Bernie Sanders Just Threw A Wrench In The Works That May Kill Trumpcare

Sanders is a true hero. Just knight the fucker right now.


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Why did we elect this cuck over sanders again?

we thought it would be funnier

They need to stop it! That way we keep Obama care witch will die on its own and then we go back to 2008 health care

Bahahahaha another loss for drumphy

It bothers me that at least half of Americans see Bernie Sanders (a slimy communist kike) as a genuinely good guy

Because white people have no idea what it's like to be poor. So we didn't elect a guy who claimed to stand for poor people.


Anyone who voted for trump is probably a paid off by the russians. I say send all of you BACK TO RUSSIA where you can all inject some Krokadil

what the fuck panama isn't rare at all. it's not even uncommon

Also send the Berniebots to Venezuela and the Hillshills to prison. All that's left is Constitutionalists and libertarians, like it should be.

But USPS is a state run industry mandated by the Constitution. What if the founding Fathers themselves were not libertarian?

>small state bernie

>irrelevant Jew who couldn't even beat Shillary says something: the thread

Get over it man. No refunds now or ever. Sorry

He truly is.

>1 post by this ID
>direct link
He must earn some shekels. Does it everyday.

mission accomplished

who the fuck even wants trumpcare? repeal and keep repealing.

Bernie Sanders is a weak piece of shit who threw his supporters to the wolves so he could sheepdog for the Clinton machine. He's a tool of the Dem establishment, always pushing their narratives.

It takes an extremely low IQ to see him give Hillary a pass on her crimes and everything else while mouthing off about Trump and then consider him some fiercely independent populist.

He's a stooping, bald, ugly, degenerate blob of beta genetic waste material whose wife left him because he was lazy and broke. Then he acts out his infantile envy of successful men for decades.