We wuznt even descendantz

At this point what does Africa have going for it?

Other urls found in this thread:


The origin of the early hominids or last common ancestor of the distinct species within genus homo sapien all hailed from the Caucus region. The late Cenozoic Era or Quaternary period is the period when all the adaptations of the races would have occured that make us each distinct species in our selves.

humans were here long before dinosaurs

God created the world in 6 days like the Bible says, retard

>m-muh evolution


It kind of fucks up the whole muh european colonies were bad.
But I'd wait for further confirmation and more studies although it doesn't fit the narrative so I wouldn't even be surprised at this point to find a jew bringing old fossil remains from europe to africa if new finds are done

>wait for further confirmation

These aren't the first fossils to suggest this. The critical theory take over of the entire field of anthropology in the 60s has actively worked to suppress any and all evidence that clearly shows the Out of Africa theory is debunked. They have a definitive political agenda in doing this.

In my case my confirmation would be a friend who is a biologist who won some prize and was unearthing fossils in fucksomethingstan, probably not his field of expertise but he probably knows more about the topic.
I have absolutely no doubt they'd suppress any information about it or discredit/fuck the careers of anyone who show's some light on it like they have done with anyone trying to study human biodiversity beyond blacks are strong and how come white man even compete



last bump

>The word "yom" which is translated into day, week, month, consecutively, time, unspecified period of time, etc. throughout the bible equals "days" in Genesis


it never meant literally days as in 24 hours. idiot.
I am not even religious but this meme annoys me to no end.

it implies that God was using manmade days which is retarded. And they disregard the fact that genesis timeline of events is pretty fucking accurate.

Why is it so hard to believe modern man came from Europe. Isn't that where all the Neanderthals were? We're supposed to believe we started as niggers then somehow became human?

The real missing link here is the one connecting me to Jamal.

Your sisters pussy.

slaves? recources?

Nice try douchebag but I don't have a sister. Crawl back up your mother's twisted fish hole and try again.

So, africans wandered out of europa, found the fertile crsecent, grew lazy and indolent, and barbarised all of their successful and intellectually progressive cultures while the western societies overtook the early gains of the asiatics' orderly societies and scavenged what few advances the africans may have discovered on their own?


accurate in regards to what? if yom can mean "time period" then the fucking thing makes even more sense

We're talking about 8 million years ago with a common ancestor that predates all others. Anything resembling modern man wouldn't have been around until 500,000+ years ago. I'm guessing these early ancestors would've migrated to the african rain forests giving way to the primate species and emerged to evolve in the south of africa. The Sahara desert would've isolated them from interbreeding for most of this time causing them to be set back genetically, much like the australoid being isolated in australia after the land bridges were engulfed. The european/slavic races would've also been separated from harsher climates. Each of these groups would have evolved into the races we see today from a common ancestor that looks nothing like modern man of any race, but each evolved according to the harsh environment they were in, diet, and diseases encountered.

For example african Negroid has developed a sickle cell that offers resilience to malaria.
