Is there any way to stop the kikes?

Is there any way to stop the kikes?

Say no when they ask for free money

the west is far too cucked and i don't see that changing any time soon. i think china will eventually deal with them

Lol stupid got we will get u

how does it make non-americans feel, seeing pictures like this and knowing they'll never have a true american hamburger?

The truth of the matter is most kikes are just as brainwashed

- say 'No' to mortgages, debt, impulse purchases
- say 'No' to Jew rocks
- reject the material girl in favor of the traditional woman
- exercise, stay fit, don't eat junk
- media strike - cancel your cable and satellite
- stop paying taxes/declare a federal tax strike
- general strike/work stoppage
- armed counter revolution

okay sorry Sup Forums. a little carried away there at the end

Makes me feel healthier

Makes my heart thank me, fat boy

Become a muslim

>being this desperate for (you)s

>whites claim to be the "master race"
>constantly get tricked, misled, brainwashed, bamboozled, and generally outsmarted by the jews

>>whites claim to be the "master race"

Whites haven't been telling the planet that they are Gods Chosen

Lucky for you you can just got to your neighbors house and borrow some ingredients for some of their culture food. Have you tried roadkill fried over a barrel? delish

ehhh kid, people are always harping on about white supremacy

its pretty obvious whites are supreme otherwise white supremacy wouldnt be mentioned.

yes. we need a final solution

It's just too bad that you don't know what you're talking about. We're 98% white and it's more likely that I get shot there in your third world Mexico wannabe country than stabbed here by a refugee, mr. 51%

>- media strike - cancel your cable and satellite
There's more jewish brainwashing on Sup Forums than there is on cable television. This is live, tailor-made brainwashing opposed to generic scripted programming

Jew here. You do know that we are watching any plans you could potentially create to harm us at all times, right?

Ovens, bullets, gas chambers, and most importantly, HARD WORK.

gas em all

>Jew here. You do know that we are watching any plans you could potentially create to harm us at all times, right?

You'd damned well better hope there is a God, and he's looking out for you.

Unlike last time when he was a no-show and every day was "Ash Wednesday" ...for you

Get back in the furnace, jew.


Tons of it.


Behold the new world currency shekelberg.

your children get raped at public pools
once a yurocuck always a yurocuck


yes : search and destroy your local masonery lodge , no prisoners.

just like 1943 when you almighty rabbi saved 3 mio from certain death - you guys never learn

While yours shoot up their own classmates on a weekly basis.

Once circumcised, always one of (((them)))

>Once circumcised, always one of (((them)))
This is true. America is more Jewish than Israel.

>be American
>fall out of the bed and die
>be American
>get shot by armed toddlers
Give up, you're not winning this one Amexican

>no cheese on your burgers




Jewish pussy belongs to White men.

Deal with it, bagel. Every musky jewish cunt will be filled with WHITE SEED.