>Don't be angry guys!
>Let's all sing instead!
Jesus Christ Manchester
>Don't be angry guys!
>Let's all sing instead!
Jesus Christ Manchester
this only makes my personal armada stronger, for when Trump fails us and we become the shithole these countries have become
This is fucking hillarious.
I always thought Oasis were from Liverpool.
Celebrating dead children. Nice.
hahaha the cheeky cunts
Celebrating dead WHITE children.
well fuck....someone wake me up from this nightmare
post yfw the virtue rally gets bombed too
The good Anglos all left centuries ago.
Only the racial trash remains
Fuckng idiots
Evil will always triumph, because good, is dumb
I think that might actually piss me off more.
>Don't look back in anger
fuck this city
I hope this faggot dies by nail bomb just like Martyn.
Where's a pissed off muzzie in delivery van when ya' really need the bastard?
I wonder what kind of attack will finally make everyone snap. I think it will happen soon. No one buys this shit anymore.
fug, i like that song too
Akbars should kill a (((celebrity))), maybe normies would wake up when the funny man on TV gets his guts blown onto the camera.
You can't look back in anger when you're dead!
Keep relaxing fags and soon you won't have the possibility to be angry!
Turn the other cheek until it rottens in your graves you weaklings.
yeah not all muslims are terrorist most support sharia law over national ones, also more muslims are terrorist then christians,hindu,budhists combined...
lets face it Islam is a source of terrorism
>Be tolerant
>Do nothing
How long can people be satisfied with this.
anger is adaptive
You need to look into history son. It's never gonna happen.
Holy fuck brits are cucks.
>Swarm of horde muslims raping and killing brits
>Ll..ets sing to make them love us wankers!! for Britain!!!
There isn't going to be an attack that will make everyone snap. ISIS could set off a nuclear bomb in the middle of a city of a million plus people that was personally signed by the king of Saudi Arabia and comes with a plaque reading that it was generously donated by the Muslim Brotherhood who purchased it from Israel at only 200% mark up and nothing would change. It's over my man, white people are just too fucking gullible to live.
well they can until the those sheeps themselves are dead or experience a terror attack
its mostly virtue signaling
All the white people gathering together to celebrate Muslims while the Muslims plot and plan there next attacks in their homes that are paid for by these people singing.
>These people fucking that dense
UK is officially Sweden tier now.
Sadly the wrong ones, mein Führer
RIP UK I will always remember you from old tv series and movies
What would push them over the edge would be if a terrorist attack happened like this one, but then the attacker runs off and hides for like a full year in among a Muslim community. Then the police try and get to him but the entire community block their way to the house chanting Allahu Akbar.
That would dispel the "not all Muslims" myth and show that most Muslim communities secretly hate us.
news would never cover that and if the story got out kikes would call it fake.
Very fitting image. Seriously.
"Shocking! Who could do something like this!"
"He must have been insane."
"Do you think it has something to do with, uh, Islam?"
"Of course not! Who would even think that! The mayor of London himself condemmed such atrocious thoughts."
"You're right. Terrorism has no religion anyway."
"So...where were we going again? Ah yes! To eat Schawarma. Gosh, I love our colourful society. And just look at London: it's so diverse today!"
Build the Wonderwall now pls
Could be worse. Could be "Imagine".
When a nuke takes out a major city
If white people are so smart, how are they so easily tricked into celebrating the people wanting to kill them?
None. Day X is just a fantasy of the old right.
This is what you call Submission
Could you imagine Brits singing songs of peace while London was getting bombed by the Germans?
Humans are sheep. This includes whites.
>And no religion too
Imagine is Islamophobic.
I honestly believe this, yes. At least the majority is.
When people realize how many events have been hoaxed, they will look back in anger for sure!
Also, whites have pretty much despised the right way. White nations hate God.
They're probably being delivered into the hands of their enemies because of it.
>then they came for the civilians, but I ignored it because it was other people who got killed and not me or anyone I know lol
But I thought antifa was real :(
>ONE day people will FINALLY wake up MAYBE one day something will happen that will make everyone do something yeah!!!!
ugh if i see this trash posted one more time.
There is nothing good about cucks.
Noel Galleger must be fuming.
this is sick. they look at people killed and they think "oh no think of the muslims who be mistreated for this" it's a parody that's come to life.
Sheep laying down in complacency until the wolves get hungry again.
You people need to get go of this silly hope in your delusions that you have.
Wishful thinking. White women want us dead. They hate the peaceful, carefree lives they were given by white males. They require drama.
That actually happened after the Paris attacks in November 2015.
One Terrorist fled to Belgium and the muslim community helped him hiding for months until he was caught.
It's amazing how quick shit like that gets memory holed.
>peaceful, carefree lives they were given by white males.
Somehow you need to take that away from them
If we stand around crying in public together that will show em how strong we are
r-Right ladies?
White men hate it too.
Go around telling Western "men" the truth about how to handle women (take away their rights), and these "men" will hate you for it.
You know white people are fucked when most of them are literally under government mind control, to the point that some fellow white people could get blown the fuck up in front of them and instead of going out in the streets and starting RWDS, they apologize to the nearest Muslim.
Fucking pathetic and makes me literally want to see the world explode
Mark David Chapman did nothing wrong.
It won't be us who takes it away from them. They have voted in an army of conquerors to do it instead.
We need to act like muzzies and shame them for showing ankle skin and being degenerate smartphone skanks.
I am deeply ashamed of my country
>and we become the shithole these countries have become
You are the shithole we're becoming.
Reality shows that Muslims wipe themselves out after 3 generations. We would have to import millions for this to happen.
Britain is so cucked. I love it.
If you tolerate this then your children will be next
MANiC street preachers would have been a more apt song
Sortof. We're in an awkward spot. If I had to guess I'd say the majority of white men think like me. But admitting to it, ever, means you lose everything. Your job, your house, your family. Only to be ignored by the millions of other white males who think like you, but are not willing to give up their comfortable lives.
As long as we remain in comfort, the occasional terrorist attack will change nothing. People would have to see their own lives being taken away from them before they will act.
If Sup Forumsacks haven't taken up arms and women up, nobody ever will. It will never happen. The human race has already undergone the final indoctrination. We are just stragglers, out of touch.
It's all fucked lad
We need this printed on a gigantic billboard
>As long as we remain in comfort, the occasional terrorist attack will change nothing. People would have to see their own lives being taken away from them before they will act.
MGTOW is the closest thing I have seen to that line of thinking, and it gets completely shat on around here.
Exactly, I remember it, too. But ask yourself how many normies do. Spoiler: none.
I wonder what life in the west was like before the common man's culture wasn't based off of Jewish entertainment.
I agree with everything you said except for the last phrase "before they will act".
I don't see any time in history where a civilization has been at the point it is now, and it had indeed actually acted.
Rome is an easy example. As great as Rome was, when it got to where we are at today, they basically didn't do shit.
I truly believe that this is the beginning of the end. How should I live out my final years?
>Reality shows that Muslims wipe themselves out after 3 generations.
No idea, wtf you are talking about. The population of the Middle East has doubled, sometimes quadrupled in the last 40 years. And when you combine the eternal dindu with shitslam, you get apocalypse: Mali, Niger, Chad, Somalia.
How very fitting....just now a dindu mudslime passed my house. ENRICHMENT!
mgtow is shit on because it scares the jews, they know women will change in a heartbeat to fit the needs of mgtow men. Women basically have no real values or meaning in life they just glomb on to whatevers closest. They would change for the better so fast if we got them out of jew control.
No they don't, MGTOW is basically either completely disassociating yourself from women or treating women like disposable cum dumpsters.
get lots of money and flee to latin america
The undisputed gayest fucking rock band of all time.
>The human race
ONLY white Europeans. opendemocracy.net
As you see white leftists have become a curse word in oh so communist CHYNA
How does MGTOW scare the jew when it just furthers their goal of atomizing(and thus globalizing) society and reducing white birth rates.
>Mali, Niger, Chad, Somalia.
Kek, four horsemen of the apocalypse indeed.
>war, pestilence, starvation and death
It fits perfect.
What you just said here basically demonstrates what I am saying.
Pol is one of the most "red pilled" environments, and men here still war against themselves when it comes to women.
Like I said earlier, white nations hate God. They've taken up many idols, like women, hedonism, etc.
Thanks for all the "liberation", faggot.
>progressives and normies gather round to sing kumbyaa
Islamic Terrorism in Britain has FINALLY been defeated! No Tusken Raider will ever entertain the idea of killing innocents again in the face of this harmonious display of NOT GIVING A FLYING SHIT ABOUT YOUR OWN DEAD CHILDREN BECAUSE OTHERWISE YOU'D BE BEATING THOSE FUCKING GOAT RAPISTS IN THE FUCKING STREET
Depends on what you want and value.
So what is it?
No shit. We got many Somalis here. I can't step outside without seeing a dindu, headscarfed, parading her child wagos around.
Sometimes I rage and could strangle the politicians responsible, but then I remember that only 7% of the people here voted AfD last March. So noone can say the people donot want that.
And the baizuo get EXACTLY what they deserve.
The jew has complete control over women right now, we were being bred out long before mgtow came into existence, this is just checks and balances. Most mgtow people ive seen arent swearing off women completely just western skanks.
Yeah the media even had the audacity to portrait him as the "good boy dindu nuffin" type later on.
Making up bullshit stories how he was dragged into it by his friends and wanted to get out, regrets everything etc.
The day he was arrested there were riots in Molenbeek that got quickly swept under the rug and not a single report about it was made.
I was talking about Brit muslims mate.
>Too modern to have an arranged marriage. Too Islamic to date.
>Hate what other Muslims in his community have become and turn to radicalization thus getting arrested, never to be released.
>Be a 'non-religious' paki woman who marries a Brit with colonial fever.
These three things have lead to UK 3rd+ generation Muslims having a Germany/Japan tier birth rate.
Unfortunately for you Eurofags you don't get pakis but instead niggers.
MGTOW is an attempt at manipulating the relationship market by boycotting women until they sort themselves out.
90% of men are beta (in the eyes of women), but having those men who they view as inferior hound after women creates these unreasonable expectations. By convincing men that women should offer something in return for their love (other than sex) before it's a valuable trade, this could force women to adjust and return to at least a reasonable level.
Women currently have an inflated sense of self-worth, to the point where 5's and 6's think they deserve 10s.
I don't think so. We're seeing governments encroaching too much into people's privacy in the name of "security" while deflecting from and protecting the obvious religious cause of the problem. At some point people will ask "Why is the government coming after me? Why can't they or won't protect my children? Why are they acting so ignorant about this?" Even the most brain dead Liberals have some humanity.
yay! we won! with this im sure isis went running to hide in their caves and now they wont attack us anymore!