>Roger Ailes dead
>O'reilly fired
>Hannity on the firing list
>Ratings plunge
>Only (msm)network to cover Seth Rich & pro-Trump
Sup Forumsacks we must do something about this
Respect to Hannity for keeping this story front and center
>Roger Ailes dead
>O'reilly fired
>Hannity on the firing list
>Ratings plunge
>Only (msm)network to cover Seth Rich & pro-Trump
Sup Forumsacks we must do something about this
Respect to Hannity for keeping this story front and center
Aren't there rumors of a new network emerging?
i wouldn't doubt it. orly could carry a network on his own
Cancelling our cable/subscriptions would be the only responsible thing to do
This pleases me.
If it's gonna be replaced it will carry the cancerous
leftwing propaganda behind a thin veil.
Only one group can truly Red Pill the masses
tucker and hannity are the only 2 stars that station has left, firing either one of them is just another nail in the coffin
Fuck you toothpaste.
You have no stake in the succession wars.
Lauchlin is a piece f shit.
he disrespect everything Rupert and Roger accomplish
I will consign him to subhuman
also you Juden cunt
MediaMatters is behind this, they are trying to pull
advertisers from Fox (especially during the Hannity segment)
I'm betting trump family starts a new org once he's out of office
>be me
>be working for DNC
>love bernie XD
>make reddit name berniepandaXOXO i love bernie so much
>log into work email account
>attention staffers it is Her turn not Bernies
>fuck this
>save emails to USB
>log in to [email protected]
>assange says go innawoods
>give assange firend usb in middle of woods
>hear branch crack 100 feet above me
>look up
>see nigger wearing CIA coat eating a banana in tree
>o shi-
>OOOOEAE AAHH CIAnigger shrieking to sound alarm to other CIAniggers
>pack of CIAniggers chase me out of woods
>if i can only get to starbucks i'll be ok
>go to starbucks drink mocha latte venti fombre
>wave of warmth rushes over me
>forget about CIAniggers
>leave starbucks
>get shot
sleeze bag
finish draining the swamp
Haven't watched hannity in a long time. Maybe I'll start.
bump for Hannity/Fox
Fox News is dead, and I don't care about all these things because its going to happen inevitably as the younger Murdochs are all libtards. But what I do want to hear news on is who is starting a new conservative tv outlet to replace it? This wouldn't be a problem if they had a safe space to go.
bump for Seth Rich
Can't believe this thread goes silent.
Don't you ppl give a shit about George Soros openly attacking anything conservative wether its YouTube or MSM
via MediaMatters and the fact that he is winning?
the future is the internet. who cares about Fox
You must have missed the fact that YouTube
pulled almost all monetization from conservative channels.
didnt this fuck act like a faggot on tv when bush was in power and post 9eleven? he and oriely?
Hannity is going to be a god if he breaks the story the brings down the Clinton machine. Fox News firing him would only hurt Fox, and Hannity will have all the clout he needs to start his own independent media on the web (as long as he doesn't get suicided in the process).
"Keep tuning in to learn The Truth"
"Be sure to buy my books and merchandise"
"Join my online dating site Hannidate"
-political televangelist
Yup. But what was impressive was that he and biggo both were early defectors during the Trump campaign, and even half-honesty in the (((MSM))) can be forgiven.
What he should do is play this up all he can. And if they shitcan him, then he should gather his friends into a new coalition. (((MSM))) is dead anyway. Do the rounds of the independent media. See if he can take Tucker with him to destroy FOX entierly.
Well at least he has the god damn balls
to talk about Seth Rich, I haven't seen any other
MSM outlet doing that.
He's got the entire establishment in full panic mode. This is gonna get gud.
>I haven't seen any other MSM outlet doing that.
Speaking of which, where tf is Ben Swann?
No fucking way will they fire tucker or hannity. Everything else on fox is boring with the exception of their fox and friends. Greg guttfeld is just horrible.
Bottom of a river somewhere. Seriously, his career was destroyed by DNC/media matters. Poor bastard can't even get a job at Mc Donald's now.
The owner of Red Bull is supposed to be starting his own right-wing news network, hoping he does it right. He's been an outspoken critic of multi-culturalism and refugees
We need to go on the offensive.
Start taking down lefty news personalities. Isnt CNN being charged with like dozens of cases of racial bias?
>Sup Forumsacks we must do something about this
>Poor bastard can't even get a job at Mc Donald's now.
He has a huge following, not only on twitter, but his videos regularly go viral on youtube and fb. The guy could make a decent living just off adsense on a personal youtube channel, so I seriously doubt he'd have to settle for such a menial job.
Right before he went dark, he said "Trust me, I know what I'm doing". He investigates for a living, and I think he found a lead that he couldn't pass up. This may all come back full circle with Seth/Kim/Hannity/Awan Bros and shine a light on the furthest depths of corruption, kek willing.
Problem with organizations like WAPO and CNN, is they are no longer designed to make a profit. They are simply extensions of the Democratic Party and they will dump money into them endlessly. They are just PR firms not news outlets.
>They are just PR firms not news outlets.
This. It would be a shame if someone were to reappropriate their logos into hate symbols, since their image is the only thing they have.
So yeah, they probably get millions from big time DNC donors. Still doesnt mean we cant hurt them financially.
The main objective would be to discredit them in the eyes of their liberal audience.
Shouldnt be too hard to do, these people eat their own
That's the profit model you wind up with when you serve the private central banker masters. Whatever keeps the money flowing.
Or the "velocity of money" as the economists and other experts also on the dole rationalize it with their free academic degrees.
They will collapse under their own weight soon. Their trust worthy rating has to be less than 15% At a certain point it doesn't matter how much money you dump into a project. If no one is watching or reading anymore it is a moot point. They will go they way of MySpace where they still exist but they have no influence at all.
The "fake news" thing wont work.
But if sheriff Clarke can be a "white supremacist" so can Don Lemon
Yes they know that their credibility ratings have gone even lower then the public trust in politics.
But they don't give a shit, for the likes of CNN etc its not about making profit anymore.
It's about putting out propaganda for the deep-state.
Or contact their advertisers.
Too many people in this great country have forgotten to have a spine, and a brain. How dumb are these advertisers IT department If they don't realize this is coordinated email attack coming from select locale.
Their advertisers approve of what WAPO and CNN publish. Best thing to do is just boycott anyone you see advertising on rags like wapo. That's what I do anyway.
They didn't even cover Seth Rich.
The local Fox station did, and then bitched out and retracted.
All Hannity did was take everyone for a ruse ride.
Plus, the DNC is in even bigger shit than Seth Rich over the Awan brothers, but Fox hasn't said a word about that.
What the fuck... do these people even proofread their articles before posting them?
>Local black sheriff hates all niggers
>Here he is with Jeff sessions at a KKK rally
its the Guardian too. Not even Daily Kos or Occupy Democrats
Frankly, it's somewhat disturbing that somebody from Ireland even knows what the Daily Kos is or how it fits in to the big picture. I'm sorry our (((media))) and our (((politics))) are this toxic.
Their advertisers would jump ship if the WP symbol became more synonymous with White Power instead of Washington Post.
From my understanding, what's going on is a backdoor coup by Rupert Murdoch's libshit kike-loving kids. They're trying to reformat the network to be a more typical leftist media venue. Partly because of their own politics, and partly because they need approval from the EU to get that merger with SkyTV, IIRC. Got show that you're a good goy and such.
Regardless, Ailes was fired. O'Reily was fired. Megynecology Kelly quit. And now Hannity is on the chopping block, and Tucker will probably be next after that. And it just so happens that Ailes dies of a "head injury" literally the day after Fox breaks the Seth Rich story? Pure coincidence, of course.
This is a double-edged sword though. FOX NEWS IS CONTROLLED OPPOSITION, for the most part. It's there to make conservative boomers THINK they're getting the real deal ("not like the liberal media!") when in reality, it's basically the same shit. Look at how Fox was shitting on Trump during the primaries and trying to blackpill all conservative voters during the general election. So if continuing to fire well-respected conservative pundits causing the station to crumble in on itself, then good.
Maybe it will allow these guys to set up a new station. Obviously I'm not expecting Sup Forums news here, but imagine if there was an /r/the_donald-tier civic nationalism station? It's still certainly be a good step. Remember, boomers (who are the largest, whitest, and most conservative group in america) ONLY GET THEIR NEWS FROM THE TV. So anything better on the news, the better for us.
>Ratings plunge
really? on Fox? It doesn't seem to me that Hannity viewers would tune out because he is covering the Seth Rich story. Are these actual ratings or (((ratings))).
The ratings plunge isn't from Hannity covering Seth Rich. It's from Fox News deliberately sabotaging their own network by blackballing its most popular shows like O'Reily and Hannity.
good post
a new network would be nice; maybe Breitbart could go into broadcasting
I see
Doubt there was an actual drop in hannity' ratings. Yeah I'm sure conservatives were angry that he talked about Seth rich and millions of them decided to watch Maddow instead. That's what media matters would have you believe anyway. If they fire Hannity, they might just as well sell the company after that. I don't know that they are that dumb.
They should just use YouTube and forget about cable deals with the dying media. Breitbart would take off like a rocket.
Eight years is a long time to wait, though.
I deliberately keep up with it. Its fun! Irish politics and news is really boring
What's wrong with Greg?
Many valid points in that statement. Fox was the top of the mountain for many years, but with newer platforms like online media, the change for our generation will be inevitable.
The online right media is big for us younger people, but there really isn't a coordinated group yet like Fox.
Small to Medium size platforms like Rebel Media will get bigger. If Hannity goes, he's a must sign free agent.
8 years is looking more and more likely everyday. They refuse to reform or admit fault. And their biggest problem is: they have no platform. Despite what anyone says, unseating Donald Trump is not a platform or a political position.
Exactly. Fox News is basically just sitting there and preventing anything better from coming up, as is the purpose of controlled opposition. Breitbart getting into broadcasting would be the most logical thing.
>fuck TV, just use youtube
No, see > Remember, boomers (who are the largest, whitest, and most conservative group in america) ONLY GET THEIR NEWS FROM THE TV. So anything better on the news, the better for us.
I agree that TV news is a dying format and no one should use it. But we're talking about people who grew up in a different time and a different mindset. It's like trying to convince your grandma to torrent TV shows off the internet rather than paying for HBO and cable. Not going to happen. Boomers (and many GenXers as well) get their news almost exclusively through the TV. It's just how they were raised. They aren't like us in that they grew up with the internet.
There NEEDS to be something on TV for the boomers. If you just have youtube news, the boomers won't watch it. They'll end up watching CNN instead, which is infinitely worse than FN.
I think Hannity realizes getting fired is the least of his concerns atm.
Remind what platform Trump has again? Tax cuts for the rich? Making liberals mad?
Fox needs to die. It pandered to the liberals by firing O'Reilly. Let it be a lesson. Some other new conservative channel needs to come forward
Hannitdate went away a long time ago and he hasn't wrote a book since 2004
>Building the wall
>Getting rid of Obama care
>Cut runaway spending on gov projects
>Bringing jobs back to America
>Tax reform
He still has lots of work to do, but before he runs for a second term he will have accomplished much of that I believe.
We have to do something about mmfa though. They are doing everything to silence conservatives and their shills constantly derail good threads over here
I think Hannity's radio show is big enough that he doesn't even need to be on Fox at all. If I were him, I'd be more concerned for my life than my wallet.
You're right that old media like cable news is dying. The younger generations don't sit down and watch these news stations. They get their shit online. But there is still a huge portion of people (particularly boomers) who still get their news from 24/7 news channels. So it can't be totally written off.
As far as internet media goes, we've mostly been living in the Wild West of the internet, except we're now at the tail and and "civilization" is knocking at our doors and trying to tame and control it.
Its what they deserve for 2012 and the Rubio took 3rd he totally won the debate tonight...
Mm4a will be defunded once they fail in 2018 midterms. They will close up shop and try something new after another horrible defeat. Even the DNC/Globalists will only fund you for so long with no results.
Do they approve of directly funding the subversion of an active terror investigation?
I wonder what their comment on that is.
Aye, that was some bullshit. Paul's problem was that he was trying to be the better man. All the bullshit they pulled against Paul, they also pulled against Trump. But Trump was able to overcome it because of his aggressive behavior and willingness to call out the people trying to snub him. And of course having deep pockets of his own money.
Rush said they moving to the left to make it easier to buy and be involved with other properties or something. Said the people in charge think it's going to be a short term lose for a long term gain. Obviously this is going to blow up in their face. Retarded Murdoch sons.
It was the perfect storm. Trump dominated in 2016 because most everyone else was so corrupt and such an easy target. Trump came out of the gate swinging hard and telling the establishment to eat shit. To the American people who felt forgotten, he was the answer and I'm very glad he won.
Ditto. Draining the swamp is also a campaign promise that has been well underway since he took office. While he's been unable to outright ban travel from the middle east, I respect that he cares enough about national security to, at the very least, mobilize the more stable regional powers against Islamic terrorism and ISIS. While the (((MSM))) and (((Twitter trends))) shove corporate moral grandstanding down our throats (Ben & Jerry's banning the double scoop for instance), Trump has accomplished something yuuge in the war on Islamic terror, and it's being ignored. This means that people aren't being educated as to what this will mean for the future - they're not learning anything about it at all.
B&J banned the double scoop?
Holy shit lol.
I think if fox goes, there won't be another to replace it. How many conservative outlets are there in, say, the UK?
Fox is literally the only conservative cable channel that has any real following.
>When your dank memes are spilling over from our collective unconscious into base density
There's no turning back now.
This is a good thread. Pleasantly free of shills too.
That's the thing; they're not going to go. They want to boil the frogs slowly by moving left at a gradual pace. I bet the decision to replace Hannity was in the works, but they had to blow their wad prematurely because he brought up SR.
Do it. There are gullible reporters out there that will turn Pepe, Kek, & the OK hand sign into white supremacy symbols.
Time for WaPo & NYTimes.
OAN is the only hope but its not even carried by all cable
Fox is the only network that wasn't invited to Clinton/Podesta private dinners during the campaign. Per Podesta WikiLeaks e-mails.
2016 was also the first time Fox got to host a presidential debate, despite them being the largest cable news network basically ever since they were founded.
I want a right-wing, competent VICE like news outlet. Something that criticizes multiculturalism and immigration but also isn't a bunch of old faggoty religious nutters and free-market obsessed globalists.
What would be the requirements for such a station to be set up? What would be the risks? It obviously can't be Sup Forums tier but where would the line be drawn?
For broadcast? You might be able to buy up the dying pieces bit by bit, but I don't think that's really the winning game. That'd just be a way to advertise or put out hook messages or whatever.
You'd probably either want to buy or hook up with an existing independent network if you want to go for the station approach. Distribution would be the issue. If you're not going to survive and ads, donations, and selling penis pills, then you'd probably want to get out in front with leveraging mass-delivery systems along the lines of amazon and netflix but innovate even further into the future to make it easy and desirable for people to choose your content option.
imo the subscription thing is not all the way there. You can bundle it, I suppose, to bootleg on other major subscription services. But I suspect a more limited almost pool-style pay per view with a minimum amount of free (which you could perhaps manage by buying up unused bandwidth leveraged against your paying customers) built in for casuals. Kind of like how US health care is having to face the problem of how most people don't want or need to pay a lot to subsidize stupid things, but still would like a limited socialization of catastrophic health care costs.
>isn't a bunch of old faggoty religious nutters and free-market obsessed globalists.
So, not right wing at all?
Are you implying neocons and neolibs are conservative?
fuck it make it the Sup Forums network...it would grow wildly...you already have an unlimited supply of advertising material and the ability to viral market which is far more powerful that dinosaur ads.
if we can make it both a political group and a network can we not get shut down due to first amendment?
Surely there's enough philanthropists to set up some company which could fund red pilled projects. I miss being able to enjoy the arts without immediately becoming aware of the all the kike propaganda. You know we're fucked when the best comedy we have is MDE and Murdoch Murdoch
>it's actually real
now that's pretty funny
they went to shit when they started sucking trumps dick and defending everything he does. they were for a moment pretty good. also cancelling redeye was when I knew the they were trash