Spain Thread General
Spain Thread General
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This whore is the president of the Madrid Province, another cuckservative.
Basically a leftist but of the PP party, the cuckservatives, heirs of Franco but nothing more than Merkel dogs now.
The ones ruling Spain at the moment.
I don't know if it's because the commies (podemos) got in power in Madrid or what but this women is pandering to every leftist group
Anonymous (ID: 2/zhd3vj) 05/25/17(Thu)12:04:25 No.127030114 ▶
She recently made a law against homofobhia that basically means all kids are now going to learn how to take dick in the ass and just like the law against women violence, anyone that is acused of being homofophic will be automatically guilty unless he proves his innocence.
Such ar things in Spain, our cuckservative party believes you are guilty just because some women or faggot says so and you and not them have to prove your innocence instead of them having to prove the acusation
because spain needs a huge reform and meme warfare
This based catalan bishop of Solsona that demanded to convert muslims in europe now asked himself if homosexuality wasn't caused by the absense of a father figure.
All the leftist are insulting and bashing him wich is understandable.
What makes me mad is that catalan cuckservatives (CIU) also did it.
One mayor of the town of Cerbera of this same party even want to make him persona non grata.
Evolution of muslim population of Catalonia
>1990: 1000
>1995: 36.989 .
>2015: 510.000
>no expulsió
què en diria en Jaume?
yo quick question you guys are separating?
They keep sending them here.
We don't want them.
No we aren't because Catalonia is not majority catalan.
top pepe
k thanks for the clarification
Who should we vote for?
Only 100000 wanted refugees out of 7'5 million but Tv3 8tv La Vanguardia, Ara, Punt, Periodico... they all shill for them
I have no clue.
I just know that everyone I speak to doesn't want muslims here.
The only ones that are "refugees/muslims welcome" are brainwashed wannabe antifa teenager retards, aka not important people.
I hate walking the streets of Barcelona and feeling like I'm a foreigner in my own city.
>They keep sending them here.
sure the call effect of the commies with the "you can sell crap in the streets, we will thell the police that that's ok" is our fault now
>We don't want them.
lie again
Daily reminder to destroy the banks, love your iberian brothers, and resist jewish capitalist and communist dominayion, communism is tge domination of tge jewish mund over you.
The catalanist party just wanted a better financial deal for Catalonia (less than what vasque country has), more spending in infrastructure that would benefit the economy of Catalonia and all of Spain and also demanded PP to stop vetoing catalan being an european language (10 million, more than danish)
But PP is too autist for that so they said there was nothing to even talk about so this why the catalanist party demanded independence wich only the other catalan leftists party wanted before.
You may be at fault Romania.
Eastern Europe is poorer than even the poorest zones of Spain.
The EU is going to cut gibs to Spain to give them to you and the Spanish politicians can't accept both the EU and Catalonia giving less gibs as the south of Spain socialist economy depends on it
sorry forgot the link
Ok point out to me to who wants them here, I can guarantee you it's not the majority.
man you spain cucks on aoe really hate to get a beating why is that ? threatening to ban me from every future diplo game suck on ma dick
>wonders of communism man
sorry about that ain't exactly easy recovering after (((enrichment)))
>>We don't want them.
>lie again
stop your alerta digital brainwashing dude
As I told you, only 100000 out of 7'5 milions want refugees
Do all the foreigners in Catalonia stay in Barcelona?
I'm ok with Catalan and Basque being oficial in the EU even galician or even the Bable if the other countries do the same with their regions, but you can go to Madrid in the middle of the crisis and claim money, because we didn't have any, isn't like we were fine here and Madrid put more money than you
Unfortunately not
Cities of the countryside with less than 50 000 inhabitants already have their own comunities of moors, negros, sikhs, chinks, latinos, pakis and gypsies
It's a full scale invasion, nothing is save, not even the countryside
I shall liberate spain from sudacas, moors, and negro
>I'm ok with Catalan and Basque being oficial in the EU
Well the PP veto that because every concesion to catalan language means less votes in Spain
take out the fueros first then
Ha, I remember you from other threads in wich you asked if you could pass for a spaniard
CUP 336375
700k want refugges
You were cool in 15th century.
If youre spanish you come with me to spain on mission of liberation
What would Spain be like if the Muslims didn't invade? Would you guys still be part of the yacht club?
Serious question.
is sicilian a thing in Europe? is the Sardo a thing? what is France doing with the Rosellon thing? I think they speak catalan there too? and in Sardinia is spoken also, what is Italy doing?
people vote those parties becuase they want and independent catalonia, not because refugees
I remind you that Ciudadanos also wanted 16000 syrians
This is not a problem of regions, or parties, it's a problem in all Europe
All parties seem to want more muslims since this
It's not in their program but once they rule they open the border
But majority of catalan people don't want it
Who is pushing for arperatism natiobalists or them?
don't come to spain
Spanish is also spoken in us
mai pensaría que trobaría un català aquí
de quina part ets?
French are jacobins and they have always tried to genocide the culture of their historic comunities
Spain should've never tried to emulate them on this.
I don't care about you, really, do what you please
I will just to spite you. I'll also bang some Spanish ladies with my superior rioplatense accent
What are you asking for and saying other than insulting?
Fuck this gay earth
I shall, to oust all you moors.
Cada vegada serem més
Jo soc de la Sagrada Familia
Are you spanish or sudaca?
>1990: 1000
>1995: 36.989 .
>2015: 510.000
It's absolutely desperating and depressing.
Why do I keep caring, though, if people is so numb before that invasion?
La meitat aquí som catalans.
Dude you are an egomaniac, we are debating Spain here, don't make this thread about yourself
Come to Spain if you want but don't post your face every 3 posts
We already know you
No one supports a state for whatever you think of an ethnic catalan, and you will not destroy spain.
Are you spanish or burger?
all of them are sudacas, even if they come from the nazis that run away from Nuremberg
un altre de sarrià aquí
>tfw no white ethnostate fuck niggers and spics
>fuck you catalan shitheads you can't have your catalan ethnostate
Kill yourself 60% Tyrone
You're just salty because we're better than you at the only things you're good at, and because the rest of Europe considers you to be about as European as I am
(((They))) hate real diversity.
lol this
Catalonia already is the result of a masive uncontrolled inmigration
Know people that our leftist are leftist because there are 2 milion pure andalusian voting spanish socialists here every four years
You still can be catalan and not independentist.
Dulce et decorum pro patria mori. Spain has forgotten what it fought for.
You are a fake nation that should unite with chile, paraguay and argentina
you are all mestizos, christians and speak castillan
your diference is football and dumb wars
Why doesn't Spain acknowledge being a father to his children. Is it because Spain isn't white?
No such thing as catalan in first space marca hispanica
Brown ppl are illegitimate.
I think you might be whiter than papa Castile with all the German immigrants.
a lot of niggers and poos in barcelona though
Fuck out of here.
I don't think that Catalonia will become independent. I think that's stupid. But if it did, what would happen to FC Barcelona? Would they still play in La Liga or would there be a Catalan League?
Bit if that individual uruguayan is iberian and not mestizo sudaka then he can come with me,
I see the castillan autism is strong in you
Spanish politicians are just stupid, they could be at the front of a south american union but they are too proud for that
Spain denied even having economic ties with their former colonies for years out of anger for them becoming independent
And just like if the 1488 faggots made their white ethnostate the niggers and spics would be cleansed we would want to get rid of all the niggers and spics if we made a catalan ethnostate.
Of course though neither of those two is ever happenig so this is just masturbatory fantasies.
I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy of this board when it comes to giving some people an ethnostate.
You are just mad the Spanish fighting legacy of El Cid lives on in SA and can no longer be found in the home country.
Libertad o la Tumba
Same goes for you burger.
Marca hispanica
They would still play in the spanish league just as the clubs of andorra already do
Top kek, that's like saying you should unite with Morocco
They're salty that everyone calls them non-white so they take it out on South Americans. Doesn't work too well against Uruguay though, because:
Indeed, I probably am.
I'm not brown, retard
They're his children. They are made for the one another. Siesta culture runs strong in his legacies.
How is catalonia an ethnostatw anymore than spain which is more nationalist?
*farts and sends the spanish economy into recession*
oops lads
It's not, that's the fucking point.
These are Uruguayan nationalists, notice anything?
I don't know what you think you are implying
Catalans are from Hispania, yes, like portuguese and the origins of the catalan counties wich are now catalonia is the defense of the border of the Carolingian Empire and the fight against muslims
So what?
>Top kek, that's like saying you should unite with Morocco
That's like the dumbest comparison ever
Morocco and Spain don't have the same language and religion
You do
Why focus on seperatism and statism, when you cant get rid of moor?
Found falangist party then toss all browns in morocco and then you can have whatever state you want.
Join the /esp/ chat! Pic related is the link.
Roman salute and white men. Both illegal in Spain today
Marcq hispania
All the leaders of the independent movements in America were criollos, they were spaniards born in America, they were europeans.
Even now the elite of each of those nations is white.
Spanish doesn't mean castillan
Are you saying that Catalonia and Galicia should secede, then?
Libertad o muerte. By now we're the only Hispanic country with decent nationalists, however few we are.
Oh look, the thread is already flooded with cancerous latino diaspora in Sweden, Australia, the USA and other countries. This is the people that then go to open new threads with titles like "Are Spaniards white? Trust me goy, I'm white Anglo/Nordic, look at my flag"
Who gives a shit about a language, catalonia will be only language in spain, happy now?
So you're confirming that you're butthurt because daddy Germany prefers to bang your whiter Norse sister?
Gothic March > Gothia Launia > Cathalaunia > Catalonia
>refuses to be a father
no catalan has ever demanded that
you are a loony
Nobody in Catalonia wants that.
We don't care what language the rest of Spain speaks, we just want ours for ourselves to be respected and cultivated.
You're stupid as fuck. Stop posting.
That's their choice to make, certainly not yours
And if they did they would had more reasons to do it than any hispanoamerican nation.
One language in spain solely, catalan will be the sole language of spain.
The fall of the Spanish Empire is 100% on you. We settled, we conquered, we fended off the Brits and the Indians. It was Iberian Spain and Spain alone that fucked up the dynasty, that failed to fend off the French, and that gave away half of the New World (and Gibraltar, kek) off to Britain in exchange for help in a civil war you created yourselves.
Spain has been in a cultural deadlock for the last 200 years, at least.