open gateway for more shitskins in your country.

We are one of the few european countries where the fucking muslims have actual political power (DPS). We are fucking cuckholds.

Is this what you call "moderate integrated muslims"?

Qur’an 5:51—O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.

Qur’an 9:30—And the Jews say: Uzair is the son of Allah; and the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them; how they are turned away!

Qur’an 98:6—Those who reject (Truth), among the People of the Book and among the Polytheists, will be in Hell-Fire, to dwell therein. They are the worst of creatures.

Sahih Muslim 4366—Muhammad said: “I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim.”

Al-Bukhari, Al-Adab al-Mufrad 1103—Muhammad said: “Do not give the People of the Book the greeting first. Force them to the narrowest part of the road.”

Jewish population has been persecuted in the last 2000 years, meaning often times they would get mass murdered, this means that only the smartest get to live and make babies, thats why Isreal/jews have high IQ

Asheknazi jews have no relation to Pallestine jews, their IQ is highest because of Indo-european blood combined with that constant mass murdering and mass exile of the jewish population (starting with an IQ of 100 you can cull the population until it's the highest in no time)

Do not mistake freedoms with Islam, as Islam has nothing to do with Freedom.

The most sucessful Islamic countries are free, secular and have freedom of religion and don't stone your women for not wearing hijabs.

Islam = to serve god or surrerender to god.
There is no free will in islam, there is no freedom, and those who enforce islam have the right to chop yourhead off based on whats written in the Quran to do it.

Based on whats written in islam, it's it or death, no other choice.

Yep, this is why I side with the Golden One over V*rg, it doesn't matter what beliefs Europeans have for as long as the natives control it.

stop posting porn you fucking faggot
this is not Sup Forums

>"Nativist/Identitarian" (ie KANGZ for white people)
>pro islam
>pro police state

You are doing it wrong.
All of it.

>Is this muslim truely a problem for Europe ?
Yes. I'm not even going to bother reading the rest.
>the Hadith promotes cencorship of anything against Islam
>the Hadith promotes the killing of non-belivers and apostates (those who have renounced the death cult of Islam)
>the Hadith promotes the selling and trade of women
>the Hadith promotes the marrying and sex of children. A’ishah was nine when she was married to Muhammad
Enough of these Islamic shill threads. Islam is NOT a religion of PEACE.

>ie KANGZ for white people
oh fuck off

Get these stupid tits off this board

I need a sauce

>Why do muslims in Egypt blow up Coptic Christian Churches?

i know it's terrible and unfair...
But again , it kinda proves my point. And What hitler was saying. about Islam.

We have inherited this religion. (christianity.)
And i'm sorry...turning the other cheek if not a value i personally enjoy.

Today Europe is getting invaded by 3rd world muslims. Yet we're not doing a fucking thing about it. We got rid of christianity (or at least , castrated it that religion) yet we have internalized many of this religion's worst aspects.

TOLERANCE. The world is a harsh place. a constant struggle. There's no place for tolerance or human rights. eat or be eaten...No place for political correctness or human rights.

Demography is a zero-sum game.
We're getting swamped by the islamic birthrate , not doing a damn thing about except singing songs about antiracism , "praying for manchester" ", praying for Paris" "Praying for Nice"..etc...etc...

Progressivism is secularized Christianity complete with heresies, dogmas, persecution of witches, articles of faith, excommunication, claims of miracles and a future utopia once all the racists are "born again" colorblind.

Where else would a slave morality lead? Look at the components "everyone is the same", "love your enemies", "resist not evil", "turn the other cheek", "obey all rulers because god put them there", "want not the things of this world" (like race, family, tradition, heritage, success, whites to continue existing). I could go on and on.
"The modern world is full of the old Christian virtues gone mad.

The virtues have gone mad because they have been isolated from each other and are wandering alone."
G. K. Chesterton

North Koreans forcibly abort all babies by women who got pregnant abroad. That's one thing the state does right.


Race-mixing with arabs and niggers is the same thing as taking german sheppards and mixing them with wild wolfs.

yes the wild wolf may be stronger and more able to live in the wild, yet you'll lose the obidience of the german sheppard and your ability to train it.

There is a reason why most if not all armies and polices use german sheppards as they sniffer dogs or as their attack dogs.

Why don't police and armies promote mixing german sheppards with wild wolfs?

Wild wolfs = aggresive, less able to be domesticated, harder to train
German sheppards = lower aggresive, easy to train, loyal, very domesticated.

Mixing the two will createa a piece of shit

"Chechens" you mean those that want to create a theocratical state inside Russia and eforce Sharia that forced the Russia military to go bascily kill them?

Many Arabs have white genes, because of slave trade to mecca. So you can understand it's easier to be anti when you are the oposite.

Turks are what they are because of ata turk who was pretty openly anti-religion/anti-islam, he banned burkas and polygamy, made Turkey great by modeling it by western values, most turks don't go akbar, don't have 4 wives, don't have slaves, don't wear hijabs, they drink beer (Effes is fucking great) and Turkey has flurish because of his reform, the reason why Turks are nationalistic is because jews aren't pushing race mixing in turkey, they see them inferior, they are using them to race mix with germans by creating a way to bring of them.

Not saying it's perfect...
Not shilling either..Just giving my opinion..
Just saying that i'm more concerned about race than religion itself.

This idea came to my mind when i saw this muslman man.

He's doing much more for European than any so called "progressive" , leftist , centrist or even "nationalist" or Atheist...i can think of...
Yet he's muslim.

The only ones in France who are trying to make a difference are the Identitarians. Others are too busy bitching on the internet.

There is only one solution, and let me explain



Whats happening in Europe is to clean up the white productive genes and introduce shitty consumerist genes.

Because it's easier for the Jews to maintain control, divide and conqure. When you got a homogenous population that share the same values then it's hard for outsiders to control and enable them to control.

Bringing refugees is all about voting and for those that rules who often times are jewish, to remain in power.

Think about it like this, young people want gibs, old people are conservative and want to keep their shit.

30-40 years ago you had a population boom and most people voted for more gibs(look france socialism gibs...) and today those that were born then are moving towards conservative values (first centralist) what are the dems/socialist doing they are inviting MORE 3rd world people to ask for gibs so they can stay in power.

If Islam was so great, why are Islamic countries that are ruled by Islam law such shitty places, when in the 60-70s they were growing at the same rate as the western world (Look iran, Look Iraq, look Afganistan)

>Wild wolfs = aggresive, less able to be domesticated, harder to train
>German sheppards = lower aggresive, easy to train, loyal, very domesticated.
>Mixing the two will createa a piece of shit
I get your point but this analogy is invalid



Muslims in the West are quick to point to passages such as Qur’an 109:6 (“You shall have your religion and I shall have my religion”) and 2:256 (“There is no compulsion in religion”) as evidence that Islam is a religion of peace. When confronted with harsher passages such as 9:5 (“Slay the idolaters wherever you find them”) and 9:29 (“Fight those who believe not in Allah”), Westernized Muslims interpret these verses in light of the more peaceful teachings of the Qur’an, typically saying something like: “Well, the Qur’an can’t be commanding us to kill unbelievers, since it says that there’s no compulsion in religion.”


When we turn to Islam’s theological sources and historical writings (Qur’an, Hadith, Sira, and Tafsir), we find that there are three stages in the call to Jihad, depending on the status of Muslims in a society.


Abrogation also accounts for shifting attitudes regarding Jews and Christians in the Qur’an. While Muslims are to be friendly to Jews and Christians when the former are outnumbered, the Islamic position changes when Muslims reach Stage Three, at which point Christians and Jews are to recognize their inferior status and pay the Jizyah (a payment made to Muslims in exchange for not being killed by them). Consider some of Muhammad’s later teachings about Christians and Jews:

An inbred wolf is a better analogy, given how much first cousin marriages Arabs have.

I'm not sure you fully understand my point.
in a nutshell , that video you posted...All i see are niggers. Those niggers happen to be muslim. But had the same niggers been Atheist or Christian...There'd still be niggers.

I don't really hate Africans to be honest...I just want them to stay in Africa , and not be eternally dependant on the white man's welfare.

And considering their demography , they're a danger to our civilisation. I'm sure i can be friends with some of them...But their birthrate is a major problem regardless..

Anyway , Yes i know about Ataturk , Chechens etc.. They obviously all have different history.

Not saying these people are perfect. But everything you're saying further proves what Hitler was saying...

Look at Europe today. Castrated...Feminized , weak..worships human rights , diversity , tolerance... we're getting invaded..we have no backbone.

Since you're from Romania , guess what ? There's no more Vlad Tepes to save the day.
Europe is now controlled and subverted , and we accept 3rd world invasion without any reaction.

we're getting bombed and not reacting..
We have inherited a religion of tolerance..turning the other cheek is destroying us.

I much prefer the medieval christians...Today they have no power.
We have accepted feminism...We have low birthrates...it's a nightmare.

How so?




All i've read about this subject has told me that wolves are quite hard to train if not impossible.

Dogs (who call come from wolfs the same as all humans come from africans)


Indo-europeans are hard working who genetically are predisposed into working togehter and sacrificing each other for the great good.

We all have stories in Europe, of men going to battle againts the odds just to buy time for cities like Rome.

It's in our blood to die for our nation and make it great, but not only that why is central europe highly industrialized and also USA as well, especially the part of the USA which had the most german migration.

White people(indo-europeans) = Highly social, have to be forced by culturel to be individuals, share ideas, work for their children to better their nation, they to go higher autority to deal with a problem

Niggers/Sandniggers(arabs) = highly aggresive, high individuals, they don't care if their 10th child die to starvation , they already have 9 plus they can make more, they have a revenge culture
, they hit first and ask questions later, and they rape and steal (in africa is actually a good trait to rape,kill,murder, theft)
Rape=more children (your genes get passed on)
Kill/murder= you show you are boss and others around you don't mess with you (your genes get passed on)
Theft=If i take yo shit , i have more shit so i live better and am able to make more children (genes pass on)


Nude women are not porn.

Attention whoring faggot

Funny how you're calling me a faggot yet you're the one who's bitching about nude women.
Seems like you're projecting.

I don't hate africans either, if they know their place and don't come to Europe for gibs.

I hate Romanians who to France and ask for gibs begging in the streets like faggots instend of being home and making this shitwhole great.

Do you hate Romanians that steal wallets? I do

The isuee is you cannot tell a Nigger to steal stealing and raping because you're a racist and a biggot.

But you can tell a Romanian faggot with white skin to GTFO back to his own country.

Instend of making the whole world better, we allow a couple of individuals to come to our homes and blow themselfs up, rape our women, and kill our children.


helping 1 milion people by allowing them to do that insteand of forcing them to stay in own countries and help them grow there.


pretty sure the guy who threw acid on her was her white boyfriend. she does a lot of tv appearences.

Lol. She has never even had a white boyfriend. Right after getting acid attacked by her previous gorilla, she found another one and is now a mother to a half-gorilla.

>Based on whats written in islam, it's it or death, no other choice.
Probably so...But like i also said above..I'm a pragmatic kinda guy. If i have to save my skin , i'll only pretend to believe in Allah.
And it's win-win for me.
No more feminism , no more marxist subversion , no more human rights , tolerance , equality.
If you think all these things are virtues...I don't.

None of that has helped us..only weakened us. We tolerate the intolerable in the name of tolerance and human rights.

In my country antiracism is seen as a moral obligation and virtue..Yet it's basically racism against indigenous french/european people.

All the SJW nonsense that we see in US universities are also slowly but surely coming in my country. (i.e. self hatred , white guilt , white privilege..etc...)

The way i see it , tolerance is a sign of weakness. And as a great philosopher once said:

>Do you hate Romanians that steal wallets? I do
In France we have "Romas" as we call them.
I can see a clear difference between native Romanians and "Romas"... Real Romanians look European to me..while Romas don't. I don't know what their racial background is supposed to be (Indian maybe ? or something else ?)...

But these people are a plague. Anyway gotta go for now...Nice talking to you , i agree with many of your points.

Quick response...
My point is...Whatever we're doing right now..is clearly not working. Our ideology is stoping us from reacting...we're invaded..yet we're passively witnessing our own demographic invasion. And the only few people who bitch about it are called racists and can get potentially sued or sent to prison.

We're ideologically fucked..
we don't have our priorities in check