Other urls found in this thread:
They're like trained dogs, the Muzzies toss them a bone and they stay loyal at all costs
He's not white. Fuck em
Looks quite white to me
If most victims of muslim terror are muslims themselves, how could it be a religion of peace?
You could convert the whole world and people would still blow themselves up.
He's a gay Turk
Every man who went to an Ariana Grande concert deserved to get nailed by a mudslime
Don't see how you can't be all three at the same time.
When did overalls with one strap off become a thing again? And now they are cutoffs? I live in San Francisco and this shit would not pass with the queers that live in my house.
He does not look white at all you dumb cunt.
Nigga I live in a nearly 100% white country. When I say that he looks white, he fucking looks white.
He's definitely white.
I would know because he's British and I know what my type of people look like.
He's white you fucking mongrel American.
He's white anglo-saxon. Are you blind or just stupid?
Is he half Turk or something? He looks off-White but he has light eyes.
did you know he's also half turkish?
is this the point where you vehemently start saying turks are white?
go on then, i love watching retards dance
Where are you getting that he's half turkish?
He looks like a regular Englishman to me.
this is sad desu
just from his twitter.
there are few other threads in the catalog that are talking about this guy, look through them.
he's english born, ethnically half turkish, also a homosexual.
he's right. just look at all the muslims that died in the explosion.
>He looks like a regular Englishman to me.
kys, you disgusting blind faggot.
>american education
Lithuania is extremely white.
Half what else? British?
The faggotry doesn't bother me, but I just saw this on his instagram. He was a fucking Remainer. Fuck him, i'm glad he's dead.
Aw man I loved the blacklist
all this proves is that muslisms cant even get along with each other let alone people from other faiths or beliefs
>this is white in Britain
what the fuck happened
There is literally no reason to prefer immigrants from Anglo countries than those from Muslim ones.