Where's the lie?

Where's the lie?

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>soapboxing this fucking hard
Normies need to kill themselves

Anyone got that cartoon about criticising Islam creating terrorists?

Can he provide one example that supports his claim?

yes that's exactly how it is

Yes because the Taliban, Al Shahab, Boko Haram, Hamas, Hezballah, Al Quaeda (pre 9/11), and every one of the thousands of violent Islamist militant groups spawned in areas where westerners highlighted Islams violent nature. Oh wait they didn't. Wherever you find Islam you find these groups. And you find huge numbers of popular support for them. Which isn't surprising because they are implementing a lot of Muhammad's beliefs.

Bluepilled brain dead idiot

the entire strawman he created without a single shred of evidence

But that's wrong, you idiot.
The people who blow themselves up are muslims only in name, non-practisioners. They lead the life of sin ie. drinking fucking hookers etc etc and then the only retribution and the only way to go to heaven is to participate in a jihad by bloeing themselves up along with how many infidels are there around them
>by being against isis you actually help isis

The lie is that this only happens in the West where poor scared refugees have to live with evil racist xenophobes.

Did you have to choose between food or Internet today?

It's not a lie. It's the absolute truth. This is why it's always homegrown terrorism in the West and almost never foreigners coming to commit acts of terror in the west. But what are you expecting from posting that here?

Report him to the FBI he seems to be too well-informed on the recruitment process of ISIS.

Can't you both be right?

Is he arguing for deporting all Muslims?

So I shouldn't say mean things about "moderate" muslims or they might become extremists and blow us up?

Fuck that, slaughter every last one of them.

> recruit downtrodden opfers
> all of the terrorists are upper middle class with rich parents and tons of cash
> all of them were the biggest degenerates but had their come to mohammed moment
> we have an equivalent with jesus, but somehow this doesn't lead to dead kiddies at a disney concert
Gee, took me longer to write than to come up with it.

>someone hurt my feelings
>time to massacre some kids at a stadium

Great logic there. If you weren't bullied or attempted to be bullied by people in your youth for something, then you were definitely home schooled.

By this line of thinking, then Nazis should be the ones blowing up kids in stadiums. Not only is it society that is discriminating against you, but in many European countries, it is the state too. Where are the Nazi suicide bombers?

Religions born of violence can only be violent. Trying to find some other excuse to turn child mass murderers into victims is what causes this, not someone being mean to someone.

You're telling me al Baghdadi was bullied at school? Youre telling me that Bin Laden was bullied at school? No? Ok, so they grew up in wealthy families. But they use the bullied kids to kill people. I see. So...where does al Baghdadi and Bin Laden get their influence from? Oh...islam...right...so...Islam then?

Fucking liberal suicidal death loving faggot needs to kill himself right now.

close borders and re-educating, if you misbehave one-way ticket to the Sahara.

Utter nonsense. No one forced these people to move to our countries, if they never felt at home here it's not our fault, its their parents for making them live in an enviourment that's not good for them.

And furthermore, you think these chaos-sandniggers are bullied in school? These are the kinds of people who will publicly call you out and threaten you if you look at them the wrong way on the train.

Our countries have been more than generous to their lot, if they can't make themselves better with everything handed to them in the past, then what else are we supposed to do? Convert the entire country to Islam?

>It's a "you have to be nice to muslims because they have no agency" episode

I hate reruns


ISIS Muslims hate even the libtards that love them.

>islam is a religion of peace
>even a single impolite facebook post is enough to make them commit mass murder
what the fucking heck did he mean by this

>people said mean things to this little boy
>you can't blame him for blowing up 22 people wtf ;((((

self-defeating, he proves that islam is a violent ideology

>thy whisper "the west hates you"

He basically hit the nail on the head, The more you make people feel like outsiders, the other, or inferior, per say, the more of them you'll get who will chimp out. It works like this with all groups.

Look at whites for example. Youve had so much anti white and vilification of white people in the american media and society that they're fighting back, so what makes you think other groups are immune to this? Its probably much worse for muslims as well since 99% of the population of the west is non muslim and therefore they face discrimination at a higher level.



What makes him such an expert? Someone arrest him.


So it's like when a shop gets robbed by a nigger. It's always the shop's fault.

Doesn't matter, the attacks are done by Muslims in the name is Islam. Islam is the problem.

An ideology where if you feel mistreated you blow a stadium full of children up is an ideology that needs to be violently oppressed or outright eliminated.

They spawn in third world countries but they recruit a lot of their fighters from the West.

If you say bad things about your enemies, you are your enemies.

>Hey, that ball weights 30 pounds
>no, that ball weights 200 pounds
>isn't it possible you are both right?

>go and shoot your enemy
>enemy goes "wow hey fuck you fucker" and shoots you
>you go "wow why did u say that ur so mean, this is why we hate you"

Fucking moronic

just kick out mudslimes


It has been well documented that among the ranks of ISIS are hundreds of socially well adjusted, university educated and intelligent doctors, engineers, and educators. The "young poor beaten down jobless Muslim kid" meme needs to fucking die. Even if that is half true, the state provides sanctuary and welfare for the fucks, and they receive bombs and dead children in exchange. Fuck them, it is perfectly acceptable to be hateful in this situation. Ignore Heebie Kikenstein in the OP pic, he is a puppet

Do you pat the little cunt Jack Russell dog when he's biting you leg or stamp the fucker's head in?
Answer that and you have the answer to the arab/home grown terror question

>oh no some white people 10 thousand miles away are making me feel like an outsider
>time to murder some children in a stadium in the name of Allah
Maybe their insecurities have something to do with it but islam is the catalyst


>I absolutely will not tolerate a moment of it. End of.

What a fucking faggot.

This desu. What the little faggot gonna do about it?

If they want to be persuaded by the hands of death and the desert devil, and think that gives them power, then let them to the dry well and fill it with their tears and blood.

When I hear of an upper middle class child who chose a religious devotion which they got a few bad looks for joins an association hell-bent on drastic, self-sacrificing combat and fervor in atrocity, then they've already signed their death.

Traitors should not be put on a pedestal.
It's suicidal, and suicide, in such a case, is cowardice.

The majority of ISIS fighters are recruited from Muslim countries. They are not being bullied, at least not because they are Muslims.

This describes the alt-right against the alt-left (who are seen as the west/zionists/globalists) perfectly.
So why wouldn't the same be true for islam against the alt-right (who they see as the west/zionists/globalists)?

>Muslims spent hundreds of years invading European lands
>Now it's a soft invasion via demographics
>"its just ISIS if you love muslims they will stop"
These fucking ignorant cunts.

>someone hurt my feelings
>time to shoot up a church of black people

t. alt right

>As of June 2015, right-wing attacks since the September 11 attacks (9/11) had claimed more lives (48) than attacks committed by jihadists (26).[38] Thereafter, jihadist terrorist attacks (the 2015 San Bernardino attack and the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting) raised the Islamic extremist death toll above that caused by right-wing extremists. As of July 2016, the New America Foundation placed the number killed in terrorist attacks in the U.S. (since 9/11) as follows: 94 killed in jihadist terrorist attacks, 50 killed in far-right attacks, and 5 killed in far-left attacks.

Have you hugged your Muslim today? All it takes are hugs. ISIS hates hugs.

Had he ever considered that we may want that war???

>Checkmate liberals

Sup Forums and ISIS want the same thing, they just think they'll be the ones to come out as the victors.

At least ISIS goes out and does shit. Sup Forums is just a bunch of white rural people screaming on the internet that never leave town.

Islam dindu nuffin

Wow I guess it's all our fault

If we just be nice to Muslims then certainly they won't try to kill us anymore

I'm sure this has worked in the past. If you just be nice to a foreign invading force, they will just stop trying to attack you.

I mean , yeah, true and all dat. But that is why muslims and arabs shouldn't be in the west, because they actually ARE inferior in terms of cultural and intellectual standards. Half of them are too stupid to finish school or hold a job for more than a few weeks or months at best.

They can't be integrated not because of racism, but they don't fit in the fundamental structure of western societies, because they're just less capable. They can't compete. The only way they'll ever be integrated is, if that fundamental structure changes to accomodate them.

thanks for that enlighting thought

I like how you copy paste some obviously copy paste some contrived nonsense without looking into the source material.

I will now provide source links to "right-wing terror attacks" of which are neither right-wing nor/or terror attacks that are listed as "right-wing terror attacks".







And that's just under the post 2001 United States section. They've been intentionally padded under the label "right-wing extremism" despite legitimate right-wing views neither being the motive of or in several cases not being relevent to the "attacks".

Islamic terrorism for intentionally terrorizing individuals for a political end is rife, that while the Muslim communities in western countries is a tiny minority and commits consistent levels of violence and have a near patent on mass attacks cannot be discounted or memed away by several people killing abortion practitioners, most often while they are in the act of killing (what they perceive to be) a living child and a human being.

>tl;dr: "don't read between the lines, good goy"

After some of the sickening comments I've seen pretty much everywhere in the internet, I want to take a minute to remind people how Nazism works.
Nazis take poor, beaten down white youngsters. Youngsters who have spent their whole lives being bullied and hated and downtrodden by minority spite and leftist and feminist prejudice.
They whisper in the ears of these youngsters "Women, jews, minorities and leftists hate you, but we love you."
They whisper "We can teach you how to fight back in the name of Evropa and the white rac."
Then they show these kids all of the anti white hate speech, the Facebook posts from those of you who can't separate a kind race from the subversion of the spirit of said race.
YOU, the ones full of hate, YOU empower Nazis to create these brainwashed individuals. It is through your hate that their hate thrives. You are Nazis. You are the enemy. I absolutely will not tolerate a moment of it.

Hopefully I have not been ninja's by someone with the same idea.

He's right, though

But when White kids are going to the Alt Right because they're hated for being White it's OK apparently. Care to explain?

Also Islam has attacked the West since its inception for thousands of years.

>if you criticize islam, they will kill you
>btw. islam has nothing to do with terrorism :^)

>having to constantly tiptoe around islam because they will kill you if you offend them
>religion of peace :^)

Wow golly gee wowze wowza. Name one other group that gets treated like this, fucking one. Islam is the only group that gets this kind of special treatment because everybody fucking knows that they are the problem. You can mock and slander any other major religion in the world, but islam is the only one that supposedly "turns violent" when they get their share of the mockery.

>these ones don't count because I say so!
not an argument

waaahhh ppl were mean to me I'm gonna blow up some people lol that'll shows em

muslims are too inbred for their own good

I guess I'll give you the same response

>"don't read between the lines, good goy"

still not an argument

Saying "not an argument" isn't actually an argument either. Are you self-hating or what's the deal?

This. It started in Syria.

>every corner of the internet
>constant criticism of Christianity & Christians
>calling all Christians stupid and picking apart every bit of the Bible, particularly the Old Testament read literally, in an effort to shame Christians into non-belief
>Christians have no history of instigating this aggression
>Muslims kill thousands of innocent civilians over past few decades across the world, in the name of Islam
>people comment on the unifying thread - Islamic extremism
>Don't you understand, criticizing Islam makes them do this!
>Christian extremism limited to Westboro Baptist Church and stories from the Middle Ages

Wow, I wish I could be of lukewarm intelligence so I can soapbox about shit I don't understand. I'd be such an independent intellectual, repeating the media narrative as gospel with no critical thinking applied.

i.e. was actually invented in Syria, by Syrians

The lie comes at the end where he says, "I absolutely will not tolerate a moment of it."

He has no choice but to tolerate it, because he's a powerless fag and his tolerance/intolerance doesn't matter to anyone but himself.

He's right you know.

Looks like those Muslims need Jesus in their life

People are responsible for their own actions

Stop denying the hatred found in the koran, faggot. It is an evil writing and this FACT will be revealed more and more to the western world. Your jihad is over.

Consistent out group preference is a sure sign of mental illness.

> you are ISIS
Well he's right on that part.

You deserve to be hated judges and reviled. Fuck you. Enjoy hell.

>If we just ignore the biggest attack then you dumb nazis are so much worse!

Your braindead logic works only on 85IQ subhuman inbred Arab and Paki apes. Quran explicitly promotes violence.




I'd like to join ISIS and report to here every week for the lulz. I know some guy who can recruit me tho.

>still no argument
I accept your concession

Vape monkey says what?

Where's the homosexual terrorists?

How do you explain muslims blowing themselves up in their own countries? Poor mudslimes can't catch a break wherever they are in the world.

Serious and honest reply:

There's always been some measure of conflict in countries that host people with different cultures and religions. However, from a historic point of view, the contemporary West is the single most peaceful, tolerant and equitable place for a religious minority to live, because their human rights are actually upheld, national law almost always forbids overt religious discrimination and a portion of the native population bends itself backwards to be obsequious and welcoming to them (OP's fb post is a prime example).

In other words, any "hateful" content which can, in theory, prompt young muslims to embrace radicalism is far less intense than they would have received in any other place in the globe or period in history. Other cultural minorities have faced FAR WORSE discrimination, sometimes even endorsed by the state, and even then refuged to engage in the kind mindless self-destructive barbarism muslims have associated themselves with. To say that online comments addressing islam's problem with violence is the reason muslims become radicalized is not only to overwhelmingly exaggerate the influence of these statements, but also and more importantly, to refuse to recognize the inherent propensity of islamic culture to allow and sometimes encourage atrocity in the name of religion. By refusing to admit this cultural trait, muslims and western enablers are shutting down a very important and urgent debate inside islamic communities, and thus become themselves perpetuators of the problem.

Imao badass af be like "ay i aint got time 4 yo bullshiiieeet"

>ISIS takes young, poor, beaten down Muslim kids. Kids who have spent their whole lives being bullied and hated and downtrodden by reactionary spite and cowardly prejudice.

It's amazing how detached from reality these people are. They genuinely believe that Muslims are oppressed in the West. They really believe that if they went walking around a Muslim area they'd see neo-nazi whites harassing Muslims just minding their own business.

If you want to understand how they see the relationship between Muslims and native brits in the UK, simply read the opening chapters of the first Harry Potter book, and pay particular attention to the relationship between Harry Potter and the Dursleys. That's the prism through which they see every interaction between whites and non-whites.

Look at this picture. The film is supposed to be set in the early 2000s. Doesn't look like it, does it? And that's how the left sees the white British community. They really believe that this is the world they're living in, a twisted caricature of the 1950s.

i thought hard for this post i'll have a (you) even if I have to give it to me myself.

the mistake you're making is thinking that the sort of person who'd write that tweet is bothered by logic or facts.

seethey live in their own little fictionalised world, where the bully is always a white guy, and the minority is always an innocent victim.

I liked it, good job Miguel.

No Muslims in proximity to our children
No Jihad imposed on our children

You can have a (You) from me coco soccer nigger, well thought out

Islam is not technicaly far-right?
If this is true we're are the mexicans terrorists or the many other country that the "west" attacked?

New thread guys!

As if they need anti Islamic sentiment.

It would be degeneracy, or colonialism etc.

So his real "is" driver is poverty. . .

What a Fookin moron. He should go fight to stop the civil war, end appartthid, overthrow petrostate third world dictators, educate the uneducatable, install democracy and capitalism to tribalism ix shitholes where the functional retarded citizens can never maintain it.

What a pretentious asshole.

Btw whose pumping this propaganda

>implying 99.9999% of ISIS members are not in the middle east who have never met a westerner in their life never mind been bullied by one