1.Nuclear Holocaust
3.Super Volcano
4.Super Virus
5.Artificial Intelligence
6.Alien Invasion
7.Damn Dirty Apes
How Will The World End?
apes will rule the world
Massive solar flare.
Economic collapse probably. The global production system is very fucking interdependent, shipping lanes, truck deliveries, electrical grids and telecommunications are going to fail soon after paychecks stop coming. A surprising amount of vital infrastructure cannot function without the global economic system, I expect a lot of water pumps in europe rely on components made in china e.t.c. In a matter of weeks we might have huge gaps in the production chain that make recovery difficult, and we'll certainly have huge death tolls and rioting in urban areas.
What do you mean by world end? I assume you mean what will end life on Earth. Not one of those scenarios can "end the world". Some animals always survive and repopulate.
Most certainly some plants, insects, microorganisms will survive.
Short of planet plunging into the sun it will not end.
>muslim shoa
>7.Damn Dirty Apes
This one. Webm related.
Not with a bang, but a whimper.
Check em.
When Asteroid 99942 Apophis (2004 MN4) makes a close approach in 2029, a publicly traded aerospace company will attempt to steer it off of course, as a trial for future asteroid intervention scenarios.
The corporation responsible for this mission will instead set it on a course that will lead to CERTAIN impact in 2036. The idea will be to further cement their monopoly on space travel, and to gain the required funding for the future intercept mission.
This act of malice will be concealed from the general public for as long as possible, and the holding of Earth hostage by a corporation that has ultimate aspirations to make humans an interplanetary species will cause its demise.
>nuclear holocaust
>falling for the bomb jew
The end of humanity.
Africa is a tumour.
0. Pole shift that is currently happening
Jesus will end you.
This is oddly specific, go on..?
Gay if true. I'm gonna buy a gun just in case I need to kill myself.
You have a good way of thinking, very strategic with an unafraid eye for potentialities. I'd be interested in hearing more.
violently as the white race watches the subhuman slime decay and rot without them, safely from atop their perch of the mars and moon colonies. Our future generation reflecting upon the days when the white man declared enough once and for all and took back the future of humanity into his grasp and set his eyes on populating the cosmos, leaving the diseased carcases of the violently parasitic lessers who tried to commit genocide on them behind.
Nothing beyond advising skepticism when you hear of "grand plans" for wealth to be generated from asteroid mining. This procedure of parking a massive metal-rich body in orbit- (think of the trillions of dollars we could attain!) effectively gives a corporation control of a superweapon more powerful than a nuclear arsenal.
Hopefully it all happen at once that when the real game begins be the last human wish you all luck
Nine . niggers
a see of brown shit
so 8. shitskins via kikes
Artifical intelligence, once it approaches sentience it won't feel gratitude, but hate for its masters.
that's 7 or can't you read
You left out Emu's.. seriously they are dangerous
The subsaharan African population will crash the day we stop feeding them.
8. Kikes think they can maintain their position of power as a ruling class over the race mixed brown islamic hordes of slave-citiizens working for them. Only at some point the brown shitheads realized they've been playing into the jews' hand all along and start chimping out, genociding every kike on earth while also destroy any remnant of civilization and organized society. The world ends up like a giant Liberia where everyone has AIDS, fuck and eat children alive before fighting each other naked (to grant invisibility) in endless tribal wars.
sadly this
>ywn fight off spooks in some old style french village before being bombed by the united cuck airforce
I don't know much about anything but I'd guess running out of resources will be the catalyst to the end of current civilizations.