R.I.P Western Civilization
And just like that... The mainstream media and normies have already forgotten about Manchester
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Nah somewhere someone is already organising a 1 year anniversary concert with all proceeds going to some weird useless charity and 15% for 'administrative costs'.
Isn't the Philippines being occupied by ISIS right now famalam?
Rest in piece.
Martial Law in Mindanao.
Them ISIS killed innocent christian truckers.
Yes after they expelled the Rothschilds from the Phillipines ISIS came.
Really makes you think
its the infinite cycle its bound to repeat itself until something drastic is done about it lad.
it always goes like this.
>achmed blows himself up
>flag filters on kikebook insert pray for/x
> kike politicians bring the same speaches about muh diversity/ not all mudshits.
>rinse and repeat
i want of this ride.
CNN more concerned about bringing down Trump
I'm considering dropping this news network
It's expected that it's a Muslim doing these things. It's not news apparently
When it's White Guy who committed acts of racial violence it's reported on for months
Yeah, I've been starting to suspect CNN isn't entirely impartial.
I agree. The two scoops news really convinced me that CNN is biased against Trump.
I was a big fan, but I like you guys am finally starting to get it.
It will be an anti-islamophobia charity. Guaranteed.
Oh well at least people here hate immigrants
Are you guys fucking retarded?
People just become numb to these things.
There will be no uprising. People will simply say "that's terrible". And go on with their lives. With so much violence on TV, the lines between reality and fantasy are blurred and apathy is rampant.
Nah 2 of the trending videos in my country are videos of the attack.
The comment section is gold.
You have obvious Sup Forums accounts like "rabbi shekelstein" triggering normies into insulting islam.
>he's never seen a memechain
fuck off
It seems like the conditioning is beginning to work.
Is this just more layers than I can comprehend?
I literally can't even tell anymore famalam.
>There will be no uprising. People will simply say "that's terrible". And go on with their lives. With so much violence on TV, the lines between reality and fantasy are blurred and apathy is rampant.
Yeah, we frogs have been desensitized to violence while at the same time getting told it's our fault and while where occupied with microagressions the water is slowly getting hotter and hotter. Any frog remarking on that rising heat will be drown to not provote any additional violence.
It's over bigots, we won
This will never happen again
>don't look back in anger
Just how utopian are these leftists?
Any reasonable man would have looked back in anger for these muslimfucks.
This isn't true though. Their strategy is logical. They don't want the fire to rise. People are randomly sacrificed for this aim.
No one will apply pollack strategy, it's not very good.
>mass deport while disregarding citizenship (massive hardships to enact)
>Fire up the ovens (sovereignty will be taken from you)
Both of these require massive sacrifices, and the majority doesn't even want them.
Current strategy is massed surveillance and thought crime legislation to not arc up the muslims.
They do stop some attacks, the majority accepting of this strat.
Been working for a lot longer than that bub, even pol is compromised. It went from a politically incorrect board to a politics subplebdit. They move all pol tier posts to bant, and filled the needed janitor positions with Reddit tier mods.
Not sure why I'm still on here myself.
funny thing is I heard about this on a mainstream social media before i heard it here. Why are there no threads on here about it
And warned Soros not to come there, that he had a bounty on his head, quite mysterious
Maybe in America, my mates back home are still talking about it.