The attack on Manchester is the exact result of racism towards Muslims as well as intolerance of Islam. If Trump hadn't launched missiles into Syria, or banned Muslims from entering the US, this would never had happened.
The attack on Manchester is the exact result of racism towards Muslims as well as intolerance of Islam...
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STFU Leaf. Its they're Anti Christ Moon God religion that needs to be stamped out.
But what if they bomb U.S ofc people are gonna be pissed off so its just good it happened at the Manchester Cause if it happened it the U.S I'm pretty sure they are gonna bomb the hell out of em....
I'm with you, but you should know it's useless to argue with the neo nazis/pro white/xenophobic/........ that are on Sup Forums. Let them be frustrated because they're white victim in front of their computer. They hate muslim, black people, LGBT and the rest of the world just because they got bullied at school and never had a gf.
Just leave them alone with their bullshit, it's the best to do
And the man killed for drawing Mohammed? How do you justify that?
fuck off and die in a pit of pig ejaculate you goat fucking whore
Or it's the result of them being alive and able to carry our these atrocities?
Islam = worst thing to ever happen to planet earth
tfw French
When Sweden reaches 30% muslim population please nuke us. Please. 100% serious. I'm rather dead.
Gonna make sure to try to leave when we're at like 29%
Then why aren't they killing Trump instead of teenagers? No teen there bombed Syria. Or if they are really so pathetic that they can only kill a girl, at least blow up the Grande whore.
>USA and Israel bomb us for decades
>I'll kill little girls in Manchester for revenge
OP leaves no doubt that all kikes must be gassed.
Riddle me this.
Currently the Tibetans are going through oppression that on par with what is happening in Syria (it's almost ethnic cleansing).
Where are the Tibetan suicide bombers? Could it have something to do with the fact that in Buddhism there is next to no justification for violence?
Now read the Sunnah and look at the things done in name of Islam.
None of this Germany did, yet they still got attacked by Muslims. How you gonna justify that, you cunt?
France stands with the muslims. How ironic.
Islam is tolerated. There are mosques and there are Islamic religious schools in Manchester, but there are no churches in Saudi Arabia.
>Muslims have been peaceful through their entire 1400 year long history
Nope, nothing new here. Same shit, different age, new weapons.
I feel like everyone should just put aside their differences, smoke a joint, and chill the fuck out you know?
>being mean to people justifies them killing you
>the obvious answer is to stahp being meanie weanie to people
No the obvious answer is to not kill people when you feel offended.
And what about 9/11? We were very kind and welcoming to muslims up until that point.
>Racism toward a religion
>Hadn't launched missiles at chemical weapons used days before on a civilian hospital
>Hadn't been fighting the people wanting us exterminated
What OP is really trying to say is
>We are still at war.
Thanks ShariaBlue. 0.10 cents have been deposited into your offshore hillaryclinton bank of the EU account for your slide thread
Bait harder, le*f
>the rolocaust
This will give a good idea why a concert was attacked.
Mohammad says alcohol and music are bad
oui, oui, bonjour mon ami, oh wait, your not french, you are an algerian subhuman...
>1 post by this ID
0/5 bait.
Stop bumping this thread you Reddit fags.
Too obvious attempt user. Study and practice harder.
A fucking leaf.
I'm docking your payday.
I bet the bus bombing in indonesia was our fault too, sage