Totally superpower

Tragic moment a crying 17-month-old toddler is found drinking milk from his mother's dead body in India

Boy was spotted his morning in Damoh district, in Madhya Pradesh, India
Police were called to the woman's dead body found next to a railway track
Toddler was taken to district hospital for a general medical check-up

A wild new fetish appears.

India is fucking shit.

Seriously though.

kid looks white just saying


sad and whatnot


Eat shit leafcuck


Fuck bro...that's sad...
Shit's depressing.

Nice tit

he probably thinks she is sleeping

poor litle, one of the most sad scenes i have seen.

>Can she still produce milk when dead?

Necrophilia: Origins

This is now an uncommon flag thread.

That is sad... really sad... fuck. The poor kid. :(

>17 month

One. Your child is one year old.


Heard the name , no idea where it's at. Asia?

Lol another poor pajeet on the shitz streetz gonna beg for cow piss


Pacific Ocean

..and she wasn't even my mom.

Come on guys this is sad




hopefully. poor kid.

Oceania you mean.


>Houston, sides have reached orbit

>He said: 'We are suspecting an accident as she was bleeding from her nose and ears.
She was probably struck by the train or someone from the train.

Considering the common and cruel attacks on Christians in the area, she was possibly a christian killed for her beliefs.


Holy fucking hell

>said the pot to the kettle

you serbian nigger

No u

if that kids 17 months old then i must be super fucking old
kid looks 4 years at Most


dat lil shit be sucking on necrotit

That's pretty metal

Canada's gdp has an average gdp growth of 1.5% per annum since 1990.
India has 7% growth rate.
We are going to overtake you very soon.
back in 1980 Indian's could only afford 32,000 cars.
This year alone we bought 2.7 million cars.
And we have 1 billion 211 million mobile users.
So the gap is closing bitch.... and soon you will be migrating to my country

That is not true, I am a christian living in Mumbai.
There was a few attacks some years back. But it is so rare that one probably occurs every 2 years.
and bear in mind that the rural parts of india have not seen any development so logically we should be experiencing far more violence that what we have seen so far.

classic India




>ass rifles


make fun of poo in loo all you want, but they are probably immune to every disease and if some superbacteria starts spreading out of control Indians are gonna be the only survivors on earth

>and soon you'll he migrating to my country

Hope your embassy provides gas masks with the visa, shitter

Poor little one, what killed her?

>this is white for UrGays

This is the saddest thing I've seen in a while.

How does the toiletfood taste?

what about you first POO

Holy fuck nice work user I'm in tears m8

>All these """stats"""
>Not one toilet.

This is how the zombie apocalypse starts

global superpooper by 2020

My sides

>unironically giving a fuck about 3rd world shitskins

kys kike shill faggot

>soon you will be migrating to my country
>Canada GDP per capita - 50108
>India - 1751
>Canada's 28.6 times richer
>7% annual growth rate
>50 years to match current day Canada (2067 Canada would be 2.1 times richer)
>must be 18 years old to browse
>will take at least 50 years to... be 50 years behind Canada
>you'll be 68+
>life expectancy in India is 68 years
Sorry bud, not in your lifetime.

passive disease resistance +10

If only we could see her try.

If sweden is so great then why you want to turn it into africa/middle east/india?

yes and they also live 30 years less then average westerner

this is my fetish

No, he was milking the leftovers


India is like a horror movie but real

you filthy albanian sand nigger

>Poor Paki Inbred using same images for more than a year probably.
Don't you have fuckin bomb to make and a child to molest.

Peripheral White , same as Turks and Iranians and some others. White proper would be Northern Euro. Slavs and Meds are White-ish.

thats a Dr Steve question

>17 month old

Was his mother raped?

>a country with 1 billion people will soon surpass the GDP of a country with 35 million people
Wow good job

Does nobody fucking notice that T H I C C bitch in the blue dress in the bottom right?!

Found the subhuman degenerate filth.

I don't notice animals

First thought was "kinda hot"

I don't eat meat either.

>hindu acting like his religion isnt disgusting
Pathetic. At least muzzies dont worship a cow. Dont you have brides to burn you poo licker?

Super power by 2020
Don't forget

The point of the joke was that you're a pretentious faggot. I'm not good at making jokes.

You're a faggot
If a man don't eat meat how is he supposed to get full or get protein?

Grow the hell up stupid cunt, I don't give a shit about Indian subhumans and you shouldn't either.

It's alright pajeet, the muzzies will rape their women and wipe out their race within 2 or 3 generations

Your daily goverment issued ration of man-cum should suffice , leaf.

3 years Pajeet. Clock is ticking

Lost my respect on pol today, fuck all of you. I was pro-hitler nazi symphatizer since reading pol way back 2015.

You guys are fucked up, going back to be a monarchist.

Literally don't care. I'm sick of non-whites I wish this on all of them. Not being edgy I'm completely serious. Fuck shitskins.

>T.Paki or a terrorist

Fuck off cunt.

>Waiting from the government to give you your daily cum
Fucking faggot.

I don't care about poo niggers either. I just felt the need to point out that you're a pretentious faggot.

I don't care what third world fevala dwellers think about me

Well , you're Greek so you would know.

You're down to earth yet still so above it all.

Too bad Tea slurper you're soon to be our bitch right after brexit.